Teatales's posts
Posted in ˖✧ The Fabulous Frosted Frozen Festival ✧˖ {OPEN!}
Posted 5 years ago
@eyry: trying not to. Soon I will be able to sit without the hoodies hood covering my eyes xD
Also is there any reason why we suddenly have candycanes currency? new event coming?
Also is there any reason why we suddenly have candycanes currency? new event coming?

Posted in ˖✧ The Fabulous Frosted Frozen Festival ✧˖ {OPEN!}
Posted 5 years ago
Happy holidays * sits trying not to get blinded by the sun that has been super hysterical the past 2 hours *

Posted in If Santa was really real! Post your Santa Real life wish list XD
Posted 5 years ago
A 2-room apartment
playstation 4
A tattoo
A tv-stand
A bookshelf or CD-holder
A shoeshelf that can fit into my entré
clothes from attitudeholland, draculaclothing ( and a few other places I currently cant remember )
Greenish blue contacts with long expirationdate.
A new jacket, t-shirts, shirts..
playstation 4
A tattoo
A tv-stand
A bookshelf or CD-holder
A shoeshelf that can fit into my entré
clothes from attitudeholland, draculaclothing ( and a few other places I currently cant remember )
Greenish blue contacts with long expirationdate.
A new jacket, t-shirts, shirts..

Posted in Community Discussion @ 5 PM Voltra Time
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yeah just realized which is why i chnged my original post

Posted in Community Discussion @ 5 PM Voltra Time
Posted 5 years ago
I'll see if I remember to be there. if my math is right it should be at midnight my local time.. ( currently 5.08 pm )
EDIT: oh it was 11th december. sorry the I missed it despite being on discord at the time ^^; ( yeh I live in a country wher we take the day before the month hence the misunderstanding )
EDIT: oh it was 11th december. sorry the I missed it despite being on discord at the time ^^; ( yeh I live in a country wher we take the day before the month hence the misunderstanding )

Posted in After the event hangout
Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: Hiya. I am fine. trying to pull myself together to get to bed. Planning to do a bit moreof cleaning tomorrow, probably followed by some painting. tryng to disract myself from my usual going-to-føte-to-buy-hot-chicken... As there will be an even cheaper chicken in a more local store the day after. Which I plan to boil into a soup, and make some tarteletter for the next 3 days. :) How about you?
@totalanimefan: yeup it is quite old, but also rather active as I see it. It got a bit of an lagging issue right now though as they just moved to some other servers as I understood it. But they are working on it.
@totalanimefan: yeup it is quite old, but also rather active as I see it. It got a bit of an lagging issue right now though as they just moved to some other servers as I understood it. But they are working on it.

Posted in After the event hangout
Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan:subeta? ah yeah they are pretty much alive. Rediscovered the page back in august as they sent me a jubilee link thing.. first thought it was spam or a mistake so used the librarys computer to check the link out, but it was just that page, and discovered I had an account there.. made 7 years ago X_X;;;

Posted in After the event hangout
Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: Yeah I have decided to stay at home and fore myself not to go to stores unless absolutely neccessary. My body has undoubtfully been stressed as well too. Now just chilling with subetas event, and a movie. Might get back to those freebies later tonight or this week.

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
@Jolly: Yes I 100% agreee. It would be great if we could save or somehow hide old avatars outfits so it would be WAY easier to find an old but beloved avatar look, so you can change between whaat you fel for a the day ( or event it might be or ;) )

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
@jolly: IT is mainly Ice and marhmallow colors 8'D Though I feel something is missing at the neck/houlder area but scf doesnt do anything good for the look.. Your current concept is also wonderful I really like the hair as well as the flowercrown thing. <3

Posted in After the event hangout
Posted 5 years ago
@totalanimefan: I decided to force myself to stay home and try to relax after my grocery shopping today. so that I first will get outside again on thursday ( and that only to pick up a chicken for dinner for the following 2-3 days ) Apparently I've been so stressed that when I got home from groceryshopping yesterday I had forgotten to pack 3 items from the grocery store. I only discovered that I was missing the 1 item in the start.. that one I could pick right up... The other 2 and much more important items as they were part of my dinner.. first remembered about 8 hours laster at which point the stre hd been closed for 2 hours. such a waste of mony. but honestly that i stuf that happens when you mix two persons groceries on a rolling-line-thing ( you know the oe that comes after the counter.? ) and the other person have 2 small kids and a LOT of baggage to place everywhere around her.. >>;

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago
@jolly: Thanks. I prepared it about a week ago. Despite I love when it has warmer colors, the cool colors fits better for the season ^^,' ( and Voltras theme )

Posted in Voltra's Runway | Fallin' for Autumn | ENTER BY NOV 25TH
Posted 5 years ago
I wish I could find more wintery- backgrounds like the ones @Zuzu: and @star2000shadow: got.. but I bet they are hiding in old monthly items.. *stare thughtfully into distance *

Posted in Twitch
Posted 5 years ago
I watch Devilsluckgaming ( and now.... apparently also jingle cats.... )