Teatales's posts
Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
ly moly I look away for 5 mins ans suddenly 36 new messages here you'r eactive xD

Posted in Breaker Beach Event FAQ
Posted 5 years ago
@Kent: Unfortunately is my phone too small and with a way too cracked screen for it to be something I would even dare to try when im on voltra or any other social page in the same style it is always on my laptop

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
I need.. everything .___.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
dont stress? hahahah yeah im not stressing when im in my own apartment but at my parents its more stressful as im 1. cold hands and 2. have a LOUD television rigt behind me which will be running till 2-3 am an yes im at my dds aprtemtns now..
and also trying to spam enough o get the tokes for the gatherings
I have 30 tokens... bdges..
and also trying to spam enough o get the tokes for the gatherings
I have 30 tokens... bdges..

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
if I draw it will first be in about *looks at time * 5-6 hours as I cannot draw on this laptop

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
but.. where do you get the team unirom from? can you get it already? * so confused on how to get it *

Posted in (︶ω︶)
Posted 5 years ago
Go get the kitty rescued. I look forward to see it evolution. that its a kitty just makes it even better <3

Posted in (︶ω︶)
Posted 5 years ago
@eyry: yeap it is today exactly a week sine she had the surgery, which lasted 12 hours, where she had to get 2/3 of her heart exchanged for robotics and are currently waiting to hear the doctors judgement on whenever she should get a pacemaker or not. which itm? the kitty one or..?

Posted in (︶ω︶)
Posted 5 years ago
clawful wildcat posting thread? oO but yes A LOT of posting to be don to be able to cgather stuff * cross my ingers I will be blt to spam enough to get enough tokens for the gatherigs dspite me HATING spamming as i never know what to write*
but for now I have to return to translating a good 20 ish pages for a friend that is recovering from open heart surgery
but for now I have to return to translating a good 20 ish pages for a friend that is recovering from open heart surgery

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
urgh rain started and temperature dropped= very cold hands and me missing my blanket which is in the other end of the country.

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Im in my dads apartment... first time seeing him again since December last year. * uspect I wont be able to get much of te evet items thank to having to spam so much JUST to get some scrabs to ' build' the items themself... nless ther eis something I have overseen..

Posted in Breaker Beach Event FAQ
Posted 5 years ago
There are a lot of things I love about this event, but also one thing I find rather annoying, Im not sure if I am the only one having the issue but in the minigame with Velvet, it takes rather long for it to react to my clicking ( like I need to click 3-5 times before it reacts,) and if I use the up-down-left-right-keys it just pushes 2 blocks at a time, thuogh it is faster it does not do any good when it takes 2 blocks at a time....
I am not at all good at thee kind of 'puzzles ( I cant real ever having been able to finish one ) but the slowness in the game reacting to my clicking, definitly has done that I pretty much has given up on at least attempting to solve the 'puzzle '..
I am not at all good at thee kind of 'puzzles ( I cant real ever having been able to finish one ) but the slowness in the game reacting to my clicking, definitly has done that I pretty much has given up on at least attempting to solve the 'puzzle '..

Posted in (︶ω︶)
Posted 5 years ago
: I agree@pachi:
I know~ I just love the hat <3
@dragoness129: I agree the colors and outfits are VERY similiar
★ ★ ★
team sound's outfits are cute hahaha
I know~ I just love the hat <3
@dragoness129: I agree the colors and outfits are VERY similiar

Posted in Team Sound Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
hrng I just want some chips... but haveto wait till dinner is ready * not sure when my dad wil put that over*
Yeah here the situation is srta under control, but we've gotten a raise in people with corona getting on hospitals during the weekend.. Was at a big sore earlier today to et som food for my father, it was stressfull , very. but at least there were a lot of room.. untill you had to pay... ><
Yeah here the situation is srta under control, but we've gotten a raise in people with corona getting on hospitals during the weekend.. Was at a big sore earlier today to et som food for my father, it was stressfull , very. but at least there were a lot of room.. untill you had to pay... ><