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Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
and how do you get out of the games control settings? ( am on keyboard ) its not enter nor backward key nor z And I have NOT ound out how to save the game either ><

@eyry: Ys yes it is....
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
*peeks in frustrated by the game from Velvet in the little game-thingy *

( I think it was Velvet, correct me if im wrong but the; move bricks to create a picture thing..? never been my strong suit been spending 20 mins trying it out now... also find the controls a bit hard sometimes it is super slow in reacting other times not.. oO; )
Posted in which team are you joining?! Posted 5 years ago
I joined team sound cause; cute hat! xD Also.. did this eent start today or 3 days ago? if it started 3 days ago I first got the notification about it today. .__.'
Posted in Team Sound Cabin Posted 5 years ago
Sound's in tha house! \o/ * disappointed that there aint any musically symbols in the smilies*
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
Oh poor little dear. Of course we will try to help the little kitty!
Happy pride! *tosses around with rainbows *
Posted in The Surge: May Commons! Posted 5 years ago
*snatches that bob * <3
Posted in The Surge: May Crates & Bonus Ohms Posted 5 years ago
oooh I love Dreams of Delight and fable, so gorgeus and cute and just overall bedazzling <3
Great work on them.
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber lynne: Oh I know it aint easy been trying to fx it for a month but its ow gtten so bad I first manage to sleep aroudn 9.30 am so I realy have to get earlier to bed and not whiel its light outside ... >>; was close having it back to normal last week but then I had to keep up for a livestream ( last episode in LA By Nights epilogues for this season )
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@amber lynne: yeha I know but I will REALLY want to not sleep till 4 pm today as I did yesterday despite 5 alarmclocks... am on my way to try to fall asleep before 9 am so I hopefully can get the time to call my caseworker, and to get to the library and pick up a book in between 12.00 and 15.00 which is the nly time you can pick up books. My sleepschledue is so messed up its not even funny.

Edit: copy paste from photo challeng comment; Im definitly late and even though I could do some of this [ got a bicyce outside my window, ribbons at my desk, sugar in the kitchen. jewelry, feathers, teabags, a basket ( i think at least its the type of basket that is asked for ) bookmarks, romance novel ( even though in danihs ) plush a bit of candy, umbrella, a par of rain'anklets' boots-ish... broom small lights, clown nose + makeup, fruits and veggiesa treeee outside my window, grass also outside window egg in fridge,

Ive been cooped up compltly forgotten about it distracted by real life for whatever reason.. and allergies. only chace I would had had to get the photos that demans me gouing outside would have been monday which was the firt time in 3 weeks its been raining.. And yes I could take the photos now but with all the sending-from-phon-to-mail-resize-find-a-place-to-upload-copy and paste all the links, it would be way past th e time limit when done. ^^;;; the photo chanllenge is else usually the only challene I use to participate in but oh well thats just life I guess..
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber lynne: Unfortunately not, its too late now as the photo challenge ( and other challenges I assume ) ends at 12pm Voltra time which it should be past now... ( and hre its now 6 am XD )
Listening to the morningbirds whiel airing out my apartment the litle bit I can before heading to bed.. being grumpy at myself and just hoping I got enough love letters for whatever is going to be in the jamboree when event is closed. ... and now I remmbered that I should have changed lens solution yesterday * hurries to do now *
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
*grumpy grump at self for for some reason having completley thrown out out my head that therewas more to the event than just the daily 'lock- up date game thing * And now its too late for this stressed allergyfilled dummy *facepalms*
Posted in Crop it Like it's Hot: Photo Scavenger Hunt Posted 5 years ago

I am so late to vibrance day celebrations!!! Oh noooo

you say you're late... * points at self * yeah Im definitly late and even though I could do some of this [ got a bicyce outside my window, ribbons at my desk, sugar in the kitchen. jewelry, feathers, teabags, a basket ( i think at least its the type of basket that is asked for ) bookmarks, romance novel ( even though in danihs ) plush a bit of candy, umbrella, a par of rain'anklets' boots-ish... broom small lights, clown nose + makeup, fruits and veggiesa treeee outside my window, grass also outside window egg in fridge,

Ive been cooped up compltly forgotten about it distracted by real life for whatever reason.. and allergies. only chace I would had had to get the photos that demans me gouing outside would have been monday which was the firt time in 3 weeks its been raining.. And yes I could take the photos now but with all the sending-from-phon-to-mail-resize-find-a-place-to-upload-copy and paste all the links, it would be way past th e time limit when done. ^^;;; the photo chanllenge is else usually the only challene I use to participate in but oh well thats just life I guess..