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Being grumpy is understandable

Sleep is very important
How is he doing?

I will get to it shortly, Nyuu

Good afternoon Ama xD

I'm writing a few things for the Blooming Letters thing as we speak

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Made an event thread! Click!

@Ixora: I should've bought pie yesterday, while I was at the store

@Ixora: the torture!

@Ixora: bon appetite!

@Ixora: oh I will

@Fielkun: okay I will then xD

@Fielkun: just 1 thing, is it for 10 ticket or 11? 10 tickets would be 310 and 11 tickets 341 and you sent 331 volts
@Ixora: I live alone, so....
But hey, more pie for me

@Ixora: not sure yet. It depends on what they have.
Right now, my brain is just going: "pieieieieieieieieieie"
@Fielkun: the first ticket sold ;c;

I just had lunch
@Ixora: not yet, but I will go buy some soon. I tortured myself too much
@Fielkun: sure, but, as you can see in the rules, it's self service

@Ixora: imagine how it was making this thread

Everything set up!

Now to make it prettier...