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Big enough to cover up the scars and not that huge

I’m thinking of a dog paw print on one side and a cat paw print on yhe other

That has to be huge to cover my nipples

Nope, not at all. Better to get a regular chest tattoo then. That will probably be cheaper too.

And they have to do it up to 3 times

I had that the complete weekend

Thanks to the surgery, there is scaring around my nipples and the doc said it would be easy to fix with a tattoo.
I looked up the prices for it. First place said "from 70€ onward". Now I finally found out how it would be for nipples and man... 300€ per nipple o.o
The tattoo on my arm was 75€

And it will be good for you

And a few days where you don't have to take care of your uncle

I know the feeling

When my mother just got out of the hospital, her voice was almost completely gone. She still managed to fight loud with my brother a lot. Those days, I was so happy with the noise cancelling headphones.

That isn't too bad

Hope it will all go well

Today was okay. He did the nagging about his health but also asked how I was. He hasn't done that in... a long time

I'm okay with the dog, just not my brother's constant nagging and 'oh my health is not good'