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Apparently... and they must live nearby

Ok, I’ll update the list in a sec

Yesterday, I met a woman in town and she asked me if I was still DJ-ing
My reaction: “...ey?”
“You were a DJ, right? Together with someone else?”
No I never did that.
“But you were doing something in music!”
No, woman. I never did any of that. o.o

My family is “everyone has to want kids”

My family had a small heart attack when I said no babies

She doesn’t like human babies too much and she dislikes little girls

I won’t make any kids either

Then go to sleep

Woezel has tried to kidnap the kitten of my neighbours before and brought me a mouse she found, so I’d take it with me

Woezel is my dog

She just wants to get all the babies

No she wants more babies

Woezel just met the 9 week old boxer puppy of the neighbours.
She got sad when she wasn’t allowed to kidnap it.

@Shadami: that was the plan for my mother. It took her 2 days of labour before my bro came out.
When she got pregnant with me, they said she would need a c section.
She got in labour and 2 hours later the doctor came to see if she had to go to hospital already. 15 minutes later, I was there.

Time for some rest and coffee
@Shadami: good luck trying to push him out!

I never eat fish

@Shadami: my mother’s pregnancy with my brother was like yours now.
Result: a 6 feet 10 guy with adhd
I was just chilling out in her stomach


And off to bed wih me