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@pixiebuns: What kind of stuff? Art?

@pixiebuns: Hey there pixie!

@Taemins Lover: Maybe I should create more useless sims XD

@Taemins Lover: I would if this place was quick at the moment.

I am wondering what I should do besides chatting here XD

So I am back :D

I am going off for dinner now. Bye bye. Will be back :)

@pixiebuns: Not really. My neck hurts so I am stuck at home. It is getting better but it is going slow.

@pixiebuns: Hope your back get's better soon.

@RainbowPanda: Sended the trade and here you go:

Original size:

@pixiebuns: I am doing good. How are you?

@RainbowPanda: If you send me money I will hoard it just so you know XD

@RainbowPanda: If you wanne donate that would be really sweet of you :)

@RainbowPanda: I got 3 numbers too XD
Wow that is a lot of volts. Everything on my quest list is a I want them someday.