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@Totalanimefan: Have you already thought of a new posting style? XD

@Arcius: Doing okay. Need to take my medicine in a couple of minutes.

@Arcius: Hey there how are you?

I should grab something to eat and then take my medicine.

@Totalanimefan: I hope we get some more. Or otherwise suggest some more.

@Totalanimefan: It looks good. However you almost look like a ghost with that skintone on my screen XD

@Totalanimefan: That is a really good idea.

@Totalanimefan: I probably wouldn't be able to look at numbers anymore for hours XD

@GuttedBunny: At a strip club? XD

@Totalanimefan: Sounds like a long progress.
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 7 years ago

60k at the moment.

Well that will give you real live money!

@Totalanimefan: What are you working on.
Dragon lurking won't get you volts. Unless you don't want those XD Then you can just give them to me XD

@GuttedBunny: I see you are ready to go to a party with those lips and clothes.