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I bought some stockings and then when I went to the shoe shop and selected the casual boots this happened:

Not sure if it's just a shop bug.

@mdom: I first need to buy some items then XD

@mdom: You got me thinking. Maybe I should make a red, white and blue avatar XD

@RainbowPanda: Yay on that!

I am a proud orange head XD

@mdom: Well hello there TV head XD

Sorry for poofing. My nini snes had arrived.

@RainbowPanda: Good on finishing another one!

@Taemins Lover: I am in photoshop at the moment.

@Lithinel: Okay good to hear :)

@Taemins Lover: I am doing okay.

@Taemins Lover: What are you up to and how are you?

@RainbowPanda: Good luck on that.
@Lithinel: Doctor? What problem are you having? I am in photoshop
@Taemins Lover: Well hello there XD

@RainbowPanda: Good on you for finishing the cartoon!