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I am always online when I can XD

Urrrg there seems to be something wrong with chrome :(

@Panda: Yo there panda!

You love talking to us to much XD

@Paranoia: By not paying attention while talkinig to us XD

Hmmm I should go an create some sims stuff again XD

@Taemins Lover: Are you me? Same here.

@Paranoia: What $400? What kind of card do you want then? Mine wasn't that expensive and it's definitly a good card.

@Paranoia: My old card died a few weeks back.

I had photoshop crash on my sometimes. And I not always had the file saved.

@Paranoia: I should be here earlier tomorrow :)

Guys what do you think of this banner? I made it yesterday for my selling thread :)

@Paranoia: That sucks about being in a super differnt time zone. However with me it is 2PM. So if I wasn't in town we could have talked earlier already.

@Paranoia: Well more time to chat then XD