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It is dead in here!

@Arcius: I like to keep myself busy XD

@Arcius: It sure is. Enough work for days XD

I am making a private list on tumblr with sims 4 hairs I still wanne retexture. The list will only be TSR hairs. But oops it is gonne be huge XD

@Lunakiri: Our one is large enough. The one we had on vacation was not.

@Lunakiri: I just took a bath yesterday.

@Arcius: My neck hurts on the right. But because of that my left side now hurts as well.

@Arcius: Hey there how are you?

@Lunakiri: Hey there. I am seeing you went green XD

@Taemins Lover: I see it is dinner time for me. Gotte leave. Bye bye :)

@Taemins Lover: After time all you can do is clicking XD

@Taemins Lover: Good job! Big girl XD

@Damia Flagg: Napping is for losers XD

@Damia Flagg: Okay bye bye :)