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Here in my country you always earn more if you have weekend shifts.

Dammit just when I thought I was done with retexturing all these new pretty sims hairs another one comes out.

@Taemins Lover: Wow that is really low. In my country you would be on wellfare then. But I guess that's since you don't work a lot?

@Paranoia: Wow I wish we had that. I earn 20k a year and need to pay 35% in the future.

@Damia Flagg: We have two tax brackets in the future. The lowest one is 35%

Our taxes will change. In my case that means I am having to pay more when I don't earn a lot.

@Taemins Lover: Same in my country.

@Damia Flagg: I love both

@Paranoia: Wow I am glad I don't live in the states. Those types of things are not allowed here.

@Paranoia: Yes it does.
@Damia Flagg: Just look at the pretty polishes I posted.

@Damia Flagg: I now have a thread on roliana XD

@Damia Flagg: Yes I was there a whole lot XD

@Damia Flagg: It was DarkMoonSlayer :)

@Damia Flagg: That wasn't me :0 The name of the person is on the tip of my tongue XD

@Paranoia: Yeh and I got both versions. The top polish was 50 cents XD The other one was around $10.

I joined end of august. I had an alpha key.