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No panda you love us because at page 2000 you will throw another page prize at us XD

I never had problems on my tablet either.

I got 99 problems but that ain't one XD

I am not having problems with that panda.

@Winter: Well then this is the place to be to earn more volts.

@Panda: An hour lunch is good.

I always collect all cat stuff.

@Halestorm: Hey there.

I will only enter the halloween avatar entry and not bother with the cosplay one.

Yes halfway done with my second set.
I was once stung by a botfly.

Being stung by a wasp doesn't sound like fun either.

So many great halloween avi's in this thread.
I was never stung either by a bee.

Yeh I am sure it is going to be a page prize. In worst case it will be a full event set XD

@Melite: Welcome back

@Miss Kitty: Well then focus on that second set.