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85 I gave in and bought something on aliexpress. It was an eyeshadow dupe and I know it will be removed soon.
@island: Hi there island. It is from one of the pre launch items.
83 It seems I have updates for my laptop.
@Totalanimefan: Can't live without one.
82 O no my laptop is spacing.
81 I can do multitasking. I go for triple the post I need today XD
80 I'll lose hours of my live chatting with you guys too XD I got nothing better to do at the moment.
79 Get broke from what? Things don't cost a thing over there XD
@bum: It is a chinese site for cheap makeup, clothes etc. I am looking at the eyeshadow section now.
77 Guys help me! I am browsing aliexpress. Not good for me XD
76 Panda would say "What is PG13 it doesn't exist" XD
75 Yeh we as females got no real hips.
74 Go crossdressing!
73 Yes a gifting option would be cool. Maybe we will see it in the future.

Cute is always good.
72 Wow already doubled the posts I needed a day XD