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@bum: Yay bum appeared. Time for some booty talk XD
Posted in Newbie guide {Open} Posted 7 years ago

Shop till you drop. The shops are there to give your avatar a boost. To go there click on the shops link in the top left. When you go there you will find 7 shops. The last one is not in use yet. And the first one is for when you donate. All the other shops are shops where you can buy with volts. Our posting currency. To buy something click on one of the shops. I use Vivacious Hair for this guide.

Here you can find all hairs. To buy one and see what it looks like click on it. Don't worry you are not buying anything yet.

Here you will see an example of the hair + all color options available. Click the colors to try them out. Once you found the color you like click the purchase button. Done the item is now in your inventory. If you want to buy an item in a colour you already own you will get a warning. If you click the colour it will say "You already own this item, would you like to purchase another?". This is to make sure you don't accidently buy the same item twice.
@pixiebuns: Yeh dancing is really great. I have been mainly doing streetdance/hip hop dance. Example:
21 I have been dancing for over 15 years.
20 My dad never gains weight. It is so unfair.

Lazyness never gets you anywhere. Go take a danceclass or go to laboca. Both are really fun.
19 I have big tights and I hate them. I also have stomach fat. I do work out and I do lose weight, just not on my stomach.
@Ginji: You should also try and do a low workout. There are some things you can do at home.
@pixiebuns: Sorry still live at home. I am trying to find my own place but it is hard.
@pixiebuns: I live in The Netherlands.
Posted in Newbie guide {Open} Posted 7 years ago

Posting here is nice but it is better when you have a nice looking avatar. Creating an avatar here is not that hard. You just need to know the ins and outs.

To create an avatar hover over your usericon in the top right. It will say change my avatar. Click on it and it will take you to your inventory. The first tab is called appearance. Here you can add your base, eyes, nose etc. To add an item click on it. When I click on the skin item 5 skin colors pop up. Click on one to add it.

This goes for all items. If you have multiplies of an item they will stacked onto each other. Don't worry you can use them all.

As you can see here once you use an item it will unstack. Once you used 2 poses you can click on the other item to add more poses.
When you are done click save my avatar! Click unequip all if you want to get rid of all items or click on the items in equipped items. If you only want to remove 1 item, click on said item in equipped items.

We also have an outfit closet. Here you can save your favorite avatars. You have 5 free avatar slots. If you want more slots you can buy them. You can also name your avatar.
@pixiebuns: In my country if a dog barks more then 2 hours you can call the cops.

@mdom: I am sure will get there before that.
14 It is 19:39PM with me.
13 For you guys it is XD For me not so. About 4 hours untill bedtime XD
12 I am sure we can go there today.