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71 Guys 11 more pages!
70 Yeh it just says not to spam with white text.
69 When it is moving this fast it definitly is XD
68 Glad we can check our own posts because I jumped one number. Oops.
67 Yeh we are trying to get to page 300.
@Totalanimefan: Boring is no fun
65 I had no idea since it I didn't see it in the rules.
64 I am just over 10k. And I always save the posting style so it is just an easy copy and paste for me.
63 I don't even have time to make myself a posting style.
62 Damm at all those new posts XD So quick. I almost can't keep up.
@Nalight: I need to do the same amount as you
@bum: I think there are about 5 people right now.
@notpapershark: Then you come to the right place. Many people to chat with
@Nalight: How about your posting goal?
58 welcome back dragon