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Posted in Chapter Three: Vivienne Posted 5 years ago

Current Progress
Participants Playing: 15
Correct Answers: 12/12
Posted in Chapter Three: Vivienne Posted 5 years ago
Vontell finds Vivienne to ask her some questions.
She is in a bit of a state and isn't up for questioning at the moment.
Vontell helps her with her hairdryers so she can calm down.

Untangle the appliance chords by finding which prong belongs to which appliance.
Follow the chords to match the letters to their corresponding numbers.
This is a group activity. Working together will help make it easier to find all the answers.
But feel free to work alone as well!
Make sure to put your answers under a spoiler to give others a chance to play.

Once all the correct answers have been found, and at least 15 people have attempted to answer,
the EI Ribbon Candy will be added to Joyful Jamboree.

All participants in this thread will be granted a free Ribbon Candy tomorrow at noon.
(Note: Participation includes any form of posting in this thread. Even if you don’t want to join in the game, show your support!)
Posted in Chapter Three: Vivienne Posted 5 years ago

Seeking Vivienne's presence, Vontell located her within her own store, pulling out hairdryers one by one, and then putting them aside, as if something was amiss. As he entered, the little bell above the door rang, and Vivienne looked up from her hairdryers, her eyes watering a little, threatening tears.

Blinking them back hastily, she choked out a "Y-yes?" She coughed, clearing her throat a little as she heard herself. "So-sorry, I'm just..." she gestured to her hairdryers, "...having a bit of an equipment issue..."

Vontell looked at the pile of hairdryers accruing themselves. "Just a bit?"

Vivienne laughed nervously, "I guess you could say it's a major issue... How am I supposed to work if I can't find a working hairdryer? Nobody wants wet hair." Blinking again, she took in a deep, shaky breath.

Seeing that Vivienne was too distressed at the moment, Vontell moved towards the pile of hairdryers. "I will help you. I am sure we can find a working one among this pile faster if we work together."

Art by Saeyra
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
Hi all! I'll be updating the thread shortly! Thanks for being patient
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago

1-80: Acid
81-85: star2000shadow
86-185: Totalanimefan
186-195: vengeance
196-275: Laufeia
276-305: Xaria
306-505: buggaboy
506-555: Zuzu
556-655: Priestess of Pie
656-660: star2000shadow
661-735: Shadami
736-770: Laufeia
771-780: cashew
781-830: Laufeia
831-840: vengeance
841-890: TeaTales
891-940: Raxton
941-1040: Hachi
1041: Laufeia
1042: Tsundererra
1043: kiwi
1044: shadami
1045: LordLucre
1046: totalanimefan
1047: Queen of Trash
1048: Tsundererra
1049: Wildfire
1050: strawberry
1051: Shadami
1052: Tsundererra
1053: Lina
1054: totalanimefan
1055: Wildfire
1056: totalanimefan
1057: Tsundererra
1058: Queen of Trash
1059: Laufeia
1060: Priestess of Pie
1061: LordLucre
1062: Laufeia
1063: totalanimefan
1064: Lina
1065: Shadami
1066: TeaTales
1067: Tsundererra
1068-1267: Priestess of Pie
1268-1367: Baku
1368-1537: kiwi
1538-1557: vengeance
1558-1607: inatlaka
1608: totalanimefan
1609: ephenay
1610: Miss Sandman
1611: Shadami
1612: Goblin
1613: Lina
1614: TeaTales
1615: Priestess of Pie
1616: totalanimefan
1617: ephenay

Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
The Raffles

How to Gain Entries
● The main way to get entries for the raffle is to purchase them!
    ● 100 Volts = 1 ticket
    ● 20 Event Currency (Skulls or Candies) = 1 ticket

● You can also gain entries by just chatting and winning the page prizes!
● Winners will be randomly generated but prizes will go by order!
● Entries will no longer be accepted after November 12, 5pm Voltra Time and winners will be drawn at November 13, 7pm Voltra Time!


Frog Prince
Queen Bee
Festively Fab
D.J. FURocious
Skunk Punk
Music Box Ballerina
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago

To order your tickets, you will be sending a PM to me, Vivienne, with the amount that you’d like to preorder and how much it will cost! So for example if I were ordering 50 tickets for volts I would send a message saying “I’d like to order 50 tickets for 5000 volts please!”

Then at the end of the event when the entries close, you will receive a trade with a note of exactly how many tickets you purchased and the amount that you owe!

This will allow users to order tickets over the course of the event without waiting on trades or going through that whole process! Entries will still be updated daily but you don't have to pay until the end!

Just be sure you have the amount of volts and/or skulls/candy ready to trade when it ends or you may be disqualified from winning. We surely don't want that, do we?
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
Page Prizes

Event Currency Prizes
● For every page that ends in a 0 or 5, a random person on the page will win 10 Team Event Currency!
skettiyeti, Shadami, Tsundererra, Laufeia, Tsundererra, totalanimefan, Laufeia, strawberry, strawberry, Lina, totalanimefan, Shadami, Tsundererra, Raxton, Wildfire, Queen of Trash, totalanimefan, strawberry, Lina, Laufeia

Volt Currency Prizes
● For every 10 pages, a random person on that page will win 100 Volts!
strawberry, kiwi, tsundererra, tsundererra, Lina, Lina, Raxton, Wildfire, strawberry, Lina

Raffle Entry Prizes
● For every 20 pages, all posters on that page will win a Raffle Entry!
Page 20: Laufeia, Tsundererra, kiwi, shadami
Page 40: LordLucre, totalanimefan, Queen of Trash, Tsundererra, Wildfire, strawberry
Page 60: Shadami, Tsundererra, Lina, totalanimefan
Page 80: Wildfire, totalanimefan, Tsundererra, Queen of Trash, Laufeia, Priestess of Pie, LordLucre
Page 100: Laufeia, totalanimefan, Lina, Shadami, TeaTales, Tsundererra
Page 120: totalanimefan, ephenay, Miss Sandman, Shadami, Gobliin
Page 140: Lina, TeaTales, Priestess of Pie, totalanimefan, star2000shadow, ephenay

Special Page Prizes!
Page 100: 250 Ohms - Winner: Shadami
Page 200: Nefarious Guard - Winner: tba
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago

"H-Hey everyone... Boy, it sure is crazy outside isn't it? I wish everyone would stop fighting, it's actually a little scary... Hahaha....

Oh.. Wait, I know what to do! Let's try to bring back the true meaning of this holiday and have some fun!
Come join me and let's have some fun, you might even win some good treats."

Posted in TIMES UP! Posted 6 years ago
Wow that was exhilarating to watch.

Hope everyone remembers this is just a game and we should be happy for the winner!
Posted in The final hour! Posted 6 years ago
Don't value the food in your house much, I take it?
Posted in The final hour! Posted 6 years ago
The trades have started to pile in, make sure they are complete by 10pm Voltra time~
Posted in The final hour! Posted 6 years ago

Figured this deserved its own thread! SHOW YOUR TEAM SPIRIT HERE,
I want to see you volties representing your teams loud and proud.

This is the FINAL tally until the WINNER is announced! Think strategically!!!
Remember you have until 10pm Voltra Time tomorrow to COMPLETE your trades with NPCs.
All pending trades at that point will be cancelled.

Here we go!!!

In a first place, his fans decimating the rest of the entire scoreboard to get him here VYCTOR @10,171!!! WOW!
In second purely for receiving the minimum amount of trades of all contestants VIRGIL @4374
Floating in at third our beloved and highly fashionable VELVET @3453
From first to fourth, kind hearted still smiling VIOLET @2514
And hasn't she been through enough? Poor Valentina dragged to fifth @ negative 233
Remaining in last for a while now, he started way too cocky and got himself hated VICHARD @ negative 9367

You volties know its still anyones game, and I know for a fact many of you have been waiting for this final day
to drop your flower bombs. Trades will be checked and accepted throughout the entire day tomorrow.
And the winner will be announced APRIL FIRST, and no it won't be an April Fools joke I swear.