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Posted in The Warlock's Haunted Attic Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

@shadami: that sounds super fun!!! it's hard to find people to do that with, i hope you all are still good friends
how many people are in the story group?
it's impressive you all were able to keep it going for so long and have written so much! it must have been a really good time to do something like that together :-)

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Posted in The Warlock's Haunted Attic Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

@geist: oh cool! what's the podcast about??
i didn't realize ppl wrote podcasts that are like, scripted and voiced?? or i guess most podcasts i've heard seem like people having a conversation about a certain topic ... or i guess they can be scripted but it's usually always nonfiction ?

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

re: house browsing - ooh how much work would you be willing to do ?? i feel like having two people does make it a lot less intimidating ... like repainting as one person can feel like a bit much but having two ppl would make it a lot more doable!
what kinds of house features are on your priority list? like does natural light or window direction matter much? proximity to neighbors, etc?

i def escape into browsing houses lol >_> or even apt listings just for funsies even tho i don't plan on moving any time soon lol
the amt i pay for in the city could get me a way nicer space elsewhere though so sometimes it pains me to look at cheaper places haha

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

shadami speaking of broken images ......... maybe this is as good of a time as any to mention it but the image in your post style is broken for me lol >_>
i thought maybe you might want to know! if it shows up for you it might be cached by your browser ... i'm sure if you uploaded it to an image hosting site like imgur it would work though!

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

oh no which item? whenever i see ppl mention items not showing up in their invo ... honestly i feel like i lose track and if i had a missing item i'm not sure i would even catch it good on u for being attentive!

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

omg dragoness is your avi among us??

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

omg house browsing how exciting! have you seen any you like? even it's not time yet, i think looking around means you get a good sense of what's out there so that when you are ready and do see something you like, you know it's about as good as you can get vs. wondering if you could do better

shadami that sounds really lovely! i'm glad you were able to find a home you really like<3 i can't wait for when i'm at the stage but it might be a while lol

apt hunting in nyc during peak can be really similar - like if you like a place you really have to apply right away or else - and even then you're like competing w multiple other ppl who also applied :-/ and the application fees are nonrefundable if you don't get it

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Posted in blin's inactive event thread Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

i usually have to use them for like commuting / taking transit though ... but the over ear kind sometimes helps keep my ears / head (or neck if i'm not wearing them) during the winter lol

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Posted in blin's inactive event thread Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

oh no that sounds unpleasant :-/
i think i've seen some earbuds that have pretty small ... buds ? i'm not sure what they're called lol... bud coverings?

i def prefer just like ... speakers over having stuff in my hears or on my head

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Posted in Bootastic! Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

ooh those sound v good! i've never tried toasted coconut almond bark but that sounds really good, lmk what you think!
i've been getting more herbal teas lately since they're nice to drink in the evening and at night w/o worrying abt the caffeine keeping me up
it's usually calming and it's nice to have something warm and soothing to drink too (that isn't just water)

i think i usually prefer like earthier flavors over fruit? i got a fall spice style kind recently and sometimes i'll do ginger if i feel unwell
i really like black tea but i can only have it during the first part of the day lol and i try to avoid it if i've already had coffee for the day

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

yeah someone told me it's been out for like two years but only a few months ago did it get so viral
i think a lot of ppl are looking for stuff to do / ways to play and hang out w friends and people while everyone has to stay home

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

chiffon thanks for sharing! those both look p good
i think rougan (meat, dried) i've seen before... it's kind of similar to jerky in the states? i didn't know it's known as bakkwa, is that what it's called in malay?
i don't think i've had yusheng before, i'd love to try it though!
do you have to wear red for new years?

have you taken the subway in singapore before? if so what did you think?

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Posted in spooky chat⠀|⠀afterparty art freebies :3 Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

it's pretty interesting how among us has evolved and grown so much this year! like i feel like it's become a part of the 2020 cultural history

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Posted in The Warlock's Haunted Attic Posted 4 years ago
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⠀|⠀spooky chat

ooh woah that seems very involved ... that sounds so sweet, the way you and your friends wrote it together!
that sounds really fun, i'd love to write a story with friends! how did yall go about doing it? like you take turns writing chapters? or like one person writes and another edits?

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