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Posted in Yandere Buys: [LF] monthly items Posted 5 years ago
I have enough volts for Alice.
Pls give to me. thank
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: Yeah! I re-read some of the books I have too. xD It's nice because you forget about all the little details that happen sometimes. Haha.

Well, yeah, good point. xD Just seems weird. Hahah.
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: Yeahh. I know the feeling. At least I have off for the summer in a few weeks.
I'm going to try and draw as much as possible. And read a lot. I've been really into book lately. Almost done with the game of thrones series, and then I just got the hunger games books, since I never read them. Then I have a bunch of Horror thriller books that I want to read. I'm all over the place. Hahah. Nothing like being stuck indoors to get me to read again. u wu

YEAH HAHA. I never thought I'd be able to say "Mute yourself" to a student and not feel like I'm being mean about it?? HaHAH. What a world we live in now.
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: I'm old, I can't push it for too long. Hahha.
Plus work and whatnot too. I need to make sure I get up early enough. askdjfhaskjd.

@athabm: Ahh, okay. I usually just get distracted or I need to spend time with someone. > > ;;; Or work. There's always work too. Rip.
Seriously. It would be nice. Though, it would also be confusing and weird if cats could talk.

@pachi: Pray for me. ;;; I keep meaning to do one a week, but I've missed 2-3 weeks, and then my comic. I just. rip all the things.

Hahaha. The good thing about remote teaching is that I can just mute them. LMAO. I'm like OK PAL. MUTES YOU. Though they can unmute themself pretty quickly. Google needs to get on that. > w >

Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: Yeah, I suppose so. xD I'm just always tired, that's the problem. I get tired around 9pm no matter what I do.
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: I'm very much an early bird. haha. I used to wake up at 5am every day. xD Now I wake up around 7am/9am the earliest, but I hate waking up too late or I feel like I wasted the day. akjdfhajsdf

@pachi: Yeah, man. I'm... I'm struggling. I have 6 more left and then someone on gaia ordered another one. pls send help. And it's not even like human ones, they're these 4 arms characters with 4 fingers and it's 16 fingers on each character.

Seriously... My co-workers were just talking about how we might be remotely teaching for the rest of the 2020 year and I'm like.. bruh what. I'm fully expecting to go back in September so... ??????? STRESS
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: Omg. o ___ O ;; I can't stay awake past 11pm. Hahaha.

Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: Doing alright. Had to take a nap in the middle of the day because I didn't get a good night's sleep. Haha.
Nothing really too exciting though.
Posted in Yandere Buys: [LF] monthly items Posted 5 years ago
Bumps this back to the front page!
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: Yeah, the event kind of took all of our attention. xD It's all good.
I might close my art shop anyway. I took on 10 pieces for an adopt, and I'm kinda swamped. ;;

I'm alright. Pretty much doing the same thing I've been doing every day. Haha. How about you?

@ariella74: Hello there! How are you?
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@pachi: Pachiiiiii~
I haven't seen you in forever!
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@ariella74: Thank you! And welcome to Voltra!!! Q VQ I hope you like it here!!
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
Sorry, I've been absorbed in work, I forgot to check up on things.

@athabm: Oh no. D: I hate putting my cats in the carrier too. I know they associate it with the vet. I just want to make sure they're healthy. xD I wish I could tell them. Though, I hate going to the doctor's myself, so I can't really blame them.
Posted in A yandere's quest Posted 5 years ago
@athabm: Yeah, they really are! They just want love and attention. qvq ;;; I'm all about that when I meet the cat too. If I wasn't allowed to really have a lot of animals, I'm sure I would have more cats. xD
Yeah! It's kinda nice especially if the cat gets sick or does something weird or looks sick. He can generally determine what's wrong with them. sakdjfhksjdhfas.