Yandere's posts
Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

q vq

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

also good morning

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

I don't really think I do either... maybe a few red/green items, but that's about it. I might have bunny ears or something too. MAYBE.
I'm really picky with a lot of the items on gaia. I'll like the colors, but I don't always like all the poses?? Usually when I buy an item, I like one or two of the poses or like... just the hair or something, but it's something that I really like. aaaa. I'm the same way with items on here I guess too, but I also like certain poses but can't match the colors. I'll make a nice pink/blue one eventually, but I think it's really due to the lack of common items that I have too. I really only have common items for Yan. The teal school outfit and hair and some... random things. I have the volts now, so I guess now would be the time. Haha.
Yeah, I totally forgot that was a thing. ;;;
Ehh. I have to be really in the mood to draw fanart I guess. It's really uncommon that I do it unless my hubby asks for something specific. Now that I think about it though, I've drawn a bit more fanart then I remember. ;;; I drew Tetra from Log Horizon (the anime) and Dominiel from Epic 7 as well. So, I suppose those count as well. I've done about 10 fanart pieces, I guess. That's really what gets the views I guess. squints. I just... like drawing my own characters more, so I suppose I'll
stick with that. I don't really do tags on twitter either....
Wh- 100 retweets? I'm amazed at more than two likes on a picture. Hahahaha. Fak. I need to draw my comic for next week too though, so I should focus on that now that I only need to color that one couple piece. akjfdhakjsdf,. JUST NO MOTIVATION. I CRY.
I mean, the icon looks awesome, so I'm sure people would be interested. I'm tempted to do an animation commission on gaia as a means of getting some gold, but the time it's going to take is going to be awful. Aaaa. Unless it's like quick blinking or something. Maybe I'll stick to busts like I used to do. Those were pretty fun and they were only flat colors from what I remember. SQuints.
I'm so lazy with marking my art. Hahaha. I do the same thing. If someone compliments it, I just say thanks and that I drew it. haha.
I don't think I have a big enough following for anyone to steal my art. Haha. Even if someone did, it's not like many people would be on the lookout for it. Unless they were making more gold/money than me, I don't think it would be an issue anyway, I mean, I can understand how it would be disheartening since I spend time on a piece, but Idk. I think I've just been bleh about art lately. ;;;
Oh hecc. Good to know then! * V* /// I sometimes get spacey or just browse through twitter on my phone before I officially get up or when going to sleep so I don't have the means to get references and post them right away.
I just don't if you post something and plan to work on it right there and then, because... that's what I normally do. hahah.
Twitter is really strange. I'll never understand it. Haha. I've read about the algorithms, but I've never understood them.
Yeh, I feel art defeated rn. I have no motivation, but I also want to draw on the weekends when I have time. The struggle is real.
OH. I'm going to watch the video/clips after this. Now that I'm replying. I'll put them in another tab so I don't forget.
Yeah. xD It's really only my cousin that has kids, and I was told like... 5 months after they were pregnant during the holidays or something. Haha. She has three kids now and I'm not sure any of my other cousins really have plans, as they're all younger than me. squints.
Maaaan, I know that struggle all too well. I wanted to be a scene kid so bad. xD I remember one time a friend straightened my hair (I have naturally wavy hair and it's ... a mess haha) and she styled it and everything and I LOVED IT. My mom told me to take a shower and wash it out immediately. I was so pissed. Hahah. It took like 3 hours to straighten all of my hair. aaaa
Thankfully my mom liked that I bought books, so I just stuck with those. It was rare that I got a manga, but it was also tempting because they were $10, compared to the $20+ that most books were.
Heck, I don't think I've changed my social standards since I've been in school. Hahah. Usually someone needs to talk to me first before I think about friendship. SHRUGS.
Yeah, the community as a whole is a lot less.
Oh fak. That's insane. I mean, just it being gossip is one thing, but actually ruining a relationship is actually insane.
Thankfully I've never had to deal with that, but I also never hung outside of work with any of them besides my last day. The group that went out was good people, not the really annoying gossipy ones. I was planning my wedding at that time too, and they just... invited themselves to my wedding. I wish I could have seen their expression when they weren't invited and I uploaded the photos online. Hahah.
Omg. I never touched anything unless I asked my bosses ahead of time and usually they announced that there was food or whatever upstairs to take. xD My god. Have people no shame?? Just blaming other people. Just own up to it and buy a dip to replace it or something. SMH.
Aaaaaa! Those would be a good bunch. I don't even know who I would make. Obviously Kotomi, and maybe Loila?? I don't know if I'm as obsessive over anyone else. OH! Maybe Yan too. xD
I mean, it's really only friends that are focused on my art. Though if the people that get interested in my art and support me are my friends, I suppose it's pretty good. Haha.
OH! Before I forget too. My hubby loved the piece that I did for Jace too, and he usually doesn't comment on my art unless I ask him. He just kept saying "Dang, that's really nice!" xD Yanderes are my motivation apparently. DOKIS. THANK YOU JACE
Yeah. They sleep a lot though. We'll see them for an hour or two of the day. Sometimes they walk into the living room to sleep on our desks. Hahahaha.
Oh noooo. I hope not either! D: I could ask my hubby about it, since he's a vet in training, but I'm not sure he'd be able to diagnose the baby without seeing him. He's not a qualified vet either, but was an assistant for awhile. ;;
ASKED HIM NOW And he said it might be contact dermatitis. If they have a metal food or water bowl it can cause it from irritation. Hopefully... that's just it.
We use a glass for our water bowl or a plastic one, but need to clean it out every other day. ;;; See if that helps at all. ;;;
Hehe, thanks! : >
Ooooh, yeah! Let me know when you update it! I'm always willing to read it, though I can't say that I'll be all too good with advice.
Awwwh. You flatter me! DOKIS.
I mean, I was tempted to use the bases to get dolls done since I was pretty much forced to stay focused. hahah.
Aaa, it's all good! Q VQ I'm sure most people won't mind talking in the background. Sometimes my hubby curses and says... inappropriate things, so if that's the case then yeh, better to be muted. Haha.
I'm really picky with a lot of the items on gaia. I'll like the colors, but I don't always like all the poses?? Usually when I buy an item, I like one or two of the poses or like... just the hair or something, but it's something that I really like. aaaa. I'm the same way with items on here I guess too, but I also like certain poses but can't match the colors. I'll make a nice pink/blue one eventually, but I think it's really due to the lack of common items that I have too. I really only have common items for Yan. The teal school outfit and hair and some... random things. I have the volts now, so I guess now would be the time. Haha.
Yeah, I totally forgot that was a thing. ;;;
Ehh. I have to be really in the mood to draw fanart I guess. It's really uncommon that I do it unless my hubby asks for something specific. Now that I think about it though, I've drawn a bit more fanart then I remember. ;;; I drew Tetra from Log Horizon (the anime) and Dominiel from Epic 7 as well. So, I suppose those count as well. I've done about 10 fanart pieces, I guess. That's really what gets the views I guess. squints. I just... like drawing my own characters more, so I suppose I'll
stick with that. I don't really do tags on twitter either....
Wh- 100 retweets? I'm amazed at more than two likes on a picture. Hahahaha. Fak. I need to draw my comic for next week too though, so I should focus on that now that I only need to color that one couple piece. akjfdhakjsdf,. JUST NO MOTIVATION. I CRY.
I mean, the icon looks awesome, so I'm sure people would be interested. I'm tempted to do an animation commission on gaia as a means of getting some gold, but the time it's going to take is going to be awful. Aaaa. Unless it's like quick blinking or something. Maybe I'll stick to busts like I used to do. Those were pretty fun and they were only flat colors from what I remember. SQuints.
I'm so lazy with marking my art. Hahaha. I do the same thing. If someone compliments it, I just say thanks and that I drew it. haha.
I don't think I have a big enough following for anyone to steal my art. Haha. Even if someone did, it's not like many people would be on the lookout for it. Unless they were making more gold/money than me, I don't think it would be an issue anyway, I mean, I can understand how it would be disheartening since I spend time on a piece, but Idk. I think I've just been bleh about art lately. ;;;
Oh hecc. Good to know then! * V* /// I sometimes get spacey or just browse through twitter on my phone before I officially get up or when going to sleep so I don't have the means to get references and post them right away.
I just don't if you post something and plan to work on it right there and then, because... that's what I normally do. hahah.
Twitter is really strange. I'll never understand it. Haha. I've read about the algorithms, but I've never understood them.
Yeh, I feel art defeated rn. I have no motivation, but I also want to draw on the weekends when I have time. The struggle is real.
OH. I'm going to watch the video/clips after this. Now that I'm replying. I'll put them in another tab so I don't forget.
Yeah. xD It's really only my cousin that has kids, and I was told like... 5 months after they were pregnant during the holidays or something. Haha. She has three kids now and I'm not sure any of my other cousins really have plans, as they're all younger than me. squints.
Maaaan, I know that struggle all too well. I wanted to be a scene kid so bad. xD I remember one time a friend straightened my hair (I have naturally wavy hair and it's ... a mess haha) and she styled it and everything and I LOVED IT. My mom told me to take a shower and wash it out immediately. I was so pissed. Hahah. It took like 3 hours to straighten all of my hair. aaaa
Thankfully my mom liked that I bought books, so I just stuck with those. It was rare that I got a manga, but it was also tempting because they were $10, compared to the $20+ that most books were.
Heck, I don't think I've changed my social standards since I've been in school. Hahah. Usually someone needs to talk to me first before I think about friendship. SHRUGS.
Yeah, the community as a whole is a lot less.
Oh fak. That's insane. I mean, just it being gossip is one thing, but actually ruining a relationship is actually insane.
Thankfully I've never had to deal with that, but I also never hung outside of work with any of them besides my last day. The group that went out was good people, not the really annoying gossipy ones. I was planning my wedding at that time too, and they just... invited themselves to my wedding. I wish I could have seen their expression when they weren't invited and I uploaded the photos online. Hahah.
Omg. I never touched anything unless I asked my bosses ahead of time and usually they announced that there was food or whatever upstairs to take. xD My god. Have people no shame?? Just blaming other people. Just own up to it and buy a dip to replace it or something. SMH.
Aaaaaa! Those would be a good bunch. I don't even know who I would make. Obviously Kotomi, and maybe Loila?? I don't know if I'm as obsessive over anyone else. OH! Maybe Yan too. xD
I mean, it's really only friends that are focused on my art. Though if the people that get interested in my art and support me are my friends, I suppose it's pretty good. Haha.
OH! Before I forget too. My hubby loved the piece that I did for Jace too, and he usually doesn't comment on my art unless I ask him. He just kept saying "Dang, that's really nice!" xD Yanderes are my motivation apparently. DOKIS. THANK YOU JACE
Yeah. They sleep a lot though. We'll see them for an hour or two of the day. Sometimes they walk into the living room to sleep on our desks. Hahahaha.
Oh noooo. I hope not either! D: I could ask my hubby about it, since he's a vet in training, but I'm not sure he'd be able to diagnose the baby without seeing him. He's not a qualified vet either, but was an assistant for awhile. ;;
ASKED HIM NOW And he said it might be contact dermatitis. If they have a metal food or water bowl it can cause it from irritation. Hopefully... that's just it.
We use a glass for our water bowl or a plastic one, but need to clean it out every other day. ;;; See if that helps at all. ;;;
Hehe, thanks! : >
Ooooh, yeah! Let me know when you update it! I'm always willing to read it, though I can't say that I'll be all too good with advice.
Awwwh. You flatter me! DOKIS.
I mean, I was tempted to use the bases to get dolls done since I was pretty much forced to stay focused. hahah.
Aaa, it's all good! Q VQ I'm sure most people won't mind talking in the background. Sometimes my hubby curses and says... inappropriate things, so if that's the case then yeh, better to be muted. Haha.
@lina: I have stone paths and some flowers, but idk. ;;; I feel like it's not anything amazing. Each part of the town has it's own thing and it feels.. .messy idk. SWEATS. Gotta get my town to a 5 star though, I want the golden stuff. ;;;
UM. That pink/white chair is cute and the uh, white desk. Maybe the pink vacuum too! I could send you some bells for it or something. q vq;;;;

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

I'm not feeling the motivation today either.
But I also just did laundry and dishes and made another pot of coffee, so maybe that's why. heh

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

They're so good. * Q*

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

I feel like I just stare at my screen most days. ;;;

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

I think because it's overcast today. There's no sunshine to be like WAKE UP ITS BRIGHT OUTSIDE

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

I only have the laptop and the tablet doesn't work well on it.
I feel like taking a nap. I've only been up for like 4 hours.
what is this

Posted in ♥ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ♥ - PAGE GOAL: 420 we did it ny'all
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah. I didn't really do much yesterday though, besides like... drawing some coms on here. But not really work. I always get work sent to me at like 8PM or on a weekend and I'm like ???? AM SLEEPING. PLS.
Bruh. Go get some breakfast!! Q VQ !!
Hahaha. I needed to stream to get myself to work on something. I've been so scatterbrained lately.