Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/11 21:32:16 )
@khadijacandy: ooh yea i love hearing about cats, tell me more
what color is it?
@vengeance: ooh nice :'D i still have to get presents for my parents and brother and sister-in-law
i have no idea what to get them lol but i got my brother's kids a roald dahl book collection~
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/11 21:51:00 )
@vengeance: well that's handy!
I tried to ask my parents what they wanted and they just brushed me off and started talking about my car
that was their main concern for the last 2 weeks.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/12 03:12:55 )
@Totalanimefan: he does have some great moments of being calm but I feel a sense of dread every time wondering if he'll play attack me again xD
@Deaa: that's a great way to support local artists. I mostly shop online if I do buy stuff from artists. I see it so often online and I'm just like yes let me get these keychains and washi tape that I don't need |D
moving is such a pain! just going to have to pack it all up and rent a truck xD I don't have much stuff but I don't have a car so it's also a pain. I need to make a friend with a car or something lol
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/12 18:06:22 )
my cat likes to step sit on chest or back when i'm sleeping, but only around his breakfast time
(if he's really hangry, he'll step on my neck and try to put his butthole on my face)
otherwise he'll hang around my feet or cuddle by my face/pillow
@eyry: i also like buying stuff from artists online! especially if it's something that can shipped to me~
oohhh yeah moving can be very difficult without a car o: my friend moved to an apartment once using a large suitcase and taking very many trips on the metrolink
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/13 03:42:44 )
@Deaa: I loveee buying online because everything is like a present to open haha
I try not to shop online too much though because it's like a lot of clutter too
yeah I moved with a few trips to drop stuff off at a friend's place and then just taxi rides ahah. I think it was like 4 trips but two were to/from the airbnb where I stayed for a week before I could move into my next place haha
kitten was pretty calm with playing this morning actually. I think he's getting used to the routine. he sleeps next to me and just waits for me to move haha or he starts walking on my face poking around
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/14 07:06:15 )
@Deaa: omg yeah I had boxes covering my house for a week recentlyish lol. it was from ordering a lot of my cat's things: bed, litter box, litter, cat tree haha. every time a package would come I'd be like "it's another thing for you, kitten" not that he understands xD
I just ordered some more cat things and a comforter so more boxes to come. I'm excited :>
luckily taxis aren't too expensive here. I knew I'd have to pay for it. and it was less than calling a person to drive it for me. there are moving services that are like 100-200 I think? I don't remember exactly
I've had him just over a month. he's a baby only 10 weeks old about
I named him moon pie |D
when I got him last week
I dunno why the discord image links come up sideways haha but yeah
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/16 21:06:25 )
@eyry: hhahaha and then you can't immediately throw away the box cause the cat has to play with it first!
it's a whole thing lol
yeaaa those prices can get up there o3o;;
i may have to do a moving service for my next move depending on where i go to :Y
not looking forward to those prices, but glad i was able to avoid them so far with the help of family and friends~
awwww what a cutie!!! also love the name moon pie <3
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/17 14:32:32 )
@Deaa: xD my cat is slow to play with boxes. maybe he doesn't know yet that cats like boxes. I've gotten 6 packages today and I've left all the boxes on the floor for him to see if he'll play with them
yeah gotta have positive relationships with family and friends so they can help you move xD and also for general positive relationships in your life
hehe thank you
I want to get him a buddy so he won't be alone and name that one sun cake to match xD but I'm not sure when I'll do that