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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/1 12:08:12 )
My neighbours are partying again. They're two houses down from mine and I can still hear their screaming. I can stand music but I cannot stand the shouting and screaming they do each time. Although I understand that it's new years day and the occasion calls for a celebration, I wish my neighbours would be more considerate. There are people who have to wake up early to work tomorrow and it's hard to fall asleep when they're constantly screaming like hyenas.

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/2 23:44:53 )

OKAY i have a stan account on twitter for miraculous, anime, and dan and phil, and last year there was this guy in the winx fandom that targeted mlb fans and sent them hate and insulted them, etc, and that person targeted me by sending anon hate on curious cat (a question asking site that u can connect to twitter)
SO i still get sent hate every now and then, although if i answer it i just give a witty response bc ngl i dont give a shit what people think about me,, im me and they can fuck off u know
so a mutual of mine tweeted that she thinks that one of her mutuals is sending anons to themselves?? and i dont know if she means me, but if she does, WHY WOULD I DO THAT??
for context, u cant send urself anons urself, but if u have two accounts u can, i set up accounts for both of my twitter accounts (i have a personal account too just for rants and life and stuff) and she follows both my accounts, so IF SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME she would think im using my personal to send myself hate???
and i just,,, why would i do that?? i dont WANT attention?? i dont need any attention?? i get enough attention from my friends, im not gonna fucking send myself hate
i wanna ask her if she meant me but like,, she'd deny it if she did anyway so i dont see the point
maybe im being paranoid, i dont know, but i was due a rant so here u go


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 05:12:02 )

i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/16 19:33:51 )

I wish people didn't have to feel so alone and hurt. I don't have the right to be truly upset by this, because I barely knew you. I met you in person once, and you were so sweet. I wish I had been online more to get to know you. I know not a fragment of what you were going through, and I'm not nearly as affected by this as your family and closest friends. It's selfish of me, I know. I can't help but think maybe if I had made the effort to reach out and become friends faster, I could have been another ear for you. Not that I am so special to make that much of a wave, but I know how much it can help to have a larger support system. Even a new friend, someone detached enough from a situation. It just breaks my heart that you were going through something so painful, and I hope so dearly that you have found some peace. I hope there's an afterlife, because you deserve so much to be able to exist in some modicum to be able to feel at ease. I hope that the world changes, because people like you deserve to feel just like anyone else, free of those burdens, able to be yourself. The system failed you. As it has failed so many other people. There is only one positive thing to come out of this, and that is renewed vigor in affecting change to make sure this doesn't happen again. Again, I barely knew you, and I have no right to say any of this at all, but, I hope you know that you are special, and made an effect on my life in the short time I spoke to you. A friend of a friend is a friend of mine. So rest well, friend.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 01:35:23 )

I thought of you once a sister and a close friend but maybe I wasn't being too completely honest to myself. Although there are qualities of you that I like and that I wish I had but there are also parts of you that I didn't like. That I kept hidden fearing you might overeact because you just don't tolerate anyone's bs, sometimes too harshly. I know you've had your reasons to be like that way, you've told me a little bit about it before, and I know I'm part to blame because I was the first one that moved away and ignored you. Just because you said something that upset me. But my only excuse back then is that I was just hurt, I wasn't myself they were other people back then that really hurt me. So I tend to be flighty and shut people off quickly.

I didn't mean to hurt you by ignoring you, I'm sorry. I honestly though you were better off without me and you'll just move on and encountering a new sets of friends quickly. I didn't realize that was due to my very low self-esteem. And I guess whatever what happened to us was unresolved for too long it was just sweep under the rug, I honestly forgotten about it for awhile but I also can't help but feel also a little angry. You didn't say anything about this whole time. Heck I was baffled that you still consider me a friend!? I was upset on how everything was set up and our other friend has to make a group chat out of nowhere so we can talk about it. As if you expected answers from me right away when my mind back then was far off somewhere else.

But despite that, I was being completely honest with what I said and I guess you just didn't take it well. You didn't even give me time to explain fully you just ramble on and on about how much you've given in this friendship. One word that I mentioned seemed to have triggered you and then poof we no longer friends anymore. I can sort of understand why but at the same time I just have so many damn issues. I can't be that friend that will always be there for you all the time, a lot of times I'm trying to learn to be there for myself.

So idk anymore, I know I'm in a wrong but I think you also are too. Thinking back, I think we both didn't say what we wanted to each other. But I also felt I didn't get to say anything enough to explain my reasons of my past actions... so well here I am now.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 23:25:54 )
Been recovering from a septoplasty for the last 4 days and it has been so agonizing. I was reassured by every surgeon, nurse, and even the anesthesiologist that this surgery would be so “easy” and “virtually painless” and that recovery would be a breeze, but it’s been the complete opposite. I’m so exhausted. I so desperately want this to be over. Constant pain, headaches, nausea, discomfort. My nose and cheeks are so swollen. I’m getting no sleep, barely able to eat. Ugh. I can’t do anything at this point but complain and even that isn’t giving me any relief. On top of this, I have a whole slew of other medical issues popping up at the exact same time and it’s causing me so much stress and anxiety. I feel like I’m completely falling apart. I want nothing more than to sit on the bathroom floor and cry but even that is too painful.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/20 00:41:55 )

I've been taught since I was young that I should politely decline when people offer you a gift of some sort. To be honest I never really understood why I have to do that? Is it out of modesty?Or some unwritten rule lingering in the air that if you break it, people will deemed you falsely.Growing up I felt uncomfortable when people are willing to give me a gift or worse, ask me what I want during the holidays or my birthday.Usually that left me speechless for awhile then I'll say I don't need anything.

I don't want to beg for anything that I want, but I guess it would be nice once in a while if someone surprisingly gave me a gift. Hell, I used to felt sooo uncomfortable when people even willing to trade me their stuff or currency on avatar sites. Like chill, they're just willing to help another person out. Does that mean I should be obligated to give something back? Should I give them something back? If I do, am I doing this to the goodness of my heart or societal rules is playing tricks on my mind? Tf is wrong with me x.x


Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/24 09:23:00 )

I'm okay. It will be okay. Tomorrow is a new day. It's okay to cry. Cry all you want.


°<°art by KeturahπŸ–€πŸ¦–πŸ–€

Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/27 04:32:24 )
no one likes me. no one wants to be my friend. no one wants to talk to me.

and it just gets worse and worse as time goes by.

its just really lonely

Ping me!


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/27 05:34:00 )
Excuse me, do I know you? Lol. I don't think I've talked to you in my entire life, why are you being so volatile towards me?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/30 00:27:39 )

Your problems has become mines as well and I don't know if that's my fault or yours. I'm sorry I can't be there to help you when I'm facing my own demons as well. You're supposed to be there for us and not the other way around. But I have to accept that you are not the supporting mother I envision you to be on my head. You have your own problems to deal with too and that's alright, even if I find it frustrating sometimes. I still love you regardless


Donator — Trash Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/30 11:08:54 )

Since 1103 posts.

So I got invited out by a friend who normally doesn't go out. Naturally I would say no because I work early the next day, but its a rare moment to see my friend go out so I decided to hang out with him and a few others that were invited. I also invited my bf, and his friends to meet up with our group out in town. So before we pick up the rest of the group in our car, 2 of them flakes out. I try to call my bf and his friends ( I called all of them/left messages) and they all gave me no real answer to whether or not they were coming out. So my 2 friends and I in our car were just debating what to do before driving out because It just seemed like majority of our friends cant make it. We try contacting them all again, still no real "yes or no" answer. So my current group settles and eats somewhere nearby. We call friends again but same responses. It was getting a bit late to go out at this point so we call it a day and bring everyone in our car home.
When I got home, I took a shower and got comfortable. Suddenly my bf calls me saying that hes at the meetup spot. I get irritated and tell him that no one was giving me an answer to my question so my group left. I was so angry. All I needed was an answer to a basic question. I dont understand how a basic yes or no is so hard. I understand if the situation was last minute but just give me some response I can work off of. There was enough time to just send a simple message or do a quick call. It wasn't just my time that felt wasted but my friend finally had a day off and it could have been spent better if there was just a straightforward answer.



Art Thread | Garage Sale

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/30 12:45:27 )

i feel like i'm just completely losing myself and everyone around me. i'm so sad and i don't know why and i just make everything worse and i honestly hate myself so much lololol


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/5 20:15:31 )

I am so tired of men dictating what a woman can't and can wear and then talk about how men and woman are the same. UNTILL YOU STOP TAKING AWAY THE FREEDOM FROM WOMAN TO DECIDE WHAT THEY WANT TO WEAR, woman and men are not the same. Stop using me for your own racist propaganda.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/5 22:09:15 )
TSUN β˜… TSUN β˜… TSUN (β‰–οΈΏβ‰–βœΏ)

I just purchased my tickets for the upcoming BTS concert... I knew it would be pricy, but the added costs really killed me. I opted out of the gold and silver sound checks because they were like $300-400, but I ended up spending $340 with all the extra added costs. The seat was $225, but I had to pay $60 for parking and other BS fees. )x Guess I need to budget a bit until my next paycheck...
Also, Ticketmaster sucks so bad.

(✿ β™‘β€Ώβ™‘) DERE β˜… DERE β˜… DERE

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/7 19:27:02 )

My friend is being treated like absolute garbage by her boyfriend and she knows, and it really makes me sad because she deserves to be happy and treated like the goddess she is.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 23:55:18 )

And the BS regarding the summer vacation has already started again >.> No mom will not go to an area in Germany we have already been to a bunch of times. Because we have seen it all there already. But trust me. She will not say the same about Denmark. She has no problem going to the same area for the gazilioned time. Because hey! IT IS DENMARK. THE BEST VACATION PLACE ON THE PLANET!!!!!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/10 15:45:15 )
    This is just a rant that I feel like I need to get off of my chest. I will put it in a spoiler because it may offend some.

    R.I.P. Kobe
    But one thing that has bothered me about the current social climate is the lack of care towards the victim in the case in 2003. I understand that the Gayle King interview caused some discomfort but as an African American myself, I feel like we care too much about protecting images of our successful black figures that we tend forget their human and have done fucked up things. I don’t want to go into anymore detail but yeah that has been weighing on me a little bit.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/12 02:43:10 )

There are days when I want to draw but I don't feel motivated enough to draw something. Or if I do is not my best work than usual...
Like brain tf is wroong with yooouuuuuuu >n<


Art Dump β˜† Avatar Gallery β˜† Quest Items

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 13:45:11 )
    I hate waking up the the morning. It’s so annoying, once I’m up it is fine and I will move around and get what needs to be done, done. But waking up just sucks. I hate it.



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