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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/2 03:35:14 )
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@totalanimefan: hey total! loving how festive ur avi is! i gotta get my hands on a pumpkin king sometime ^^

i'm doing ok, i think i've been in kind of a slump lately so am just trying to take it easy and not be too hard on myself
how have you been? ^^

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/2 21:19:03 )
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@totalanimefan: thank you, i appreciate it! i'm feeling much better today finally :-D
i'm loving the new stitches crate item!!! the set is so cute hehe

oohh how are you feeling about all the work stuff now? hope voting went smoothly, everything going on politically feels like such a hot mess rn
what kind of games have you been playing? ^^ i binge played a bunch of pokemon diamond earlier this week

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/2 21:46:42 )
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@totalanimefan: i think so too! i might get an extra crate or two at some point
and that's great, i love when there's no line, i wish that could be the case everywhere
i had to update my address for my voter registration but once i hear back i think i'll apply for an absentee ballot online
i'm kind of nervous what will happen w absentee ballots this year tho tbh >_>

rf4s looks really pretty! i don't have any consoles so all the games i've been playing have been on an emulator hehe
i only play games when i'm in a specific mood though so it isn't as much of a regular habit/hobby for me
there's this game called okami that came out a while ago and lately i've been thinking about it, but idk if i would get a console just to play one game?

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/3 02:53:56 )
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@totalanimefan: oohh i guess i would imagine dc "should" have good voting procedures in place, one might think ? not sure if that holds true for dmv area in general though
that's a good point! i looked up early voting dates for here, i might try that if i can't get the mail-in stuff in order in time ... no matter what happens i'm sure this year's election will be ... eventful >_>
i couldn't watch the debate from yesterday , i was like i'm feeling depressed enough already lol

oohh that's pretty long for a franchise! i'm glad it's a good one ^^ i always appreciate that good media exists in the world ... like if the creators didn't choose to make it exist it just .. wouldn't! lol
i'd love to play okama at Some point in my lifetime, the graphics look really pretty and it's cool that they hold up even over a decade later!

i'm trying to think of some fun things to look forward to staying occupied w this winter :0 i'm v glad i have hobbies i can enjoy at home ... it'll be a lot harder to socialize once it's cold i think ...
do you think you would try to meet new people in dc anytime soon? or do you think you'd try to wait it out for longer?

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/3 02:54:22 )
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oop sometimes my posts get long unintentionally Haha there's never any pressure to match my length ^^

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/3 03:47:44 )
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@totalanimefan: ok cool ^^ sometimes i feel like i scare ppl away if my posts get too long Lol , or they might feel obligated to respond to everything
ooh i see :0 are you still in an urban area? it sounds like u can walk/transit everywhere still right?
i think one of my coworkers lives in reston? it's like a planned community which i thought was kind of interesting... it seems possibly a little sterile (compared to , say , baltimore) but i can imagine it being less chaotic and maybe a fun project if you were an urban planner?

i think early voting here runs from 10/24 to 11/1 :0 so i'll see whichever ends up being faster, i'm not sure where my polling place is either yet tho

mm sounds like hibernation! i think it's also kind of like a different mindset too, like the way you think abt it i feel like can change how much you enjoy it
i think in the past i had a big breadth of friends so i saw ppl quite often (to the point that i had to say no to plans p often - tho also bc i have chronic pain and physically getting around the city uses up a lot of spoons!) - but now it's like you have to be active about seeing ppl and so i don't see a lot of acquaintances anymore sadly (and ofc have just been seeing fewer ppl in general) - and i also don't see friends who live >2 miles away very often since i've try to avoid transit if i can
i can have a bad habit of socially isolating myself though since i'm an introvert and really enjoy spending time at home lol which i do have to try to stay mindful of!

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/3 03:49:18 )
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i do usually hang out w ppl one on one for the most part :0 like most of my friends have never met
last year i was kind of hoping i could start bringing some friends together though so we could hang out in groups more , but i can't really do it this year lol

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/4 17:06:49 )
I'm glad that the mail-in ballot is a thing, because I work with old people who can't leave their home at this time. So I'm glad they have a way to get their votes in!

SAD scares me. I don't think I could live in a place where that's a thing, because depression is a thing for me already. Nope, no thank you.

I don't have a ton of friends where I'm at, but it's hard to hang out with the few I do have because we all have different schedules. That, and of course we're all trying to be cautious with covid. I don't think any of us have had it yet, so there's a very real possibility we could get it and pass it around.

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/11 18:12:30 )
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i'm glad mail in ballots are a thing too! i am kind of glad that w the pandemic, more things are becoming accessible for those w physical disabilities, chronic pain, etc. it's frustrating it took a whole pandemic to get to here but i'll take the progress lol

i def get seasonal depression :-/ i think i'm p sensitive to like light/weather, so all the winter darkness usually gets to me
i'm trying to get up earlier though so i can get more daylight hours in - it's not my natural sleep schedule so it's kind of tough but i think would still be worth trying to make the change

the scheduling stuff is real! like when ur hours don't line up w ur friends :<

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/11 18:14:51 )
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i think also w friends , as you get older you're less likely or willing to like ... do anything? like you're more set in your adult ways?
i feel like when you're younger you're more willing to talk to anyone or entertain any ideas, go w the flow, go anywhere / do or try anything
but as you're older you're like, i just wanna do things i know i like or see people i know i like, and not really interested in things you don't want to do

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/11 20:55:51 )
Oh yeah, I didn't even think about others who can't easily access voting even without the pandemic going on. Good point!

That's a good idea to make a lifestyle change to try to maintain your mental health. Hope it works for you!

And I think you're right about getting older and not wanting to do as much. I think for me, I like doing more than I did growing up, which wasn't much. But I like going on road trips, for example. The only thing is, everything costs money, so gotta be careful with that.

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/12 03:57:18 )
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haha ty! i hope it ends up helping
i guess for somewhere like florida winter can be something to look forward to ? like it's cooler but it's not too bad, i can imagine it being a nice break from all the summer heat+humidity?

ah true, i guess as an adult too there's more agency to do what you want which is nice! more income but also more bills too
do you feel like something changed for you as you got older?

i feel like i'll have less energy as i get older so something i've been thinking about recently is the idea of doing stuff "while you still can" - e.g. have the energy / motivation / interest for certain experiences that you might not in the future
i feel like since the future is unpredictable now too ... "while you still can" can end up meaning lots of things that we might not even be able to anticipate

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/13 00:52:18 )
Winter here is pretty weird. It gets cold for a little bit, then gets hot again for a stretch, and goes back and forth all season. While I think the colder temperatures can be refreshing, I don't like them sticking around for long because my joints ache when I get too cold. Also the colder, drier air tends to bring a lot of static electricity, so that's not fun lol.

For me, I think what changed as I got older is learning that some people can't be trusted and are just plain bad. I've grown up believing that there's always some good in people, but learning different things has really opened my eyes in a not so comfortable but necessary way.

Is there something you'd like to do sooner than later, in particular?

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/15 04:02:27 )
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oohh i see, when it's unpredictable it's hard to know how to dress for it lol
it's nice fall weather right now but not sure how long it'll last ... it's def starting to get cold though, esp if the sun doesn't come out
i had to get my big comforter out yesterday :0

mm i feel that ... i feel like when you're younger you have a lot more optimism but get more jaded after having negative experiences

ooh i think the main thing i'd like to do is travel (lmao not anytime soon though) ... i worry when i get older my body won't be able to handle traveling anymore, or i'll lose interest in experiencing different cultures
i already get a lot of pain if i walk or stand for too long which is unfortunate lol so things like major hiking trips aren't really on my list anymore
being able to backpack/walk around to explore sounds nice but i'm not sure how much of it i could really handle physically
and i think also investing in my relationships and community since it can harder to make friends in later stages of life
hbu does anything come to mind for you? ^^

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/16 03:26:34 )
We're supposed to be getting a cold front soon, but not sure for how long or how low the temps will get.

That's unfortunate about your pains being a hindrance to doing what you'd like. D: Do you do anything special to remedy it?

Hm, I guess for me, I'm thinking about trying to buy a house within the next year, but I'm not really sure where to begin with that. I mean I know to explore my options with banks and realtors, but not sure if I should do anything special beyond that. I feel like it'll be a huge process regardless of which route I take. After that, getting married and having another kid or two would be nice. And I've always wanted to have a house full of animals, so there's that lol.

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/17 01:17:01 )
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ah i'm trying to squeeze in the last bit of outside time this month!! i think i would regret not going outside when it's cold and i can't anymore
i usually stretch and exercise and it does help, i also have to be proactive abt like planning my week - less so now since i'm home a lot, but before i would have to be intentional about saying yes/no to plans w friends. wfh and not commuting has def helped a lot though!

i remember you mentioning that, it does sound p exciting and i guess prices are lower now currently so it's not too bad as far as timing :0
it's kind of fun to shop around / look at listings to get a sense of what diff price points can get u in diff locations ... like beyond doing your research i think at a certain point it's like, does any adult really know what we're doing and all you can really do is try your best lol
i will say i do think youtube has some p good videos on like financial / adulting, i went down a financial literacy youtube phase shortly after i started my current job and it was super helpful! like things you don't know you don't know :0
aww i'd love that! it sounds so homey and cozy, like a house w lots of warmth and life <33 would you buying a house w a current partner? if so are yall considering marriage or not yet? (hope that's not too personal hehe no pressure!)

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/17 20:29:58 )
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@totalanimefan: hey total!! how are you?
i've been just ok... the weather was super gloomy this week and i think it got me kind of down
i spent a little too much time playing genshin impact this week so i think once i hit the next level i'm gonna put it down for a while :0
i'm gonna see a friend tmr which i'm looking forward to!
hbu, how have you been? ^^

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/18 02:52:41 )
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@totalanimefan: haha it was rainy a lot of this week and i think will be cloudy most of next week!
that sounds nice, did you get anything good at the farmer's market? :-) i haven't been to ours in a while but i miss it, i loved getting a donut / baked goods w cider while walking around, the one in brooklyn is right next to the park and library too! :'-)

we're gonna get pupusas!! and just hang out i think ^^

idk if you're into film but i just watched shoplifters and it was really good! i just started a letterboxd account to start keeping track of films i've seen :0

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/18 17:51:45 )
Yes, I plan on marrying my current partner, but we haven't set a date due to covid. xD It would have actually been this month (10/10/2020) if we'd buckled down and planned, but luckily we didn't, so no money lost! And yeah, the house would be in both our names, whenever we get around to buying lol. Actually we've been considering having our wedding at our house if that's manageable, but we'll see. Nothing's set in stone yet.

Hi total! I wish there was a good farmer's market around here, or if there is, I'm not aware of it.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/10/18 22:41:07 )
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@totalanimefan: oohh nice!! that sounds lovely ^^ and i've been meaning to pick up some cider , i'm gonna add it to my grocery list now lol
the ones that come in packets are convenient since i don't feel rushed to drink it right away lol
i feel like goat cheese hasn't clicked for me yet, what do you usually eat it with?? :0

ohh is your husband into film??

yes it was a nice time ^^ the pupusas were really tasty, we walked around a bit and also hung out in my apt a little
he has a bg in music composition too so it was fun to futz around on the piano keyboard for a bit ^^
how's your sunday going?

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⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

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