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Forums Games "Life Itself" | ACNH thread

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:01:42 )
@0v7: Ha, knew it was Glass Animals! How to Be a Human Being is a fantastic album omg. Just listened to it again, still thinking of buying it lol

Just noticed you got an art gallery, gonna have to check that out ;0 Good luck with your events, hope to see more of your stuff on this site real soon, too!!

The RenΓ©e/Reneigh thing is great lol. You think you're keeping all your villagers permanently, or are you gonna switch 'em up after a while ??

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:04:30 )

"You\'ve had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: Have you listened to their new album Dreamland?? I'm OBSESSED!! Especially the stripped back version of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.

Thank you!! I should post some of my newer stuff in my art gallery but I keep forgetting because I'm so busy >w>;;;

I'll be keeping a select few permanently - I'm wanting a new cranky villager since Frank is cool and all but... my aesthetic! I think I'll be keeping Julian, Raddle, Kiki, Broffina maybe, and Muffy. How about you??

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:27:01 )
@0v7: Haven't gotten myself to listen to the new album. I liked the older ones so much and from what I've heard (Heat Waves, mainly) they sound so.... Different? A lot more pop, I miss how they sounded on Zaba especially. Gotta let go of prejudice, though. I kight really like it but haven't given it a chance lol. I'll listen soon!!

Ugh, man. I've been trying to draw more, too but oooof. Life is busy. Still, hmu if you get the time and post more!!

Your town has a ton of cool villagers!! Especially like Julian amd Kiki. Never seen Raddle before, he's hellaaaa dope. Muffy is always a good one, too ;0

For ours, we're keeping Bizkit, Drago, Zell, Wendy, Vic, Leonardo, and Cherry! My husband likes Fauna but I've been wanting to switch her to get my Vesta back ❀ lol

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:31:21 )

"You\'ve had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: I was hesitant about Dreamland at first too but it's actually less pop than I expected! What really got me was, well, the track Dreamland. One of the lines hits HARD in this year, 2020. Also, Helium emotionally wrecked me too I was just like πŸ₯Ί listening to it, at the end of my full album listen.

I posted a couple new digital arts! I finally got around to doing it - both were freebies for other users on here :0

Omg Zell!!! I had Zell in ACNL :'D I actually had Wendy but swapped her with Kiki lol. Cherry's always a good one too!!! I don't remember what Bizkit looks like... time to web search >w>

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:42:42 )
@0v7: Dave has that voice, man. Can hit SO hard when he's talking about the deeper stuff. He has a way of sounding so sad and strained, it adds so much emotion to a track. Ahh, you've concinced me. I'll smoke and give it a listen!! Once I put pants on tho omg it's so cold outside.

Dude, those are dope! Especially love the coloring on #11. Keep up the good work! Making me wanna doodle, too ha

Zell's such a cool kid, I wasn't ready. My husband found him while island hopping, but the dude's my best friend now lmfaoooo. Had Wendy (and Vesta tbh) in Pocket Camp, they stuck with me TvT Cherry was in our New Leaf file, she came back to visit us at the campsite on New Horizons, so it felt like fate lol. Bizkit is such a cutie, real good puppy, that one

Oh, funny story with Vic, too! He was a campsite villager, but I was too hungover to recruit him. Found him on a mystery island the next day, though!! Love that grumpy guy. And if you give him hats, he wears a tiny version on top of his viking hat lol

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:50:38 )

"You\'ve had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: "Agnes" makes me SO emotional like!! How can this be so emotional in the span of what, 3 minutes??? Now I wanna listen to it.. My fave track from Dreamland is probably "Space Ghost Coast to Coast"! "Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth" is also another I like a lot. "Heat Waves" makes me weirdly nostalgic...

Thank you!! :D I tried a different method of coloring on #11 - one that isn't so hard on my back :3 You should doodle if you wanna!! It's fun!!

Omg Vesta!!! I had her in ACNL too!! I.. haven't checked Pocket Camp in so long. Mostly 'cause I got tired of the gacha >w>; I want Punchy in ACNH since I had him in ACNL but he seems to be elusive >_> Bizkit is so cute!!

What if you give him a viking hat? Is it stacked on top?? that would be hilarious lol
Also, I didn't know you can give your villagers ANY hat. I'm used to Pocket Camp's method of hats

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 14:59:54 )
@0v7: I was totally thinking of Agnes, too lol. Same wavelength right there, bro. I'm gonna pop on the album while I'm drawing, I'll be sure to listen extra hard to those songs lol

It looks good! And omg the struggles of being an artist with a bad back. Real happy to hear you found something that eases the strain on it :')

Yeah, I stopped playing Pocket Camp for that reason, too. It's where I learned about SO many villagers, though. It made it easier to start playing NL with my husband.
Hope you can find Punchy! He's a cutie. There's a thread on reddit that frequently has villagers in boxes to take for free, might have luck looking there (NoFeeAC)

Been meaning to give Vic that hat!! Buuut, yes, it stacks LMFAO

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/17 15:05:08 )

"You\'ve had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: I'm listening to HTBAHB on shuffle, just waiting for Agnes to surprise me. >:3
My top 3 songs of HTBAHB are Agnes, Life Itself, and Pork Soda or Mama's Gun. I actually don't like one song, and it's Poplar St.

Pocket Camp was so nice for a while and then they introduced... the cookies? which cost real money - and it kinda went downhill from there. See, I had played ACNL for a while and got bored, hacked my 3DS and made a dream town and then never touched it after, so Pocket Camp was nice! for a bit. I'm glad ACNH came out when it did 'cause omg... I wanted my Animal Crossing! Did I buy a Switch lite just for that? Yes,

I wonder if my internet's good enough to connect to other people now... I tried with Total a month or so ago but that was on my old router :0

Also I WHEEZED AT THAT PIC! He looks so funny lol

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 02:01:28 )
@0v7: Bummer, I loved Poplar Street. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Hope Agnes hit you JUST right during your listen lol

Oh, man. Couldn't stand the cookies. Especially the way they would pop up and slow down the game, can't say I miss it. When we got New Leaf and New Horizons? No questions haha
My husband did the same as you in New Leaf ha. The burnout is toooo real. I'm stubborn, though. Made it so neither of us can time travel on New Horizons >:)
Don't worry, bro. I got the Switch to play Zelda :')

If your net's all good, would love to play with ya sometime! Our island's a big mess of a WIP, but you're totally welcome

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 02:48:06 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: Agnes made me so emotional and I'm like yesss.. music is so powerful. I do like some lines in Poplar St. but something about it makes me not want to listen to the entirety?? idk what it is lol

God yeah they definitely slowed mine down and I had a decent phone >_>
I time travel on New Horizons, 'cause I'm technically gathering enough resources for me n my friend who plays on my Switch but not a lot :0 Also, mushroom DIYs are so hard to get T_T
I'm thinking of getting a case for my Switch... an ~aesthetic~ one, though I'm broke right now lol.

I could certainly try - I haven't tested my connection with other people yet :0

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 03:23:27 )
@0v7: Music is the way to the heart, man. Think certain songs helped me fall in love, if I'm honest. The way sounds dance with your emotions, memories, feelings, ugh. All so beautiful. Seems like you got great tastes in music, man! Would love to hear if you got any more recommendations

Not doing any time travel is SUCH a challenge, man. Just remembering the dates to events and actually having to get up early for turnips is a hassle, at times. Not to mention most fishing tournies land on weekends where I work :'( my favorite thing in any game is fishing lol
ugh, good luck getting the mushroom DIYs! Some of the best there is but they're so scarce!!
Cases are always a good plan. You going for a full custom one?

Let me know whenever you're down to play! idk how long I'll be on tonight tho, getting kinda faded lol

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 13:45:42 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: Another fave band of mine is Mother Mother! They're a bit folksy/rock/punk ?? I have no idea what their genre is. They used to make some pretty heavy music but their latest album "Dance and Cry" is a bit cathartic... my favorite song from that album is "It's Alright". Makes me cry like a baby lol

Thankfully you don't have to worry about rotten turnips from time travelling! I don't do the stalk market myself but I know some people do and get rotten turnips. I used to love fishing until I ran out of fish to collect for the first... 3 months I played? Yeah I have one mushie DIY and it's the one Isabelle gives you u_u
I.. THINK I am? I'm new to cases for consoles haha. I could maybe link the one I was looking at..? I'm also wanting like, joystick caps that are cat paws.

I kinda passed out last night LOL. I'm usually online from 8am to 10pm, though I do have avatar site dailies and stuff I juggle. I'd say I'm done with those by 2/3pm... though I am making more art than usual. We'll see!!

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 15:41:28 )
@0v7: Dude omg I REALLY like Mother Mother, too haha. Didn't know they had a new album, either! Got a lot to listen to when I get off of work again lol. Appreciate the recs!
Not sure if you'd be into them, but some of my favorite bands are Lion Sphere and Mild Orange ;0

My husband makes bank off the stalk market. He goes on turnip runs every few months and our island is SET lmao. Bells aren't a big concern but man, I'm thankful for switch online. Trying to do turnips in our town is a nightmare, I've never seen our island have a good price haha
All I do is fish and I still haven't caught everything! Lucky you lol. But yeah, I'm still trying to grind for mushrooms and DIYs too.

If you got a link, show me the case!! Those cat paw joystick covers are too cute, hope you can get your console all fancy soon!

I'm usually up pretty late, since I work overnight haha, no worries for knocking out. Hope you slept well!
I work a 2-2-3 schedule, so mt days off flip flop during the week. Feel free to ping or message whenever you get a chance and I'll let you know if I'm free :)

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 15:49:03 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: Their new album is soooo good!! I subscribe to their YouTube channels so I get to see music as they release - for Mother Mother and Glass Animals anyways. No prob! I like Jack Stauber too, that person's got funky music - I love "Baby Hotline" and "Two Time" most from that artist. Also, I'm listening to Lion Sphere's album A Moving Sun and it's a JAM!!

I usually sell fossils and plant a ridiculous amount of money trees >:3
I haven't gotten fish since I initially completed the three month's worth of fish - should probably do that, or delegate it to my alter who plays. eheheh

Here's the case I was looking at! and also the cat paw joystick covers I was looking at! I want both 'cause I want my console to look cute >:3

Just as I finish writing this post the second track of "A Moving Sun" plays, and I'm now in love with this track >w>
Also, I'll def ping / message when I'm playing and you seem to be online :0 Lately I've been juggling SO many plates @_@

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 16:08:35 )
@0v7: Sauber is a good one!! I really like his animated shorts, been meaning to listen to more of his stuff, my favorite of his atm is "Oh Klahoma"
I leave my youtube so bare-bones. haven't subscribed or liked much of anything but DANG do I got playlists lined up for any occasion lol. I got the two albums you mentioned saved up for when I have my three day weekend! Gonna be so groovy
The first two tracks on Moving Sun are pretty intense haha. It's all good, but those do a great job of pulling in a listener >:) It gets pretty intense later in the album, it's fantastic. I set Mild Orange's "Foreplay" album up after Moving Sun, usually. Trippy jams that take you on a ride lol

Oh, I love collecting fossils! Bit of a hoarder with them tbh. Said it was to decorate our museum at first, but I have no excuses now LMFAO.
I'm trying so hard to fill up the museum! My favorite place in-game tbh. I won't visit for months at a time, just to keep it fresh and exciting. Always something new to see when we visit!

Ohh, I'm so jealous of your switch haha. Got me looking at cases now, thanks LMAO

No rush to play at all, man. Long as you got some down time and you're able to have fun, it's all cool <3


Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 16:14:36 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: That's so funny 'cause I live in Oklahoma!!! Another good band I think is Cosmo Sheldrake - a bit more fantasy/chill tho, compared to the other bands, but whimsical!
My YouTube has 2 subs and it's to Glass Animals and Mother Mother lol. I had playlists on there for music but I ended up downloading everything.
I'm gonna listen to that next album as soon as this one's over! Gotta get the whole experience >:3

I have all the fossils - in fact, I completed my fossil portion of the museum really early on. I'm working on the art section now, but Redd is ignoring my island /joking. I haven't visited my museum in a while.. maybe I should when I get time!

My Switch is my only handheld console that's... modern, my other only console is the 3DS I hacked >w>;
I'm mainly getting a case since my cousin played on my Switch and dropped it. Heart attack, I'm tellin' ya.

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 16:40:48 )
@0v7: Oh, whoa. Didn't know that lol. How you like it there? Heard there's some good chow :0
Been meaning to listen to more Sheldrake, Come Along and Moss pop up on my mixes here and there, I've been digging them! Got their album queued up, too. Really should download more, talking about it makes me miss CDs and mixtapes LMAO, would be great for roadtrips or deadzones |D
Let me know how you like it! Got plenty more tunes, if you're looking ;0

Yeah, we finished our fossil section real quick, too. Was kinda bummed it's so small but WOW, it is stunning to look at the layout and setup. Redd doesn't like anybody, it seems LMFAO, the art section is so... Bare and lonely </3 Museum's a nice place to chill out. Great music in there to go afk and doze lol

Those are great consoles, though! Put so many hours into Pokemon on the 3DS haha
BUT YIKES LMAO definitely get a case on that switch. Just reading that it dropped made my heart skip a beat lol

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 16:46:10 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: The food's pretty good! Though of course, I haven't been to a restaurant in a while.. last place I went to was a Mexican restaurant, not the best but it's good considering my fave moved to another location in a different town :(
I loved "The Moving Sun"!!! I'm listening to "Foreplay" now - it's got an interesting vibe :0!!

Last time Redd visited my island I time travelled to get like, 10 paintings. :'3 I haven't paid attention to the music since I have my own music playing to keep me focused - gotta love ADHD >w>

I have pretty much no games for my 3DS - except, as you guessed it, ACNL. I wanna get more games for my Switch but... dunno what to get. I usually play stuff on my computer >w> Do you have any cheaper game recs for the Switch??

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 17:38:32 )
@0v7: Homemade meals are usually where it's at, man. Still, such a bummer when your favorite restaurant is outta the picture :(
One of my husband's favorite places was a local diner around here. Was our little date spot for a while, too. Seemed like you'd see everyone and their family at one point or another at that restaurant. So many good memories. The place recently shut down. Still gets me a bit emotional when we drive past that building...
I'll admit, Foreplay was the best when super high lmao. Always made the world look so wavy~

Man, I love the art section soooo much, sucks to see it so EMPTY. These other NPCs need to stop taking up Redd's time >:(
You make time travel sound soooo tempting, but we're hanging in there! got plenty of fish and bugs to catch in the meantime, ain't gonna stop until that museum is filled!!

Some of my favorite games that got ported to switch were Outlast and Bayonetta! Wildly different genres LMAO but they're great and pretty challenging! Though, Outlast is a bit short, it's actually got a great story aside from the "Scary things chasing you booOooO" haha.
Okami is a good one they ported, too! Beautiful game, though I think they stretched out the ending a bit too much imo. Not sure how much that was anymore, but if you get a chance, it's worth a play!
I got a lot of my games while they were on sale, but I haven't checked the eshop in a LONG time. The used games section of stores is also a lifesaver. You might find something cooler where I didn't look tho ;0

Voltie β€” He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 17:55:10 )

"You've had too much of the digital love -

@McMoney: Homemade meals are the best. I should be doing some cooking today but I have a killer migraine from too much coffee... hopefully it dies down a bit soon. It's so sad when longtime restaurants close down, especially the mom n pop type ones. I wanna go to a restaurant but.. I gotta watch my diet :'/ I wish I could've listened to Foreplay more but my head's killin' me :c

I have 15?? out of the.. 48 total art pieces, I think. I can't remember how many there are, actually.. many arts though. I need to catch more bugs and fish but I've been adding stuff to my island.. I wonder if I could set up a dream address now that I have Online??

I feel like I've heard of Outlast before :0 Bayonetta is interesting too but I'm terrible at games that involve fighting >w> Okami is SOOO pretty!! I wanna play it so bad :0 I should check out Walmart's selection of games. It can't be THAT much... right?? lol

You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

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