But I've tried to learn a piano and a guitar before and I just never really got into it. But pretty much my family is musically talented in some type of way so maybe that's where I get it from hehe
Ah that's very true. I've only just begun to get to know myself. I feel like a late bloomer when it comes to that. I've been journaling since elementary on and off though throughout the years and I'm super grateful for it. I probably wouldn't be alive or extremely screwed up if writing wasn't my outlet tbh.
And no thanks with the tarantulas, I'll still freak out if I see one irl so I'll just admire them online lol.
@MoodyB: Ah so we're both having a terrible week huh TwT
But is nice things are finally looking up for you.
I'm doing alright, I've just been on my laptop most of the day and done some minor tasks. Currently watching a live stream atm tho.