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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 16:37:07 )
@Koah: ...part 2...
I will probably shovel out the beans and toss them in a pot or somewhere in the ground when I get a chance. They'll either grow or they won't. I did this recently to a tomato plant which also started from the compost pile and it seems to be doing well so far in the pot it's in.

Oh! <3 <3 If I change my avatar to my aotw entry, it will be difficult for you to incorporate in to that contest. I don't usually use the avatars I create for the contest, partly because if I win, I want to win on the strength of the avatar, and not get in to potential "popularity" type grounds that could swing votes either way...

*sigh* Dogs want out now - should do that before it starts raining again. XD


Donator — PomePome Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 16:45:52 )
@Wildfire: iam good though Milli is asleep now and i have some me time :)

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 16:48:02 )
@Koah: That's not a particularly long reply... and that's really cool. I'd probably do the same thing, actually, if I worked in a store like that for any length of time - how could you not? I feel ya about all the money invested in a bin of supplies. I have a few of those things lying around too (just different things than clothing/material - sewing, although I don't avoid it, is not a particular interest of mine)

@Miss Sandman: Oh good! What are you going to do with your "me time"??


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 16:57:58 )

Good morning everyone ^^


Donator — PomePome Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:01:39 )
@Wildfire: I wanted to read but iam disgussing why its Bad to drink milk....... I never wanted this, i told the Person that she can drink all the nuts and oatmilks but i just dont like to drink them i prefer cowsmilk...... she dont leave me alone with it *rolls eyes
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:03:24 )
@Wildfire: I respect you keep your aotw separate from your daily avi. I've noticed that as a problem on a different site a long time ago. e.e' The same person won over and over because people recognized them from the forums.
The consignment shop I worked was known for being high-end and vintage. I loved that place. However, the business ended when the landlord passed. We were all close to the landlord of the building. He loved the store, probably as much as we all did. But his daughter inherited the building and she disliked the closeness we had with her father. =o so she shut down the shop and tried to do other legal actions that fell through the cracks.
anyhow, I lost interest in the desire to sew my own costumes. My energy is lacking and uninterrupted time to do it would be rare.
I'm amazed you were able to grow tomatoes from your compost pile! That's awesome! <3
I just wandered off and checked on my seeds. My zucchini are sprouting now and I'm so excited. c:
//Flails// I'm Growing Things!!!! //happy dance//

@Purpsy: Hi! Good morning. C:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:04:32 )

@Purpsy: Oh good morning! How are you so far today?

@Miss Sandman: Oh, that does not sound nice. It's one thing to have a conversation about something, it's another to get in to the realm of converting somebody to a different set of beliefs! Do you need to be more firm with this person and just refuse to continue the conversation with them?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:07:37 )

@Koah: Well is no longer morning here lol
*stares at the clock: it just hits 12*

How's your day going?

@Wildfire: I just woke up not long ago and feeling a little slugish. I didn't sleep well last night.
But overall I'm doing fine :3 And you?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:11:00 )
@Koah: Yes, I've seen that happen on different sites too over the years. I suspect it's happening here too, to some degree, but I'm not interested in playing that game. I'll create another avatar to use in the forums - because it's fun and it's time XD

The situation with the store sounds like an unfortunate dysfunctional display of jealousy. I hate it when that type of thing happens. But you enjoyed it while it lasted, right? At the end of the day, you keep your experiences and your memories (and in your case, clothes, apparently! XD )

Yes, uninterrupted time to work on your own projects is difficult to manage if you have kids. It's why I've been away from my studio for so long, despite wanting to "get there". I advise you to keep trying anyway - don't completely give up doing the things you enjoy or derive satisfaction from! It's important for momma to do things she likes too! :3

Yay zucchini! <3 Congrats! (I love how our approach to planting is so similar! XD )


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:14:00 )
@Purpsy: Oh! It IS noon already, isn't it? How the heck did that happen?? 0_o I slept a little weirdly last night too... and also slept in longer than usual this morning. I'm sorry you're feeling a little sluggish today so far. Do you have any plans for the day?

I'm doing ok, thanks - just trying to enjoy the rainy day (we don't get many of them, actually... hurricanes notwithstanding XD ) but also moving a little slowly. I'm probably going to go do some yoga soon... just for a bit, to work out the kinks from my workout yesterday. And I really should do some cooking/meal prep., but I don't feel like it right now.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:20:06 )
@Purpsy: You are a few hours ahead of me. :p It's about 9am here.
So far, today is relaxing. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee. My kids just started their online school stuff. and I got some mild chores on the list for today.
How's your day going? :p

@Wildfire: I'm lucky I have a husband that shoves me in my art corner when I get ornery. I need my downtime of doing artsy-fartsy stuff or I get burnt out and flustered with the kids, husband, dogs. But I should work on doing art/hobby things without getting to that ornery point. <.<'
The daughter came in like a jealous wrecking ball. I kind of get it.. the landlord did put pictures of the staff employees and store owner up in his house. Kind of like a person would do to show off their kids. <3 He loved us and vice versa. He was a good human being. I got the vibe that his daughter felt replaced and protective of her father.
I did get rid of some clothes recently. I have another handful of clothes I'd like to get rid of, but I'd prefer to sell as they're super high-end brands. o3o

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:27:20 )

@Wildfire: Time flying fast in your end? xD
Oof are hurricanes common in your end? Is the opposite here is been majorly gloomy lately. I enjoy rainy days too but not so many days in a row

I plan to do one of the drawing event activities today and then clean some parts of the bathroom. I don't have the energy to clean the whole bathroom today so I'll do the rest tomorrow. Then do some spot cleaning if I can later...

Sigh I want to go out and have some fresh air and exercise but they got really strict with the lockdown here. Apparently I might get question if I go out on walks right now. I don't want to risk it =.=

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:28:45 )
@Koah: Yes, my husband does (did?) the same for me, only when I get to that ornery place, I need to go outside - to a park, to the beach, camping by myself, something. If I sit and try to do artwork when I'm in that headspace, things tend not to turn out well for the people around me, for me, or for whatever I'm working on. And, if I'm in the house, there is no way to close the door or anything and completely stop the "mom/honey ... put-something-here-that-only-you-can-do" thing that happens, which adds to the orneriness XD

Clothes... I'm trying to ignore my heaps and heaps of them right now. :(


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:29:56 )

@Koah: Wow! Your on your third cup O.O
Is good your having a relaxing day so far :3

It feels somewhat similar to yours. Got some stuff needs to be done around my apartment and just chill afterwards.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:33:18 )
@Purpsy: Yes, it doesn't seem like 12:30 to me. It feels like it should be closer to 10am for some reason.
Yes, hurricanes are fairly common here ... or at least the threat of them, anyway. I'm in Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico, so pretty much everything that spins up from the Caribbean over the summer months heads this way to one degree or another...

Spot cleaning sounds like a good thing to do. It's usually a good thing to do a little bit of cleaning on a more regular schedule. It tends to help keep things tidy without the overwhelming house cleanup that can happen otherwise.

Oh yeah... I heard about that. That sucks! I'm so sorry... that's far too much power and invasion of privacy/freedom IMO.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:40:48 )
I'm going to go do a little bit of yoga and stretching before it gets any later and I end up not moving from my chair at all. BRB :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:40:55 )

@Wildfire: Sigh yeah, I heard other provinces don't have it bad as in Toronto where I live in.
My brother was really pissed when he heard the news.
Yep, It has been working well for me and I don't stress about it.

Well I'm going to afk and got some cleaning done right now. Chat to you guys later ^w^)/


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 18:07:44 )
I disappeared to eat and start cleaning up the kitchen some. I need to get started on these little things. lol. c:

@Purpsy: My coffee cup is pretty small. so my 3 cups are probably equivalent to a cup and a half.

@Wildfire: My husband is the one in our relationship that needs to be outside to have downtime. Every once in a while he goes coyote hunting and I don't see him for about 12-24 hours.

I have had such a strong desire to go fishing lately. The weather is getting better, so we're almost there.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 18:54:37 )
@Purpsy: good luck with the cleaning and stuff! We'll see you soon :3

@Koah: Part of my needing to be outside is the uninterrupted quiet that it affords - there is no "mom/honey..." stuff going on - no demands on me other than what I choose. Also, it's a nice change of environment from seeing the same walls that I usually see. Often, I'll bring a sketchbook with me when I head to the park or a beach... so it's really a bit of both, I think.

Oh! You fish! That's one of those things that I did as a kid but never followed up with for whatever reason. Often, when I go kayaking, I'm the only non-fisherperson among a bunch of them, fishing from the kayaks! XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 19:02:57 )
@Wildfire: That is totally understandable. <3 I'm sure I'll start looking for further escapes as my small kids turn into tweens and teens.
I was telling my husband last night that I'd like to take my sketchbook out in the wilds somewhere and sketch my surroundings for practice. I think I'm pretty decent at drawing what I see. =o not great, but decent. :d I want to be a better artist, I have the practiced skill and I really don't utilize it much.

I grew up as the 5th daughter of a farming man. lol! He was really hoping for a boy when I was born. By the time I was 7, I was out shooting and fishing, quad riding, and camping, starting campfires, etc. [[My parents were divorced, so my mom really didn't know I was being taught all these skills until I was a teen lol!]] My mom raised me for the most part. When I did see my dad, he basically crash-coursed me with all the skills he wanted his kids to have. <3

I enjoy fishing. I don't like eating fish, buuuuut my husband does. C:

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