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Voltie — Dude/bro Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/27 20:02:40 )
I hate the holidays. So much. I wouldn't have hated it so much if I wasn't constantly working at a grocery store where they play Christmas music. People come in wanting to return things and just generally being very mean to me for no reason. Retail is bad enough, but then you add on the pressure of a lot of people coming through and buying presents and all that repeating Christmas music, it just really gets on my nerves very very quickly.
Male/20/gay/sad. :(
I usually only check this site like once or twice a day so it might take me a bit to respond.

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/30 01:24:48 )

I shoulda known! Right after my previous rant, I got a sudden and suspiciously high amount of good luck. My mounting problems were, if not outright resolved, at least substantially eased to the point of being manageable. The biggest problem being that my move might have been canceled, but turned out it wasn't! ...But now, right when I let my guard down enough to dare to be happy again, once again, I get blindsided by crappy news and now my move might--again--actually be canceled. Because of someone else's screwup, again. I'm so sick of all these issues that aren't even my fault just piling on because nobody else can be assed to do things right in my life. And I'm so sick of it always happening right when I start thinking maybe I can trust things to work out. How stupid of me. Of course nothing will ever get better; nothing ever really changes.
There's still a small chance for it to be worked out, but I know better than to hold my breath for it this time. As I should have known the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/30 14:37:12 )
My rant: 2020. It sucks and I'm so glad it's over. I just really really hope that with the new year everything will once more become normal (and not this "new normal" BS) again. I know it's a fantasy and that this chaos and crap is likely to continue but still... And politicians/politics. I'm so horribly sick of these egocentric manipulative asses who bill themselves as working in our best interests when it's so obviously Not the case...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/6 02:05:56 )
Was listening to a program on NPR this morning, and the topic was the stimulus check recently approved/dispersed here in the U.S. Of course when the floor was open for questions/points of discussion, someone said, "My son, who's a working college student, will likely receive the stimulus check very soon, and will likely put the funds toward his student loans. I'm just concerned, is that really what this stimulus was meant for? And since he's working, does he really need it? I don't think this stimulus package was very well thought out."


It's none of your effing business what people do with THEIR money. And who are YOU to say that they don't need the extra money? Because they're working??? Lemme tell ya, just because you're so lucky to have a job in these times doesn't mean you get to live comfortably. Having a job doesn't mean you don't have debt in some form. Car payments? Mortgage? Credit cards? Heck, you may have only RECENTLY become employed after being out of a job for who knows how long, so now you have to play catch-up with your finances.

People who try to tell others what to do with their money really piss me off. I'd considered making a thread about this topic, but thought the better of it and decided to use this space instead.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator — They/Them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/7 09:35:36 )
I still don't understand WHY but my job is just pushing m nerves.
I have 5 years experience as a manager at various places, I come with letters of recommendations, I'm one of the more reliable people, I am a beacon of knowledge to anyone who needs help, I'm cross trained nearly everywhere, already have my serv-safe......why did they choose a teenager who has 0 experience, is bad at communicating, doesn't do her job, argues with her staff, literally tells them to shut up in front of customers, is overall a bad example, and the days she's not a manager she doesn't understand when I say "she needs to set an example" when she's doing something very immature only to be met with "well I'm not the manager today so it doesn't count" LIKES YES IT DOES.

Many back of house employees have complained about her immature ass. When they found out I was passed over, they were so bitter. She even said she wants to quit but the GM wont let her. Like...nothing is stopping you. She was way under qualified for the job and CLEARLY she doesn't want it anymore,

What sucks the most is that they started my training but then dropped me for her. I hate that. Don't start me on something to not finish it. I even offered "I don't expect a promotion but can I at least finish the training to have it on my resume?" only to be met with vague answers. It blows. It's why I switched to BOH because she isn't in control there. I have a year left until I move to another city so I hope to stick with the company and HOPEFULLY finish the training so if I transfer, I can transfer as a manager. But who knows. They at least gave me a raise. :/
Comic | Cosplay

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/18 13:43:27 )

2020 can go get effed.
I'm glad it's over with, but I don't have much more hope for 2021.
So many people I know died this year.
The only LGTBQ+ friendly place in town just got all of it's windows smashed in.
Mom is still having issues, and keeps risking getting another embolism in her leg.
My boss is a homophobe who is trying to get me and like 4 other people fired for existing.
I have migraines almost nonstop now.

. . . Can a dude catch a break, please? ;_;

Whoever hexed me, I hope ya burn.
x o x o


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/21 01:11:59 )
Moody Says. . .


mini rant, but not really a rant.
but will keep it short and simple.

I just feel i don't matter. as a person or an artist.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website] | [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Tumblr]

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/23 03:18:58 )
i hate when pretty people complain about being ugly

like fuck, I must be a disgusting maggot infested pig. like stfu, you liar.

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/23 17:42:32 )

Getting really tired of being ignored at my job. It happens elsewhere, too, but lately it's been really getting to me at work when my requests for time off go unanswered until I'm already scheduled for that time so I have no choice but to cancel them; someone asks for a code over the walkie and i tell them it's on a sheet right next to them, only to have someone else answer by just telling them the code as though I hadn't said anything at all; I spend idk how many minutes standing around waiting for someone to fucking notice me and shut up long enough to answer MY questions; I get bitched at for "not communicating" because I literally CAN'T answer the person asking things on the walkie because they're STILL TALKING and you can't both talk at once, but when I ask a question into the walkie I get met with no response whatsoever until I ask again a second or third time and then get fucking snapped at for asking so many times. How df was I supposed to know you were on your way over if you didn't say so? CoMmUnIcAtE why don't you? jfc
Then you ask customers "how are you today?" and they ignore you, so eventually you give up and of course the one person you don't bother asking gets an attitude with you because you didn't ask the obligated question that nobody actually wants an answer to.
And of course, let's not forget the entire fiasco with me trying to get a transfer, which happened because as usual, I wasn't important enough for anyone to bother actually doing their part. But still got blamed on me despite me doing literally everything that could have been expected of me, because it's so much easier to just throw the employee under the bus than to let managers take responsibility for their own negligence. ...oh and if i did get a transfer, they'd take away the raise they just gave me. so that's nice to know. glad i busted my ass for almost 50 hours a week just to find out that if i ever move to another location i'll lose that 50 cents i got for being there over a year.


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/9 18:55:27 )

last night was inventory night, wherein everyone who's signed up for it stays several hours late to count everything in the store. i was asked a few days ago if i was able to stay, but i didn't give them a yes. i was not scheduled for inventory, only my regular schedule. imagine my surprise and frustration when they gave me a counting task at the very last minute anyway! something that would have taken me, oh so conveniently, until the time i'd have been scheduled to leave if i HAD said yes to inventory. i got 1/3 of it done and said i needed to leave because i shouldn't have been tasked with that anyway. especially without anyone to help me. i watched 2-3 other people who had the same schedule as me go home at their normal time, so why was i given the expectation of extra work? why am i the only one who is expected to just do more than i was signed on for? they couldn't possibly have thought that counting every chapstick and pack of gum at the registers would take me less than half an hour. i am still mad about it and now i have to leave for work again. i was tempted to call in just bc i was so damn mad. but at least inventory is done, so i won't have to worry about getting saddled with last-minute extra tasks... i hope.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/12 15:05:48 )
tw swearing and screaming about top surgey/being trans/money
I'm really fcking pissed about!!!!! swtuff!!!!! fuck!!!!

I'm working full time, trying to go back to school full time. I want top surgery. My shitty insurance from work won't cover it. I don't have an appt yet but it's likely I will in the next 2-3 years. That's like 2 years to save up 10 grand.

I can't decide if it's worthwhile to push myself to create products out of my art and try selling them, like stickers on etsy or something, to try and slowly save up. Or if that's a stupid waste of time! And I won't save it up anyway! And I'll still have to wait until I get a job that doesn't treat employees like shit and gives me insurance that will help cover the costs of the surgery!

My back is killing me and I'm tired of people staring at my tits in public! Ahhhh!!!!!! The wait was supposed to be a year but due to covid it's more like two years! A year and a half to even get in touch with the doctor I've been referred to!

And I get pissed because my parents are like "being trans isn't real you're a freak" and I"m like if it's not real why is there such a long line for titty surgery that I can't even get in until two years from my gp sending in the request!!!!!!!


anyway. that's me.
ping me for best results

Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/12 16:45:33 )

I'm so fucking annoyed at people who are calling their favourite ships as real and only true canon. Oh come on guys, this is just an rpg game, why the hell are you so obsessed with such a nonsense and trash my feed with your sick shit? Why can't you understand that there is JUST YOUR canon and there is also equal to YOUR CANON - ANOOOTTHERRR CANONNNN. IT'S A GAME! THERE IS A CHOICE FOR PLAYER! If people have choice in the game, all of them are canon, but not just YOUR HEADcanon bullshit, with which you wake up wetting your pants OOMGGGG... JUST STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP, I'M SO TIRED TO BAN ALL OF YOU FROM MY FEED! WHY THERE ARE SO LITTLE PEOPLE LEFT ON TUMBLR WITH COMMON SENSE I DUNNOOOO............. AND WHY DO YOU ACT SO HATEFUL TOWARDS MALE MAIN CHARACTER? WHAT A FUCKING STUPIDITY I JUST CAN'T.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/26 17:41:01 )
with every passing day I grow more and more irritated with you.
before, it was just in general. but now, you're trying to pick a fight with me over nothing, and I'm pissed.

you realize you're literally whining about having a cushy 9-5 job during a pandemic, right?
no, you probably don't realize it. because you're privileged, self-centered, and arrogant.

god I wish we'd never hired you. I can't wait until I never have to interact with you ever again.

Voltie — smol she Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/30 11:34:55 )

I dunno.

I know you're worried about using your 'unprotected' laptop to do your banking... but wanting to use my PC irritates me. It's also not protected. I dunno how to do any of that stuff either. Maybe I'm a douche telling you the truth, but like... it's not really different? Like... whats gonna happen when we move out?? Are you gonna friggin' drive to our place to pay your bills?? Wtf, pay your bills at the bank then! Can't be any safer than that, right??

Also calling me selfish and a cow is great.
I hate living... so so much.
I hate that this is the level of silly crap I have to deal with. What the actual hell?? I'm an adult, you're an adult... what a waste of time.
Why do I also feel bad refusing her?? My boyfriend even tells me to just let her use my PC... just, ughh am I terrible actually?


Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/10 18:27:45 )

Sometimes I get annoyed when my managers have us train new employees during busy shifts. I understand they need to learn, but they’re pretty much just in the way. It makes business move slower because we constantly have to teach or make sure the new employees are doing things right, and we can’t do everything for them or else they won’t learn. It doesn’t help, either, when the coworker with you works slow and doesn’t know how to do too much. So you’re having to pick up the slack of the trainee and the coworker. I’m just tired, but everything will be okay...


Donator — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/13 02:45:29 )
i hate feeling like this

i don't even want to talk to my friend about it, because i feel like i do it too much. i don't want to use it as some weird crutch.

so idk where the fuck to complain. i don't know what the fuck to do. it's just the same shit. never getting out of this shitty fucking piece of shit depression. stupid fucking not even worth talking about because there IS nothing to talk about. i've said it all. i've done it all. there's nothing more to be said. its just perpetual.

just a fucked up brain that can't be fixed. that's all there is.

just suffer and suffer and fuck me, i guess. I guess I did something to deserve this. i don't fuckin know? whoever I was in a past life must have fuckin sucked. thanks a lot you piece of shit for ruining a perfectly good life.

Ping me!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/15 22:52:54 )

I'm so done, I'm so exhausted emotionally, mentally heck maybe physically too. I wish there's a an isolated place for me to take a breather because I'm so done dealing with my mother's bullshit


Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/3 03:38:46 )

(I'm taking this from my spam thread because I figured it's worthy enough to fit into this thread, as well. I'm just so annoyed).

I'm really so tired of living in this apartment. I hate living under this man and next to the other two men.

Homie above me steps too fuckin heavily for no reason at all (other than him being a big guy), and it's seriously getting annoying. Sometimes his footsteps cause vibrations in my apartment and it's so unnecessary. I'm so ready to move out. Scratch that, I've BEEN ready to move out for the longest. I'm so over being here, I can't even enjoy peace and quiet in my apartment without it being interrupted by someone's goddamn TV or this man's heavy fucking footsteps.

Our apartments are the size of Post-It Notes, why is he walking around so much? Sit the hell down and stop moving, everything you need is basically within arm's reach.


Check out my shop! Currently selling Winter '21 Plasma Orb Items and more.

Voltie — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/5 12:35:15 )
sometimes i genuinely wonder if life is worth living when all my friends that have already left their families (abusive or not) struggle with finances and getting proper healthcare and staying employed, especially now... and maybe someone will criticize me and say that's out of proportion since most of my friends are also chronically ill and disabled and have dealt with trauma etc but i see a lot of stuff go around for many many other people too, it really isn't just my 'bubble' of friends and acquaintances. i wonder if it's worth it to leave my own abusive situation if it means i am probably going to also end up even more sick or homeless or just jumping from toxic/unsafe situations to the next ones or something, but i also feel kind of insane for staying here when my own family doesn't care about me and treats me like a burden. all they have to do is kick me out for being too mentally ill or for being lgbt or doing or not doing things or whatever reason, and yet they don't, but continue to treat me like less than the filth on the ground.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 04:51:45 )
Oh geez.... I'm fed up with (potential?) buyers who decided to backout or being fussy/joy buyers as soon as I mention the postage fee and the cost of the (preloved) item I'm selling. I also hate it when they ghosted me after I answered them or worse case scenario- after they confirm to do payment but didn't respond after I replied to them and well as trying to negotiate or lowball me when I've already written no negotiation or lowballing in my item listing's description. *facepalm*

I'm fine with buyers asking questions but when they asked me about whether I allow Cash on Delivery, even during the pandemic/quarantine/lockdown (again, I did wrote no cash on delivery on every description) or something's that already written in the description is mind bogging, made me realised these type of buyers don't even bother to read the description carefully before DMing me.

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