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Forums Hangouts ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:16:43 )

I'm doing alright. Soon I'll be starting lead training for work. ^w^


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:19:22 )
Oh? So that's new... I guess you decided to take that promotion they were talking to you about a while ago??


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:21:02 )

More or less. I've been pretty busy here lately. Both with personal events and work, but a while ago I requested moving upward if I could. So now I'll be getting the lead training.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:38:24 )
oh, that's cool. :3 So what changed your mind about climbing the leadership ladder? I seem to remember you not wanting to do that...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:39:59 )

Iunno. Just seemed like something I should do to make things easier at the store, and because I wanted to test myself.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:44:30 )
those are good reasons, imo. :3 I hope it goes well for you (I'm sure it will :3 )


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 18:57:28 )

I hope so. I'm kind of nervous about it.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 19:48:18 )
@Wildfire: I'm doing good. A bit tired, but that's expected with a newborn at home.
I'm exhausted more from the dynamic change in the house. A roommate moved out, the other one wallowing and the two other adults in the house trying to keep the depressed one busy.
It's all so annoying to me.
Anyway, Baby is doing well. He's healthy and ... a lot easier than my first born. /knocks on wood/

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 20:14:32 )
@Another Movie Addict: Why are you nervous about it? - the additional responsibility or the fact that it's just "new"??

@Koah: *shakes head* ... wow, it definitely seems like you've got a decent amount of (adult) drama in your house right now. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Hopefully it all shakes loose and everything settles for you (and all involved) very soon.
I'm so happy to hear that your little one is doing well. How are the bigger kids dealing with their new brother?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 20:23:37 )
@Wildfire: We can't really afford roommates moving out. /sigh/ but one left and the other will likely soon follow.
I give this situation 2 months to calm down. e;e
on top of all this, my husband is thinking of switching careers. We'll see how that pans out. OTL

My son is finally warming up to baby, he likes the funny faces.
My daughter refers to baby as "it" and "baby" because babies are exciting, she'll likely get less excited as he grows and gradually gets annoying. lol.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 20:26:55 )
@Koah: Oh boy - you do have your hands full right now, don't you? XD What is hubby thinking about doing? Do you have options for other roommates to come in if the other leaves? I'm sure the older kids will warm up as they get more accustomed to having the new one around, but at the same time, he's also likely to always be that "little, annoying brother" just because of the ages/stages and time-gap. :/ ... at least for a while. But maybe I'm wrong. My kids get along quite well with their older half-brother at this point...


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 21:30:01 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: yesss haha.
it's okay most land lords I've met were pretty strange lol.

how are you today?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 21:35:51 )
@MoodyB: lol - there's probably some truth to that. You need to be slightly nuts to be a landlord, imo! XD

I'm doing ok today, thanks. It has been weirdly busy for me... without seeming to be that busy somehow. I can't believe it's already 4:30pm here, for example... it feels more like 2pm to me ATM. :/

How are you doing?


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/9 22:06:29 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: Lol yeah definitely.

Ah i see. good to hear it has been good.

I am doing alright, tho debating to scrap this drawing or not since im not really sure
what im doing with it lol

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/10 14:35:48 )
@MoodyB: Thanks. If you're not sure what you're doing with a drawing, it usually means it's time to either do something drastic with it (and probably a little weird or experimental) or to put it aside for a while. Or at least that seems to be the case for me. What did you decide to do with it?

Good morning. It looks like a very pretty day outside, here... but I woke up late after being randomly awake for a couple hours in the middle of the night last night, and I need some caffeine before anything else.

What are your plans for today?

Random Question ------------------> If you could go in to outer space (just our atmosphere - I'm not talking about Star Trek type of things here), would you?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/10 18:02:07 )
@Wildfire: I don't have any plans of getting another roommate in the upstairs space. I might transfer my downstairs roommate upstairs, but he'll have to pay slightly more for the bigger space and privacy. Which would give us the downstairs to ourselves again.
My house is best described as A House on top of a house. lol.
I'm glad your kids get along with their half brother. <3
All of my siblings are half. I have two step brothers but, we're distant. We get along but so-so.
Good Morning. :d
I got sick kids this morning and am hoping Baby won't be hit too hard.

I like your avi today! :D

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/10 18:42:20 )
@Koah: lol. It definitely sounds like you have an interesting house layout, in addition to the interesting people dynamics!

I'm sorry to hear about the sick kids. That's never any fun. :( Hopefully nobody will be too badly affected- especially that little one of yours!

Yeah, it's interesting to see all the boys together. It makes for some very interesting conversations and joking around! Now. It wasn't always like that though. I don't talk to any of my "siblings" (one full brother and two step sisters) - they're all complete narcissistic assholes. :/


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/10 21:34:51 )
Moody Says. . .


@Wildfire: I'll probably experiment with it as i am trying a few new things
with this piece just in the sketch alone.
just not all that sure what i want to do with it yet. Original idea is to paint clouds.
so maybe once it's painted background wise i'll figure something out lol

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/11 13:53:13 )
@MoodyB: that sounds like a good thing to do, approach-wise. So are you just experimenting some more, or trying to accomplish something specific with your trying new things. And why clouds? They can be tough...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/05/11 14:00:40 )
good morning everyone.
How are you doing today?
What are you doing today?

I should clean the house up some, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen - a couple of friends and I are going to go visit another friend who we don't get to see too often. The house will still be dirty tomorrow XD And I have a few more seeds to plant in the garden, to get it ready for FL summer... which should start in earnest about any day now (although I have to say, the weather has been quite nice recently - hot, to be sure, but not "FL hot" and not overly humid for the most part), but the seeds are soaking and I should be able to get them planted tomorrow.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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