@Totalanimefan: I think that might be a good idea for a new step. I am also thinking of staying on here at the current job, just until the new year. I do have a small disney trip coming up in December, and they typically do a nice Christmas bonus, and I've worked at this hell for 3 years, so I at least deserve the money. But I didn't know about the early apply thing, so I will for sure look into that.
He could, but he works in a computer field, and I work in legal work, so he'd wouldn't really be able to help me. I really need to make a list of my for sure yays and for sure no's for a new job, before I get to next steps.
Youtube and google I guess? Like I am willing to learn, just train me. Like it's annoying, when they expect to have the perfect candidature who knows everything, and has 20 years of exp, but is willing to be paid pennies. It's like are we living in the same world?