@Wildfire: Rofl nothing wrong with rambling I suppose. And my stomach's doing okay at the moment, but it was pretty bad early yesterday and a bit in the evening and the only pepto I could find in the fridge was like two years old. So now I've got a fresh bottle to last a while. :D
Goodness, you are keeping busy! Which I mean, to some extent is a good thing, but yike, lol. I need to vacuum, too, but today is my roommate's day off and I don't want to disturb her rare (for this time of year at least) chill time. I think it's our houseguest's turn to cook tonight. Probably chicken legs, which honestly I really dislike and would rather just go hungry than eat most times. XP But we've got 'em so we gotta eat 'em eventually.
We also really need to get some fresh vegetables; we've only had canned recently and I'm a little sick of freaking green beans and (for some reason we had several cans of) creamed corn, which I don't really like in the first place. Love corn, just not creamed corn. I think it's a texture thing.
And yeah, it's the back of my thumb. No clue what I did. At least it's not bleeding or anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯