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Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 18:13:30 )

@Wildfire: Rofl nothing wrong with rambling I suppose. And my stomach's doing okay at the moment, but it was pretty bad early yesterday and a bit in the evening and the only pepto I could find in the fridge was like two years old. So now I've got a fresh bottle to last a while. :D

Goodness, you are keeping busy! Which I mean, to some extent is a good thing, but yike, lol. I need to vacuum, too, but today is my roommate's day off and I don't want to disturb her rare (for this time of year at least) chill time. I think it's our houseguest's turn to cook tonight. Probably chicken legs, which honestly I really dislike and would rather just go hungry than eat most times. XP But we've got 'em so we gotta eat 'em eventually.

We also really need to get some fresh vegetables; we've only had canned recently and I'm a little sick of freaking green beans and (for some reason we had several cans of) creamed corn, which I don't really like in the first place. Love corn, just not creamed corn. I think it's a texture thing.

And yeah, it's the back of my thumb. No clue what I did. At least it's not bleeding or anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/19 18:35:37 )
@CooperationIsKey: lol - we've had a lot of green beans recently too... but they're in season right now, so that makes sense. I'm not a fan of creamed corn either. I served some for Thanksgiving or Christmas (I don't remember which, right now) and I don't think I touched them. The guys did, though, which is why I put them out.

Vacuuming can wait... but that's usually my attitude anyway XD

I'm glad whatever happened to your thumb isn't bad :3

Veggies... I have tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, and turnips, I think... spinach, kale, mustard greens (I think), arugula, watercress, lettuce, red cabbage... mushrooms, sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash -OH! I was going to do spaghetti squash with kale and sausage... and I can add tomatoes and mushrooms to that!!- .... and I was going to do a saag or a dahl or something along those lines with most of the greens we have... and make a salad with the cress, arugula, spinach and some beets and goat cheese... and what else... I'm not sure ATM.

^^ Rambling helped me remember what I was going to do with some of this stuff :3

I have a papaya I need to figure out what to do with too... and some plantains - but the plantains are ok for a few more days and they're easy to do something with (fried with black beans & rice!! <3 )...



Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 03:05:43 )
@Wildfire: I'm an early bird... well... my kids are. I was up at 5:20am today and about 5:30 yesterday.. <.< On average I'm up around 6am daily.
Which is why I go on here early with my cup of joe and chitchat.
I do get frustrated with video games. :\ I play a few, and rarely do nowadays.

I successfully got 7 kids under 2 sleeping at the same time today. I feel so good about that. One kid screamed bloody murder at naptime BUT I thought ahead and put her in my room instead of the nap room. >3< She eventually slept. :T

Now I'm going to game, take a bath, eat some sort of food and go to bed.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 06:13:42 )

@Wildfire: I have a stomachache again and despite that this post has made me SO hungry, omG. That all sounds positively fantastic and I'm jealous of your variety! It's hard to get my roommate to try new things so we almost always end up with the same few. I like zucchini and yellow squash when cooked decently (and not just boiled as used to be my roommate's go-to, blech) but it gets boring having just that or canned veggies all the time. I think I'll push for some brocolli and cauliflower next time we go to Aldi; we haven't had either of those in ages. And more mushrooms. I love mushrooms and can happily add them to almost anything I make, lol.

...Hours later I've noticed I never hit submit on this post. Oops.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 14:03:58 )
@Koah: Whoa... that's impressive, getting 7 kids to nap at the same time! Congrats!

Your morning routine of caffeine and chat in the morning is like mine... and I'm usually here around 7 or maybe 8... but you're also 2 hours behind us here on the east coast instead of the 3 I was thinking you were, aren't you? That would account for my thinking you were up more like 4am. Or maybe I just can't do math XD

I don't have much time or patience for video games these days and the ones I play are limited too, but it is a nice diversion sometimes :3

Hope you had a good night.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 14:10:31 )
@CooperationIsKey: lol... I've done that where I've thought I hit "submit" and just didn't... XD

I try to keep a lot of different fresh veggies around here, and they are usually a big part of our meals. Unfortunately sometimes the veggies get a little ahead of me (like they're doing now) and they all need to be cooked "right now" XD but that's usually pretty easy to manage. Soups and stews and saag or daals are good for that. Unless it's beans for some reason, I usually can't stand canned veggies, tbh, and don't tend to buy them unless it's for a specific recipe or there's a hurricane coming through - something like that.

I hope you get some veggies! :3 The do the body good! XD

..................... and good morning!


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 19:04:29 )

@Wildfire: I don't really like canned vegetables either... which is why mine often end up in the trash can while my roommate isn't looking. I take my vitamin gummies and I eat other stuff but canned green beans I just. Sometimes I can't stomach them. ^^;

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/20 22:10:04 )
@CooperationIsKey: LOL! XD That's funny! :3 ... but I know what you mean. I definitely couldn't do canned green beans very often (if at all)


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/21 15:18:36 )
Good morning.
... alllllll the caffeine!!
....yeah, guess who didn't sleep much or very well last night and then, once I had finally fallen back to sleep, woke up to a dog throwing up on her hand-made braided rug... yep - me. Did you guess that? Yeah... /headdesk/ I'm really hoping copious amounts of caffeine helps - and that it kicks in soon :3

So how are you guys doing?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/21 22:13:30 )

@Wildfire: Oh no, that sucks! :( I hope your day has improved from there at least!

Mine's been pretty boring really. I did design a neat "employee badge" for a cosplay I'm putting together though! It's an Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach inspired "Monty's Gator Golf" employee. I found this really neat shirt and fell in love with it, and with a payment plan I can just swing it, so I got it and I'm planning some other bits and bobs to go with it. I found some cheap light green Converse-like sneakers on Amazon that I can paint the white bits dark green and replace the laces with purple ones. And then I'm going to add a lanyard with the employee badge I made and like, character buttons.

I'm excited about it all; I haven't really put together a cosplay before, not even a simple one like this one. But this is a fun casual cosplay I can like, wear to the mall or something, lol.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/22 14:50:56 )
@CooperationIsKey: My day was slow, as to be expected, but I tagged along with hubby as he dropped a couple things at the various trash centers (old paint - stuff like that) and we stopped for lunch on the way back. It was an afternoon of tv/movies and an early night. At least I actually slept reasonably well last night. Right now, it's coffee time :3

Your cosplay idea is adorable and it looks/sounds like it came together pretty quickly and pretty well! The badge is awesome. So you did this just because you ran across the shirt and wanted to do something with it or because you have something in mind like a convention?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/22 22:11:53 )

(Ugh, I was logged out again! Wyd Voltra?)

@Wildfire: Sounds like you had a pretty nice day then! At least after dealing with the dog's "gift." ^^;

Thank you! I'm pretty proud of how the badge came out, lol. And yeah, I just found the shirt and really wanted it, and decided to have some fun with it. I'll likely wear it just as a normal like over-shirt sometimes too but it'll be fun to do it up as a whole thing. I know there's an anime convention out here, I think in August? Maybe by then I'll have put together enough of it to go dressed up then, if I can afford to go. 🤔


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 14:32:46 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah - Comicon is at the Tampa Convention center in August (although it seems to be at the end of July this year) and it's pretty big! I've been a couple of times in the last few years - it's worth going to if you like conventions and can deal with the crowd (which is mostly on Saturday, of course). It's awesome that you saw the shirt and it just sparked all that creativity and excitement for you <3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 16:07:29 )
@Wildfire: Im pretty sure I'm only 2 hours behind you.

Were you able to get the doggy throw up out of your rug? :c

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 16:09:28 )
Good Morning, I had a weekend out with a friend- Didn't do much, but had time out of the house so, yay.
However, I have a sore throat this morning and I gotta keep running the daycare until I can't. >3< [now that Everyone around me is no longer sick. ] CX We'll see if I stay sick or if it's just a tickle. <.<

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 17:49:03 )

Good morning I've spent too much money this month someone needs to take away my wallet.

At least the beads I put on my PayPal with Christmas money. 🤣


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 19:40:40 )
@Koah: Yeah, I think you're only two hours behind me. I was thinking it was three for some reason, though.

Yes, the doggy throw up came out of my rug. It helped that we caught it quickly and pre-treated it, followed by a prompt washing.

Yay for getting out of the house, but "boooo" for not feeling great! Hopefully, it's just a quick and minor thing and that's the extent of whatever bug.

I am trying to prepare my youngest for his trek across the country. There is FAR too much to do, and think about in the week-ish before he's supposed to be there. I'm still not sure how that's going to work out... especially if he decides to try to take his truck up there with him (a truck that may or may not make the trip).


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 19:41:33 )
@CooperationIsKey: Good morning. You're having fun though, right? Sometimes, that's worth the money, imo... but yeah, I completely get it.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 21:27:03 )

Today's my baby brother's birthday. He would have been 23. :( I miss him.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/23 21:28:16 )

@Wildfire: Oh definitely. I ordered a bunch of bright pony beads in the character's colors to make at least a necklace with to go with the cosplay and I'm excited about it, hehe.
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