It hasn't even been a full 2 weeks yet since I've been without a job, and here you come already, swinging those passive aggressive remarks around like you think I won't pick up on the fact that you have a huge problem with the very sight of me. Like, you're aware that my stress has been so bad that I was very nearly hospitalized just now, but you wanna come and pile more onto me by breathing down my neck and making your dumbass doom-and-gloom "predictions" about the nonexistent "future". No, dummy, months aren't going to just fly by with me not getting anything done. Yes, I do fully expect to have a job within the next few weeks; why shouldn't I? I'm not an idiot like you seem to believe for whatever reason. I have a car, I have job experience, and I had a valid reason for quitting my last job, and left on good terms. I could go back to that same job if I really wanted to, but my health won't let me right now, which was why I left in the first place. AND YOU KNOW THAT. And as much as you love making assumptions about me or what I'm doing, maybe you should assume the obvious: that I've been using this time to recover and work on the things that I've neglected due to work and health-related issues, like researching schools and fixing my sleep schedule and running all kinds of errands and getting my health back on track. I have bills to pay, a car that needs an inspection and a tune-up, taxes that need to be filed, commissions that need to be completed, and a shit ton of other things that need to be addressed. And I'm doing all that while trying to recover from a pretty bad bout of symptoms, which I was very nearly over before you started back with your old favorite BS complaints and "worries" about things that are not and never were real problems, just because you hate me being here so much that you refuse to acknowledge what's really happening around you in favor of your made-up fantasy of me being some kind of lazy gross moron who does nothing but use your precious resources and waste time and space. Because I guess it's easier on you to pretend that I'm the problem than it is to take any responsibility for your own contributions to my lack of opportunities or to my health problems, which I've been very obviously busting my ass to overcome in spite of you.