@Yuracye: I'm interested in these items. Are you wanting anything in return for them? I have some current event items.
- vregory boots
- vregory hair
- vregory jacket
- vregory's friend
- vigilante gear
@lailakin: Awhman, seems like there's always a con to it. Get AC YAY- BUT noisy people. Gosh, that's the worst.
Bahaha. Just miserable, hecka relatable! I love the sounds of rain! I used to use white noise/thunderstorm rain sounds every night to go to sleep.
I used to sleep a lot too, like 12-16 hours regularly. I don't know why, I was just constantly tired all the time. o 3o I've gotten better though.. coffee helps. xD Now I'm just getting old, but I need 8 hours a sleep every night and I'm alright. Sometimes when I'm super exhausted from the work week I'll sleep 13 hours on a Friday. Whoops.
Yeah, I never feel like actually starting my diet. I usually just bandwagon on whatever my hubby does. WE CAN SUFFER TOGETHER. WHEEZE.
I did weight watchers awhile ago, but it was difficult to find the points for stuff sometimes. Especially when they just say a slice of pizza is 7 points... but it didn't calculate the size of the pizza if I had a bigger slice. Ahaha. I never used cheat days on that though, but it was good for the first few pounds.
Ahh. The main reason I hate dieting is that I get tired of the foods. q vq I'm pretty picky with vegetables (though I've been getting better) so any side dish was always difficult to find. Make sure you're able to mix up the meals a little bit!
Gosh, yeah. I used to do it right after work as my hubby was cooking dinner. It was really annoying because it took up 30 minutes of my already limited time; an hour if I had cheated that day and wanted to burn off more. weep.
Yeah, when it's not an inconvenience to others!
I don't understand. I'd be super embarrassed if my music was that loud, but I guess people just do what they want to do. /shrugs. No one really cares about being polite. At least I feel like it's that way over here. Everyone is just mean and in a rush.
@synthetic nature: Nah, it's all for free! I'll send a trade over your way. u vu !!
Bahaha. Just miserable, hecka relatable! I love the sounds of rain! I used to use white noise/thunderstorm rain sounds every night to go to sleep.
I used to sleep a lot too, like 12-16 hours regularly. I don't know why, I was just constantly tired all the time. o 3o I've gotten better though.. coffee helps. xD Now I'm just getting old, but I need 8 hours a sleep every night and I'm alright. Sometimes when I'm super exhausted from the work week I'll sleep 13 hours on a Friday. Whoops.
Yeah, I never feel like actually starting my diet. I usually just bandwagon on whatever my hubby does. WE CAN SUFFER TOGETHER. WHEEZE.
I did weight watchers awhile ago, but it was difficult to find the points for stuff sometimes. Especially when they just say a slice of pizza is 7 points... but it didn't calculate the size of the pizza if I had a bigger slice. Ahaha. I never used cheat days on that though, but it was good for the first few pounds.
Ahh. The main reason I hate dieting is that I get tired of the foods. q vq I'm pretty picky with vegetables (though I've been getting better) so any side dish was always difficult to find. Make sure you're able to mix up the meals a little bit!
Gosh, yeah. I used to do it right after work as my hubby was cooking dinner. It was really annoying because it took up 30 minutes of my already limited time; an hour if I had cheated that day and wanted to burn off more. weep.
Yeah, when it's not an inconvenience to others!
I don't understand. I'd be super embarrassed if my music was that loud, but I guess people just do what they want to do. /shrugs. No one really cares about being polite. At least I feel like it's that way over here. Everyone is just mean and in a rush.
@synthetic nature: Nah, it's all for free! I'll send a trade over your way. u vu !!
@Yuracye: Thank you! I will treasure them forever. /Hugs!
@Yuracye: So your avatar... Is she an OC? Since you said you prefer to keep that outfit? It's very purdy!
@synthetic nature: Yeah! Her actual ref is in my signature!
I don't really use the items on here too much, so it works out perfectly. Hehe, thanks! I loves her design when I was making her. Definitely a favorite from most of my OCs.
I don't really use the items on here too much, so it works out perfectly. Hehe, thanks! I loves her design when I was making her. Definitely a favorite from most of my OCs.
@Yuracye: Aww... She's cute! I think my current avatar is turning into a new OC for myself. I'm gonna have to figure out a story for her. :D
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Yuracye: Oh man, I have such a love/hate relationship with sleep. On one hand I want to sleep all the time, on the other I'm pissed it takes so much of my time. And don't even get me started on WHEN I sleep. Our schedule is a nightmare.
I was thinking of kind of creating my own diet where I meet a Calorie limit, carb/fat/sugar limit which I mentioned but now also adding buying premium on My Fitness Pal to be able to see my stats better. Thankfully, MFP is pretty great even on free and I really like that I can scan bar codes or make recipes and whatnot.
All I know is I gotta do something, ASAP.
I'm not super picky but the foods I hate are super popular like Onions, Tomatoes, and Bell Peppers. On top of that, I get bored of my food easily and I constantly want savory hot food. I love Pastas, Tacos, and such.. Part of why I considered keto is it sounded pretty free on foods I felt limited from on other diets but it limits things Im so used to having in my life like Rice and such. Overall, Every diet has pros/cons and none of them feel good to me.
Ugh, that is such a mood. I feel like the world has gotten meaner/more self centered. I just want to be happy and spread that happiness, but it's a struggle to feel like you dont fit in to the current social vibe.
I was thinking of kind of creating my own diet where I meet a Calorie limit, carb/fat/sugar limit which I mentioned but now also adding buying premium on My Fitness Pal to be able to see my stats better. Thankfully, MFP is pretty great even on free and I really like that I can scan bar codes or make recipes and whatnot.
All I know is I gotta do something, ASAP.
I'm not super picky but the foods I hate are super popular like Onions, Tomatoes, and Bell Peppers. On top of that, I get bored of my food easily and I constantly want savory hot food. I love Pastas, Tacos, and such.. Part of why I considered keto is it sounded pretty free on foods I felt limited from on other diets but it limits things Im so used to having in my life like Rice and such. Overall, Every diet has pros/cons and none of them feel good to me.
Ugh, that is such a mood. I feel like the world has gotten meaner/more self centered. I just want to be happy and spread that happiness, but it's a struggle to feel like you dont fit in to the current social vibe.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
@Yuracye: Hello~ Do you still have the beach background, an angel imp, a devil imp, and a blossom available? I’m always thirsty for past event items I missed.
@Synthetic Nature: Ahhh, thank you!!!
Ooh, you should! It's already a cool design!
@lailakin: SAME HERE. I love sleep and hate it at the same time. ;;;
I wish I could do things in my sleep sometimes. I would get so much done, but I really need the sleep. It's horrible. ;;
Yeah! That's the best thing to do! * V* I usually let my hubby decide everything because he's more strict with the diet than I am. ;;
I just need different meals to really keep going. I get bored of foods really easy and get tempted by delicious foods. u __ u
I want to look good by October, if I can, since I want to cosplay. That's really our goal, so we only have a few months left. ;;; Running out of time. Eep.
I don't like peppers either. I mean, I like the flavor, but I'm finicky with texture and it's just... idk it gets me every time.
You can make tacos at home that are healthier though! Especially if you're counting calories and whatnot. Just load it with lettuce and like low fat cheese or something.
God, I just love carbs in general. Rice, bread, pasta. ;; I could live off from bread and cheese honestly. It's just so good.
Ahh, yeah. q vq
I try and be happy, but it seems like there's always something to spoil my mood. Like my new computer... just doesn't work. Apparently the motherboard is fried. It hasn't even been a week. Smh.
@tsundererra: Sure! I'll send them over!
Ooh, you should! It's already a cool design!
@lailakin: SAME HERE. I love sleep and hate it at the same time. ;;;
I wish I could do things in my sleep sometimes. I would get so much done, but I really need the sleep. It's horrible. ;;
Yeah! That's the best thing to do! * V* I usually let my hubby decide everything because he's more strict with the diet than I am. ;;
I just need different meals to really keep going. I get bored of foods really easy and get tempted by delicious foods. u __ u
I want to look good by October, if I can, since I want to cosplay. That's really our goal, so we only have a few months left. ;;; Running out of time. Eep.
I don't like peppers either. I mean, I like the flavor, but I'm finicky with texture and it's just... idk it gets me every time.
You can make tacos at home that are healthier though! Especially if you're counting calories and whatnot. Just load it with lettuce and like low fat cheese or something.
God, I just love carbs in general. Rice, bread, pasta. ;; I could live off from bread and cheese honestly. It's just so good.
Ahh, yeah. q vq
I try and be happy, but it seems like there's always something to spoil my mood. Like my new computer... just doesn't work. Apparently the motherboard is fried. It hasn't even been a week. Smh.
@tsundererra: Sure! I'll send them over!
@Yuracye: Omg, thank you so much! I was so jealous of the beach backgrounds everyone’s been showing off. :’)

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi
@Yuracye: Do you still have the dad's fashion, pride sweater or the guardian static?
@Yuracye: Thank you so much. It is very appreciated

My Hangout
Call me, ping me, if you wanna reach me
Call me, ping me, if you wanna reach me
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Yuracye: Ugh I relate to everything you said sooo much.
Sidenote, You take that Motherboard back to the seller and tell them they need to replace it D:
Texture definitely gets to me too. I'm not a fan of regular yogurt, I don't go nuts for icecream(actually, I hate nuts in any soft food too,) Bellpeppers are only acceptable really cooked down, same for tomatoes, onions are never okay. I too am shooting for looking better by October! D: But it's so freaking haaaard x.x; Bah!
I'm trying really hard to get myself on the positive train but its like my head believes everyday is doomsday x.x;
Sorry for the slow reply, I actually thought Id already responded x.x;
Sidenote, You take that Motherboard back to the seller and tell them they need to replace it D:
Texture definitely gets to me too. I'm not a fan of regular yogurt, I don't go nuts for icecream(actually, I hate nuts in any soft food too,) Bellpeppers are only acceptable really cooked down, same for tomatoes, onions are never okay. I too am shooting for looking better by October! D: But it's so freaking haaaard x.x; Bah!
I'm trying really hard to get myself on the positive train but its like my head believes everyday is doomsday x.x;
Sorry for the slow reply, I actually thought Id already responded x.x;
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
@lailakin: Ahahahaa. I like to blame it on not enough hours in a day. I spend too much time with work related things or holidays... or being social. It's really annoying juggling everything. TT ___TT
Ahh, I did! We were going to refund the whole thing and my hubby was just going to build it, but it would have taken 10 days for the money to be sent back and then we'd have to buy all the parts/wait for them to be shipped. So, it's just easier sending it back and then having that tech support in case something happens again. They did say it was the motherboard though. q vq I just want my computer back. Cry.
Gosh, yeah. Anything soggy or rubbery really .. I can't stand. Peppers are kinda on that line. Like, I like raw onions (on burgers mostly), but I can't have cooked onions, it's just too... idk weird. Can't do it. I also love the taste of mushrooms, but can't eat the mushrooms them-self. Horrible texture. /shudders.
I love tomato products... just can't eat the tomatoes. xD I used to love them too, now I can't stand to eat them.
AHHHH. IT IS. WE CAVED AND GOT MCDONALD'S TODAY. We walked for 1.5 miles, but UGH. I feel the regret so much. TT___TT Probably gained back 2 lbs too, so another week of trying to burn that off. /cries.
I seriously understand! I rant/complain a lot to my co-workers and I've been trying to stop that... but it's so difficult. ;;;;
It's kinda hard not to talk about anything that isn't mildly upsetting sometimes. |||OTL
It's alright! Sometimes it takes me a day or two to respond depending on what I'm doing.
Ahh, I did! We were going to refund the whole thing and my hubby was just going to build it, but it would have taken 10 days for the money to be sent back and then we'd have to buy all the parts/wait for them to be shipped. So, it's just easier sending it back and then having that tech support in case something happens again. They did say it was the motherboard though. q vq I just want my computer back. Cry.
Gosh, yeah. Anything soggy or rubbery really .. I can't stand. Peppers are kinda on that line. Like, I like raw onions (on burgers mostly), but I can't have cooked onions, it's just too... idk weird. Can't do it. I also love the taste of mushrooms, but can't eat the mushrooms them-self. Horrible texture. /shudders.
I love tomato products... just can't eat the tomatoes. xD I used to love them too, now I can't stand to eat them.
AHHHH. IT IS. WE CAVED AND GOT MCDONALD'S TODAY. We walked for 1.5 miles, but UGH. I feel the regret so much. TT___TT Probably gained back 2 lbs too, so another week of trying to burn that off. /cries.
I seriously understand! I rant/complain a lot to my co-workers and I've been trying to stop that... but it's so difficult. ;;;;
It's kinda hard not to talk about anything that isn't mildly upsetting sometimes. |||OTL
It's alright! Sometimes it takes me a day or two to respond depending on what I'm doing.
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Yuracye: Well, Always feel free to vent to me! Because I sure can't seem to stop myself Venting.
Omg sitting in this lobby daily smelling Mexican food is driving me nuts.
When I crave something, its like.. If I dont get it I could cry. I have the worst relationship with food I could think of.
Oh em gee. Im so ready to go home from work today.. 27 more minutes to freedom.
I think Im going to do Second Life stuff when I get home. But even that Im like ehhh Im so tired. But I have two days off! Im so excited! D:
Ive been in the Daily Lore thread and omg, I have no idea how anyone keeps up in those threads. I feel utterly drained xD Great way to earn Lanterns though! I went from like 80ish to 334. and 7.5k volts to 10.6k XD
Omg sitting in this lobby daily smelling Mexican food is driving me nuts.
When I crave something, its like.. If I dont get it I could cry. I have the worst relationship with food I could think of.
Oh em gee. Im so ready to go home from work today.. 27 more minutes to freedom.
I think Im going to do Second Life stuff when I get home. But even that Im like ehhh Im so tired. But I have two days off! Im so excited! D:
Ive been in the Daily Lore thread and omg, I have no idea how anyone keeps up in those threads. I feel utterly drained xD Great way to earn Lanterns though! I went from like 80ish to 334. and 7.5k volts to 10.6k XD
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
@lailakin: Awwh, I appreciate it! Same goes to you though, we'll vent together!
Omg, I know the feeling. I immediately crave that food as soon as I smell it. Though, I cheated again and had Taco Bell. |||OTL. LAST TIME THOUGH I PROMISE.
HARD SAME. I just... love food. It's a curse, especially on a diet. qvq
AHH!! I bet you're home now, so YOU DID IT! Enjoy those two days off!!
I finished cleaning up the apartment... FINALLY. So I consider myself officially moved into my house. Now I just need the dished to be done and the rest of the laundry. THEN DONE.
Gosh, yeah, I can't keep up with a lot of those threads unless voltra is the only site that I'm on. o Ao
Danggg, that is nice though!!
Omg, I know the feeling. I immediately crave that food as soon as I smell it. Though, I cheated again and had Taco Bell. |||OTL. LAST TIME THOUGH I PROMISE.
HARD SAME. I just... love food. It's a curse, especially on a diet. qvq
AHH!! I bet you're home now, so YOU DID IT! Enjoy those two days off!!
I finished cleaning up the apartment... FINALLY. So I consider myself officially moved into my house. Now I just need the dished to be done and the rest of the laundry. THEN DONE.
Gosh, yeah, I can't keep up with a lot of those threads unless voltra is the only site that I'm on. o Ao
Danggg, that is nice though!!
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