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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 15:40:41 )

★彡 @Wildfire: I just decided to sleep early to be honest. I had dinner very early but I was planning to stay awake late to watch a particular streamer but she wasn't live yesterday. So at that point I just called it a night. How about you? I supposed you were catching up a lot of stuff since you were disabled for awhile. 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 15:53:09 )
@Purpsy: I'm not sure what happened, tbh. I did a couple things in the morning, but not really a whole lot, set up a veggie soup for dinner in the crockpot, did a little research on plants and things, and got... bored? Unmotivated? Unfocused?? Something. So I actually played Minecraft for a little while (after all its updates) and about 3pm just kinda crashed, so went to watch a little TV with the dog. I took care of a couple other minor things around the house early evening, and by 8:30pm, I just couldn't keep my eyes open, so I went to bed, read for a short time and just went to sleep...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 16:58:55 )

★彡 @Wildfire: Yeah sometimes you just have to listen what your body is telling you sometimes. At least your well rested now and same goes for me but tbh I don't like it when I wake up way too early. The day just feels longer you know and I'm not used to it. 彡★


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 17:11:54 )
@Wildfire: lol! I wish I could just send you a video tour of my boxes and cluttered surfaces. The space next to my computer is my own mess, papers n' whatnot.
I've got a donation bin obnoxiously placed in the hallway [we all have to walk around] and it's been there for months now. It's full and even collected bags of clothes. o3o Maybe I'll actually donate the stuff today. <.< hmmm
Then I got dog bins stacked in one corner next to their food dishes and kids' school table is cluttered because they just throw paper on it. =3=

I fell asleep around 7:30-8pm, woke up at 3. fell back asleep around 5 and now I'm awake at 7:30am. I slept well. Just got my normal pregnancy and delivery dreams.
We have a nice cheery morning so far. :3 Sun is out for now. I got plans to go store-perusing with my roommate.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 17:24:17 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, but it seems like I've been doing a whole lot of nothing lately... it's not like me and I don't like it. I know what you mean about the day feeling longer if you get up too early, though. I like getting a head start on the day but by 2pm I'm ready for bed...

@Koah: LOL - it sounds like my house. :3 Why did you fall asleep so early? I'm glad you're having a nice cheery morning, though! The storm has apparently passed us now since the clouds are thinning and the sun is sneaking out. We had one minor thunderstorm with like three "booms" (just enough to freak out the dogs -lol). So much for big scary forecasts full of torrential downpours for half the day, tornado warnings and chances of hail. I swear, you can't even trust the weather not to go for the "big scare" factor these days /eyeroll/

Why are we ALL having weird sleep cycles lately??


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 19:54:00 )

★彡 @Wildfire: I'm especially feeling like that right now and I'm the opposite. I think is because I've been awake too long and at one point I'll feel particularly unproductive so I have to move around and do something. Plus I tried to take a nap earlier but failed. Sigh I don't really like this feeling
(。•́︿•̀。) 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 20:17:36 )
@Purpsy: No, those kinds of feelings are just... bleh. I'm sorry you're going through that right now. :(


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/12 20:45:55 )

★彡 @Wildfire: Yeah... is gone away once I start moving around and wash some dishes. Turns out laying down while scrolling down on my phone when I should be napping for awhile does that to you pfft.

Oh and listening to some sappy romantic music I guess helps too lmao 彡★


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/13 14:52:02 )
@Purpsy: lol. I'm glad you got to feeling better yesterday after moving around some :3

Good morning.
The March Crates have been released.
It's cold. I haven't checked the garden yet for any damage from the chill or from the wind. I'm a little afraid! XD
And I feel pretty icky. :(

How are you guys doing today?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/13 17:14:22 )
@Wildfire: good Morning.
I've been trying to go to sleep earlier because I always wake up early. I need extra hours of sleep, especially since I wake up at night pretty frequently now.
Have you checked your garden yet?

We're having an overcast day, the weather looks crappy. I think we'll get some rain today too. Which we need. It's been a pretty dry winter.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 15:24:00 )
@Koah: I had a couch potato day yesterday... and if I didn't have things to do today, I'd be tempted to take another one today. Blergh.

My garden survived the storm quite well. I did wrap things around the bananas, but that was more as a wind-break than anything else...apparently the "perfect" corner for them to live also seems prone to winds blowing from all directions (when it blows) and I was a little concerned about them in that capacity. The sun is out today, and although it's comfortable outside at the moment, temps are supposed to be back up to about 80 again.

Sleeeeeeeeeep! You're working extra hard right now and your body needs it. Plus the regular waking in the middle of the night that I know you're doing :3 Are you still holding up fairly well, all things considered?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 15:32:06 )

Good morning.

I want to go back to bed. The temperature in the house last night -whatever it was- was a temperature my body just couldn't figure out what to do with. It was a restless night and I'm feeling it. The time change isn't helping a whole lot either >.>


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 15:43:59 )
@Wildfire: Good Morning.
I totally lazied around yesterday. I didn't accomplish anything aside from making dinner.
I'm holding up okay, I'm getting gradually more anxious with each day. I do have an appt on Wednesday and that'll tell me if I'm fretting over nothing or not.
I didn't make it this far with my son, so all these 3rd-trimester side effects are new to me.
My uterus can't decide if it's going under my ribs or over them and that's super uncomfy. =3=
His feet are up in my ribs now, so I can literally take my fingers and push his tiny feet off my ribs. Cx

anywho, good morning, I'm making a cup of coffee and getting kids ready to do school today.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 15:48:04 )
@Koah: You got more accomplished yesterday than I did! <3
LOL - oh yeah... the feet in the ribs thing! I remember that! It's such a weird, cool, wonderful, freaky experience, isn't it?! XD I can understand why you're getting anxious at this point, but do try to relax <3 I hope your appointment on Wednesday reassures you


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 16:04:43 )
@Wildfire: I'm glad we both had a rest-day yesterday. :3
I don't appreciate being pregnant like most ladies. lol.
I had one mom a few days back say something like "If this is your last one, you're probably savoring every little kick. Being pregnant is such a gift" and I must have looked dumbfounded because she then asked, "are you planning on having another ?" I just replied. "no.. no probably not."
I'm not savoring every little kick, I'm shoving a bony finger into my ribs to move the tiny foot that's making me uncomfortable. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 16:18:26 )
@Koah: lol... I was a lot like you, actually... not that I didn't appreciate the experience, but it was just so... awkward, really...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 16:43:01 )
@Wildfire: I grew up watching my mom's side of the family pop-out babies like it was still the 1800s. "So and So just had another baby.. that makes this one her 9th baby and about 10 months younger than the last" Maybe that stripped the 'specialness' from being pregnant. -shrugs-
Or I just prefer toddler ages and up. pregnancy and babies aren't my favorite part of having children. :d

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 16:57:02 )

★彡 Good morning everyone~
I had a shitty night and my sleep schedule is all screwed up so I feel not so tired atm but just meh at the same time.

How's everyone morning going? 彡★


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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 17:13:16 )
@Koah: Everyone has their preferences and "favorite ages" for kids... if they like kids at all. I can't imagine having a family like that, tbh... but my family was not huge to begin with and made significantly smaller by all the egos and drama at every turn from the people who I did "grow up with" /shrug/

For me, having kids was not a "must do" type thing. That said, I'm glad I had them. I'm glad I could raise them the way I did... but as much as they defined my life for a while and were certainly a priority that overtook a lot of other things for me personally, they also didn't ever define me... ya know? So yeah... I get it <3 ...and you're allowed. <3 And stop comparing yourself to other people or some idea of "should"... ;) <3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/03/14 17:15:25 )
@Purpsy: Good morning Purpsy... or afternoon now, as the case seems to be!
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well last night (I didn't either - blergh). I hope you can get a nap or something so you feel better!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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