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Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 20:21:24 )
@Wildfire: I'm told that the land here use to be a quarry, but also 100 years ago it could have been a farm? There also supposedly an underground stream nearby. In my hometown, in southern maryland, the dirt wasn't like this, so it's kinda of annoying for trying to get keep grass alive. I do love living on the east coast.

Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 20:25:49 )
@Rei Ann: yeah, that sand + clay combo is tough to use for growing things... unless it's weeds. Weeds seem to love it! XD
I can imagine that the soil type in MD would vary a lot depending on where you are in relationship to the water, actually...


Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 20:31:33 )
@Wildfire: Right, there is so many weeds around her. I assume it would vary as well. But I'm not fully sure. Just wish it was nicer here, so less basement flooding.

Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 20:33:25 )
@Rei Ann: oh! .... ouuuuuch?!!! Why is your basement flooding??


Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 20:36:52 )
@Wildfire: Well not major flooding, but when it rains water does always get in a bit, and makes the sump pump go off like crazy. But before we moved in, there a lot of trees on the land, and the prior owners didn't get rid of the leaves, and laers and layers of leaves kill grass or plant life, so there nothing aborising water.

We fixed it a bit, because we use to have "rivers" of rain water flowing through the yard during storms, but got some bits of grass growing, that we don't see that anymore.

Donator Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 21:09:24 )
I am attempting to make an etsy account today. :o
I need to put my creativity to use and actually make things to sell. o3o. /is gettin pissy with all the sign up info needed

Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 21:14:02 )
@Koah: Oh does it ask for a lot of info? I hope it doesn't keep being annoying. What are you planning to sell?

Donator — whatever Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 21:28:37 )

Holy goddang I'm tired. I got plenty of sleep, took my meds, ate breakfast... still barely managed walking in the pool and biking at the Y. Still made it to two miles on the stationary bike, and at one tick up on the resistance than normal. Trying to work my way up, but I'm so exhausted today I actually straight up stopped pedaling a couple times and had to force myself to resume. ^^;


Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 22:09:26 )
@Rei Ann: ... aaaah yes... leaves are one of those things - they both help the land by providing natural compost... but they're also a natural mulch... so they can help, but they can also hurt :/ Good luck- the rivers, etc., sounds a lot like our yard when it rains, so I feel ya on that!! :3

@Koah: OMG YES! I absolutely despise it when websites get all weird and demanding when you try to set up an account with them... it's like "noooooo, I'm not going to give you my birthdate, SSN, name of my firstborn, blood type, etc.!! ... and BS that it's all in the name of 'securing my account' /eyeroll/"!!!! ... so yeah, I'm with ya. There are so many sites and services I just refuse to use because of that kind of thing... etsy is probably one of them, because really I should have had an etsy account by now and I don't... and it's probably because of that kind of thing...
... so mini-empathetic-rant over... what kinds of things are you looking to sell? create?

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, me too for some reason today. We must both need the break for some reason. When it comes to exercise like that though, it's hard to tell whether you need to just push through, or to listen to your body and give it a break. At least you made it to the gym - congrats on that!! ... and are doing better with your stats!! That's pretty awesome, imo! :3


Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/6 23:05:59 )
@Wildfire: Right, we do plan to mulch our leaves, but if you just leave them for years and years, it's bad juju. We've gotten it better, but also live in a hill area, so like our neighbors draingage can come here. It does make me thins of Florida a bit.
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Donator — she/her/hers Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 01:01:11 )
I've been frustrated with leaf removal this year because it just seems worse than usual. I have a linden, three maples, a pine, and an oak to wrangle with besides the smaller apple trees, and I've cleared my yards four times already and now the oak and maple leaves have finished falling, stuff blew in from the neighbors on either side, etc. It might be possible that I've been too proactive this year. I usually wait until mid-November and do it all at once, but I'm not sure this is better!
It's just your friendly apple maiden!

Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 03:59:06 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: ah. It could be worst.. <:3( )~~


Donator — whatever Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 09:11:01 )

I can't sleep. I want to. But my body is too busy being an asshole--that is to say, I'm having really bad motor tics tonight and my meds aren't suppressing them like usual so attempting to sleep leads to me flailing around so much I'm hurting myself. As long as I'm up it's not nearly as severe so here I am, staring at the computer with nothing to do.


Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 12:42:50 )
@Rei Ann:
Yard work is so much fun, huh? Hubby usually rakes the leaves around here when they drop - there are some coming down now, but most will drop a bit later in the year for us (because FL). Last year, we dumped most of them in to the garden area for that combo of compost & mulch that the sandy soil here needs so badly. It sounds like both of you have some work to do with the yard - I hope it goes well.

@star2000shadow: lol. There's that, I suppose.

@CooperationIsKey: oh, that sounds completely sucky! I'm sorry, Key. I hope you managed to calm down your body and get some sleep!! I hope this doesn't happen very often for you! Is there something that tends to trigger it for you... something that counteracts the meds or makes it harder for them to do what they're supposed to be doing? :/


Donator Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 15:49:56 )
@Rei Ann:
@Wildfire: yeah etsy asked for a lot of banking info and that annoys me. XD and in the end it didn't work for whatever reasons. D;
I was given a bunch of beads and they aren't the cheap kind.
So i made some earrings and i'll eventually make necklaces or something. But i am curious to see if anyone would buy the earrings.

Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 16:40:08 )
@Koah: errrgh... yeah, I hate it with how much information some sites collect for seemingly irrelevant reasons. I'm sorry to hear that the etsy thing didn't work out, but also, thanks for the "warning"! If I opt to open an online shop, I will be looking for alternatives to etsy :3

How are you today??


Donator Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 16:47:15 )
@Wildfire: i don't know much about online shops other than etsy. Itd be nice to use something else.
Im doing okay. Dealin with family junk this morning.

Voltie Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 16:55:43 )
@Koah: I know there are a couple of other options out there, but don't remember the names of them because... well, etsy is the biggest and most well-known. Hubby is on a call for work at the moment, but he probably has shop options stored in the back of his head - I can ask him when he's done with the call. :3

I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with family stuff this morning. I hope it's nothing too severe.

I went for a walk this morning, then had to follow my son to a mechanic to have them look at his motorcycle. That was fun... following him, semi-anticipating him having mechanical issues and ready to hit the emergency lights on my car without running him over in the process XD (he made it with only minor issues and fortunately, we could take mostly back roads)

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 17:36:07 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence: |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: This is true 'nods'.. so how goes your day. I passed Inspection so I'm having a pretty good day. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/7 17:37:38 )
@Wildfire: oh gosh. The stress of motorcycles!
We have one sitting in our garage that is a roommate's from 2 years ago.
They had a baby and they called to ask if we'd buy it from them. Lol! (Its been in our garage for free for over a year. /eye roll)
My husband was on his motorcycle when he got tail ended on a highway. I don't like him having a motorcycle. I sold his old one. Cx

My teen niece is ... Stubborn. Decided she hates school. So she's not going , while today is her mom's first day of work at her new job. -facepalm
Anyway. Im mediating a tiny bit before i run off to the city for the day.

Yeah. Lemme know shop sites, does your husband sell things online?

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