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Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/28 23:32:11 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yep... So super surprised it was done so quickly. Hoping it's really fixed for good this time. *^*; Yeah, and I really like the kind we got since it has a nice flavor. I've thought about it but our local food bank does set bag options and most of it has gluten so really wouldn't help me. It's mainly just because of my food allergies that tend to be the problem so I've been trying to work around it. Like some foods, I can eat small amounts without an allergy attack so I've been watching how much I eat of those. And thankfully, my folks help a lot when we really need it so food doesn't tend to be too much of an issue cause they buy in bulk and just randomly drop stuff off. ( Or shove a huge bag full at me when I swing over XD )
Oh, good luck with the interview! Fingers crossed. :)


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 00:29:34 )

@PoeticTorment: I'm kinda surprised that they don't have a gulden-free box. There are people with allergies and are intolerant too
Thank you. I hope so too ^^


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 00:58:26 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, but our town is small so those with gluten allergies/intolerances aren't very many. They'd have to get enough requests for a gluten-free one sent in for the church to do it. The other church does kindness week where a couple of the followers gets $100 and they'll go around town and buy people's groceries for them. *^*
Not a problem. I'm sure you'll do really well. :)


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 16:05:43 )

@PoeticTorment: Yeah I can understand that. It's too bad you can't get things there. What about just getting things like meat and fresh veggies, don't take the whole box? Or is that rude I don't know?

Thank you. I haven't had a job in a while and I haven't had an interview since last spring. I hope that even with my post-rona brain, I will be able to do well.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 21:15:52 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I'll probably just order online or have family grab stuff when they go to the city since they go that way more then we do. *^*
It's take the whole box here. I hear that a lot of folks took very little even when they needed it so they do the full box so they wouldn't feel bad about taking something.
No problem. *^* Oh, I'm sure you'll do okay!! :)


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 22:44:51 )

@PoeticTorment: Good idea.
Thank you. I'm kinda doing worse today. Energy levels aren't good. Went for a walk and had to cut it short because I was tired.

Any plans for the weekend?


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/30 21:43:28 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, makes it easier anyway. And my sister doesn't mind at all grabbing stuff we need.
NP. Sorry you're feeling run down atm, hope you feel better soon. Are you doing alright otherwise? Maybe vitamins might help.
I went shopping with my sister and she got me lots of gluten-free stuff to snack on plus a really cute cup. While I bought what I really needed. Other than that, nope! I'm not gonna do anything else so I can be lazy since I need to rest a bit. Plus, I'm having to take a ton of allergy pills to get the rash cleared up from yesterday so I've been really sleepy anyway. *^*;; My hubs is supposedly going to sleep out in the camper tonight with kiddo since they both want to go "camping" but we can't go to the lake just yet. I have a feeling we'll be camping out a lot this summer. I already bought several of the emergency travel pill bottles so I can have allergy pills with me at all times this year cause so far I've had several really bad reactions. And it's not fun to suddenly realize you're covered in a rash and having trouble breathing.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 00:27:22 )

@PoeticTorment: Thanks. I'm going to start getting more serious about taking vitamins again. Good news is yesterday I went for a short bike ride and I was ok.
That was really nice of your sister! does she live close to you? Camping sounds like fun, but it's probably a little too early to go camping? I hope you are ok with those allergies. It can be really serious.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 00:51:00 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Glad to hear you're doing okay. :) Sounds like a good plan there!
Yeah, she and my mom moved to town a few years back when they heard I was going to have kiddo since my mom was grandbaby crazed. XD
I suppose so? I can't really enjoy it since I have to avoid the poison ivy/sumac/oak or I'll have to go to the doctor asap so I can't even join in on the nature walks. Tends to be a bit boring if you can't even step outside. It kind of is a bit early, they haven't even opened the park yet (it'll open soonish when school lets out in a week or so) *^*
I'm trying to be careful. It's been super windy so I've been taking a LOT of allergy pills and so far my face hasn't swelled again like a few days ago.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 16:31:07 )

@PoeticTorment: It's nice that you have family near you. Does your son love them?
That's rough. I'm allergic to poison oak so I always have to watch out for that. I was told to always wear long pants when hiking (like yoga pants, workout pants, hiking pants) that way it helps keep ticks off you and the poison plants.
I've even had allergies this year to pollen but what's weird is that it's my first time. It also happened post-rona so I'm wondering if my body is like going through a change and now it's easier for me to have allergies? I googled it and some people have new food allergies post-rona, but I didn't see anything about spring time ones.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 19:22:39 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, they try to be helpful but they do pick on me a lot. Lol Yes, he does. (Though when my mom swings by the first thing he asks her are "where the toys?") XD I wish that would help me but I'm so allergic to them that I get it from the oils in the air and it closes my throat up. *^*;
Oh, get local honey and take a spoon full a day! It'll help decrease pollen allergies. It's an old method but it helps a lot. :) Well, out of everyone I know who has had it, a few has some allergies now where they didn't before and others now have way worse pollen allergies so it wouldn't surprise me if it weakens the immunity system that badly? Maybe they just haven't seen a connection to it yet cause if it can cause food allergies then pollen allergies are a step back from that.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 21:23:55 )

@PoeticTorment: That's good. I love hearing about family helping out family. I feel like it's not as common as it used to be for various reasons. It's always good to have a support system.
Wow, that's very allergic. Does an N95 mask help? That's what I used to use during wildfire season before Covid. It would keep the smoke out, so maybe that could work for the oils? But you would have to wear it the whole time and it's hard to wear those while going for a hike.
Yeah maybe you are right. My immune system isn't what it used to be so maybe that's why I now have pollen allergies. And they were argressive too. Like 30 sec outside without a mask on I'm tearing up and my nose is running. No fun. I am ok inside though.

Your new avatar is very cute. ^^


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 04:12:38 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, there tends to be less support for a lot of people. It's a bit sad to see when someone is struggling and I can't help.
Yeah... I don't know? I've never tried that to be honest. I really kind of want to try that now.. If it does work that'd let me go on hikes again and that's what I miss most about camping. *^* I'd be okay with that! I walk slowly anyway cause my breathing is crud, to begin with, if it helps that'd be awesome.
Could be! Pollen has also been way higher this year too so it could be a seasonal thing. I know mine has been way worse so has my folks' allergies. Like mom had to get a few allergy shots this year already and my sister's been fighting hers.
Thank you! I was really liking the blue-purple combo. *^*


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 14:24:35 )

@PoeticTorment: Agreed.
Yeah if an N95 worked for me for wildfire smoke, surely it would help you? But I don't know what you would do while you eat or sleep? Can you wear those while you sleep? I would say it's something to look into.
True, it could just be related to the changing climate making allergy season worse.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 16:08:05 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: It's def worth a try so I'll look into it for sure. Well, if I'm inside the tent (or camper if we get it going) it should be fine to take it off? It'd be a barrier to it since the tent has the waterproofing so the oils don't make it in and it's mainly where I stay when we go camping anyway so I can avoid it as much as possible. I think the mask would just give me a better chance of enjoying nature again. *^* Yeah, things have been growing much more wild here for sure.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 16:14:01 )

@PoeticTorment: Yeah that's true. When you are inside a camper you should be ok. And you should see if you are able to reuse them, because the oils could be on the outside of the mask, so you might need one for every day that you are there?


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 16:27:30 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah. I'll look into that! I carry rubbing alcohol to clean up with in case I get into it since it removes most of the oils so I might be able to clean the outside of the masks and switch them out as they dry. I'll just have to test it out and see cause I can't find anything about it and allergies to poisoned plants... *^*;


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 19:46:35 )

@PoeticTorment: Oh that's a great idea! I'm sure your cleaning method would work. Yes see what people think about using it with airborne allergies. And make sure that you get an actual N95. I've seen a lot of fakes online.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 21:15:21 )

Head In The Clouds~ (Ping Please!)

@Totalanimefan: I can hope so! I'm gonna grab a few before we go camping this summer and put them in the camping gear. *^*
Will do!! I'll probably ask my hubs to grab some in-store if he can. :)

Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

^^Page prizes = FREE Sketch!!
It's only forever~ It's not long at all...

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/3 22:52:28 )

@PoeticTorment: Yeah I heard the 3M brand was good, but I'm sure anything you can find at Home Depot or Lowes is probably good.
Oh, I passed the final exam for one of my classes yesterday. I only barely passed, but it seems that my brain is getting a little better each week.

By Ghost
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