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Forums Anniversary Party 2022 ┤▒├ Collecting Dust bunnies

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 00:27:53 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir | His Elegance | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Bird Handler | Winter Stroll | Wild Magic | WZRD | Under New Managment | Witchery | Raven Mage | Headless Rider |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: yeah I'm probably gonna do just that 'rubs face' ugg I'm drowsy and its only seven thirty at night. if i go to bed now I'll be up at like four in the morning. no thanks. <:3( )~~


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 02:52:49 )

@Wildfire: Hi :D omg head pats :0


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 05:35:06 )
      @Wildfire: I'm finally home!
      But now I'm too tired to do anything. 😭😴

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 12:27:52 )
@TeaTales: Yeah, I think I understand- it's like too much of the same thing at the same time and with the puzzles, it seems pointless... like there's no reward for doing it (although there is, in terms of earning event currency)...

@star2000shadow: Ouch. I've had days like that too, where it's just far too early, but all I want to do is sleep and then you spend the next couple of hours trying to stay awake so you can go to bed at a semi-reasonable hour and not wake up at 4 or 5 am... I hope you pulled it off and you're well rested today :3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 12:29:00 )
@KittyBeary: hehe :3
How are you today?

@Anarchist Beauty: congratulations on making it home. Being tired is understandable... and you still have a little bit of time to earn dust bunnies, right?

Good morning everyone.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 16:27:28 )
@Wildfire: Exactly what I mean.. if only one could get the choice between winning volts or event currency in black jack. that at least seem a bit less of 'the same' at least to my brain. Anyway got todays currency now to see if I can get the photos sent into the photo contest thing before the event ends. * realize too late i got no pop can either and is a little too late to go on the hunt for one if i recall event ending time correct* ( the issue of never drinking soda XD )


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 17:21:18 )
Phew nd the massive amount of pictures has now been shared *deletes them from phone so my phones battery dont kill itself instantly when its out of charger again as it did yesterday*

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 18:02:46 )
      @Wildfire: I might have some time to earn bunnies before it ends...
      I hope.
      I'm gonna go do some puzzles, too. lol

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 22:14:53 )
@TeaTales: I don't drink soda either - the closest I come is sometimes having a Perrier or other slightly (& naturally) flavored seltzer water. I'm surprised you're doing the scavenger hunts ... they're too much work for me and most of the time, I don't have or use most of the items they want...

@Anarchist Beauty: Did you earn any dust bunnies? I believe we can earn currency for at least another week, ya know... even if the event officially ends today...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 22:31:46 )
      @Wildfire: I'm picking up a few. lol
      I hope we can, or else I'm screwed.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 22:38:26 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Did you check the event announcement? I haven't looked at it for a while...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 00:25:53 )
@Wildfire: well the scavengerhunts gets me out of my apartment. also couldnt find any gears apart from my bicycle gears xD doubt that to be what they want. but got no gear in any of my 500+ books nor the mangas that I recall despite one of them having steampunk theme.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 01:42:55 )
urgh and i realized i forgot to tag the npcs in my posts so far ... hereby edited and ow i will sleep hav to be up again in 4 hours

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 02:35:10 )
      @Wildfire: I should still have the week to collect bunnies.
      Which is good, cos I'm lazy. lol

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 03:01:35 )

@Wildfire: I'm doing alright ^^ ty, how are you?

I mostly lurk, but will post from time to time.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 03:40:26 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d&rsquo;espoir | His Elegance | Her Graceful Snow | Snow Owl | Bird Handler | Winter Stroll | Wild Magic | WZRD | Under New Managment | Witchery | Raven Mage | Headless Rider |

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @Wildfire: I did manage to pull it off, much to my joy. of course now i have to do it again tomarrow haha. <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 13:06:48 )
@TeaTales: I didn't think that adding tags to posts in an edit worked to actually tag people... does it? But congrats on doing the scavenger hunts - that's pretty awesome, imo. I wouldn't know where to find a gear either, other than on a bicycle...

@Anarchist Beauty: yeah and yay! more time!

@KittyBeary: Oh, I'm doing ok, thanks. How are you liking the dust bunnies? Are you having fun with the event?

@star2000shadow: ... repetitive tasks... they're ... repetitive XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 13:08:10 )
Good morning.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 13:10:20 )
I would love going back to sleep.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/13 13:14:05 )
@Wildfire: I... honestly dont know >< time will tell I guess

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