@FUZZY: that's pretty cool that you were able to sell some of your forged mushroom. Btw, I like your avi
@Qiqi Agatha: I get so happy when I find the mushrooms that I forage for. It is just a nice bonus for selling the mushrooms, and still be able to try them when their cooked up. Awe thank you, I'm enjoying my avatar
@FUZZY: I don't get bullied on Instagram, but that's maybe because I have like 4 followers and they're like my mom and sister. lol
To some degree, and comments at all is a sign that your content is reaching a lot of people, so even if it's negative comments, you a little bit have to be proud that it's being viewed by so many people. Instagram is hard because it's a lot of life and art content, and that is so subjective. I don't think anyone needs to comment on things they don't like; but I guess some people just can't keep their opinions to themselves.
I get negative comments or spam when I'm streaming sometimes, and I just try to keep an attitude of: the algorithms don't know it's a negative comment, they just think my content is being engaged with, so it's actually helping my page grow. They might intent it to hurt me, but every comment actually helps in the long term.
Online gaming can be some of the worst places to see hate though. I generally avoid competitive online games for exactly that reason. It has to be cooperative play, and that's not always the best either. It's such a shame really because I theoretically love MMOs, bit so many of them have lousy communities.
To some degree, and comments at all is a sign that your content is reaching a lot of people, so even if it's negative comments, you a little bit have to be proud that it's being viewed by so many people. Instagram is hard because it's a lot of life and art content, and that is so subjective. I don't think anyone needs to comment on things they don't like; but I guess some people just can't keep their opinions to themselves.
I get negative comments or spam when I'm streaming sometimes, and I just try to keep an attitude of: the algorithms don't know it's a negative comment, they just think my content is being engaged with, so it's actually helping my page grow. They might intent it to hurt me, but every comment actually helps in the long term.
Online gaming can be some of the worst places to see hate though. I generally avoid competitive online games for exactly that reason. It has to be cooperative play, and that's not always the best either. It's such a shame really because I theoretically love MMOs, bit so many of them have lousy communities.
@FUZZY: Hi friend! Thought I'd come and post and help make your hangout a little more lively ^^
I love doing arts and crafts! I used to spend a lot of time making chainmaille jewellery, but I've barely picked up my pliers in the last few years
I'm trying to learn how to knit, and started working on a scarf using double stockinette stitch, but it's been too hot to want to play with yarn
I guess my main focus lately has been my geometric doodles, I've been playing with a new style I really like and I'm tempted to try and do a poster sized one instead of just my little 5"x7" sketchbook
I love doing arts and crafts! I used to spend a lot of time making chainmaille jewellery, but I've barely picked up my pliers in the last few years
I'm trying to learn how to knit, and started working on a scarf using double stockinette stitch, but it's been too hot to want to play with yarn
I guess my main focus lately has been my geometric doodles, I've been playing with a new style I really like and I'm tempted to try and do a poster sized one instead of just my little 5"x7" sketchbook
@Alchemists Fire: I do jewelry sometimes, but I find it sort of tedious? Like, it's all too small for my big hands and I get frustrated. >.<
I love crochet, but knitting scares me. It looks so much more complicated. OnO
But I learned crochet by doing scarves, so that's probably a good thing to be knitting.
I've been doing mandala sketches for a few years now, it's really satisfying. And then I started drawing sacred geometry. I don't really understand the geometry in sacred geometry, but I like looking up designs and trying to draw them. I started to make a sacred geometry coloring book...
I love crochet, but knitting scares me. It looks so much more complicated. OnO
But I learned crochet by doing scarves, so that's probably a good thing to be knitting.
I've been doing mandala sketches for a few years now, it's really satisfying. And then I started drawing sacred geometry. I don't really understand the geometry in sacred geometry, but I like looking up designs and trying to draw them. I started to make a sacred geometry coloring book...
@Lina: Ooh, what kind of jewellery do you do?
The nice thing about chainmaille is I can play with different ring sizes and get essentially the same effect if I get the right ratio of wire thickness to ring size. So if I'm having a "big hands" day I can work with larger rings ♥
I actually love working tiny, though. I started trying to make a line of chainmalle jewellery for my BJDs (Ball Jointed Dolls)
I'm not doing anything too crazy with the knitting, pretty much a basic knit and purl but the way it works out the fabric kinda ends up double-thick so it's gonna be really nice and cozy ♥
I've tried crocheting very briefly, I was able to get single chain going okay but then got confused for either connecting it into a circle or starting to single crochet the next row. One of these days I'll try it again, though!
I also started getting into macramé after I bought some gorgeous bracelets while on vacation like 8 years ago. I've only learned some really basic patterns and I wanna get back into it - more interested in macramé jewellery than wall hangings or plant hangers
Ruru is trying soooo hard to get me into cross stitching, and I wanna because like IRL pixel art (and takes up way less space than fuse beads ahaha, even though I'd rather tinker with the beads), but I'm not quite sure where to start?
Ohh, I'd love to see your mandalas and sacred geometry pieces! I keep meaning to get into mandalas too
The nice thing about chainmaille is I can play with different ring sizes and get essentially the same effect if I get the right ratio of wire thickness to ring size. So if I'm having a "big hands" day I can work with larger rings ♥
I actually love working tiny, though. I started trying to make a line of chainmalle jewellery for my BJDs (Ball Jointed Dolls)
I'm not doing anything too crazy with the knitting, pretty much a basic knit and purl but the way it works out the fabric kinda ends up double-thick so it's gonna be really nice and cozy ♥
I've tried crocheting very briefly, I was able to get single chain going okay but then got confused for either connecting it into a circle or starting to single crochet the next row. One of these days I'll try it again, though!
I also started getting into macramé after I bought some gorgeous bracelets while on vacation like 8 years ago. I've only learned some really basic patterns and I wanna get back into it - more interested in macramé jewellery than wall hangings or plant hangers
Ruru is trying soooo hard to get me into cross stitching, and I wanna because like IRL pixel art (and takes up way less space than fuse beads ahaha, even though I'd rather tinker with the beads), but I'm not quite sure where to start?
Ohh, I'd love to see your mandalas and sacred geometry pieces! I keep meaning to get into mandalas too
@Alchemists Fire: the library in my town lets little kids do a free class on tuesdays where they can do crafts, or learn new things. so I take my daughter to the library on Tuesday so she can be around her new friends, and I get to talk to their mom who is an old friend of mine from school. Crafts are fun, it is way to hot out right now and the fair, is in town.
@Alchemists Fire: I’m fulling willing to help you with crochet and macrame too xD I used to make friendship bracelets so I kind of know the knots lol
Imo crochet is easier than knitting, but I started with crochet so idk if its just what I’m used to
Imo crochet is easier than knitting, but I started with crochet so idk if its just what I’m used to
@Lina: what kind of things do you like to crochet? :3 I like making hats and amigurumi lol
@FUZZY: Aww, that sounds lovely! I hope your daughter is having fun with it! ♥
What kind of crafts do they do?
@Ruby: I feel like crochet might one of those things we'd need to video chat for, or do in person (someday!!!). I'm not sure how well we could do macrame at a distance either, hmmm.
The biggest struggle I have with friendship bracelets is how long should my cord be and how much do I leave for making a way to "clasp" the bracelet. I think I need to go back and look at the square knot tut I saw
I attempted knitting first, so that might be why my brain is accepting it better? I'm sure crochet will click, it's just a matter of finding the right tutorial
What kind of crafts do they do?
@Ruby: I feel like crochet might one of those things we'd need to video chat for, or do in person (someday!!!). I'm not sure how well we could do macrame at a distance either, hmmm.
The biggest struggle I have with friendship bracelets is how long should my cord be and how much do I leave for making a way to "clasp" the bracelet. I think I need to go back and look at the square knot tut I saw
I attempted knitting first, so that might be why my brain is accepting it better? I'm sure crochet will click, it's just a matter of finding the right tutorial
@Alchemists Fire: that’s fair! I’d love to show you someday <3 I don’t really know how to explain the friendship bracelet knots either without showing you lol I guess same with crochet so you can see how I hold it and everything lol
For my friendship bracelets I always just left two ends to tie together lol I couldn’t figure out the fancy loops and stuff xD so I’d hold my string like 4 inches down so I had room to tie and even out the ends and then I’d stretch it down my arm almost to my other shoulder for length. That always gave me enough to work with. But it also depends on the number of strings in the design and like, how many knots are in that color. Because they wont end up even lengths at the bottom if theres a more complex pattern. So sometimes you need some of them to be longer than normal to accommodate.
For my friendship bracelets I always just left two ends to tie together lol I couldn’t figure out the fancy loops and stuff xD so I’d hold my string like 4 inches down so I had room to tie and even out the ends and then I’d stretch it down my arm almost to my other shoulder for length. That always gave me enough to work with. But it also depends on the number of strings in the design and like, how many knots are in that color. Because they wont end up even lengths at the bottom if theres a more complex pattern. So sometimes you need some of them to be longer than normal to accommodate.
@Ruby: There's a style I've seen with sliding knots that I wanna try, and another one with a short piece of square knots over the two ends so they slide within the square knot.
I found a couple of tutorials, will share them later because switching tabs and copying and coding is a pain on mobile haha
I want to make sure I can put my bracelet on if there's no one else around, and I don't trust that a metal clasp won't fail (not to mention I react to some metal clasps).
This actually gives me another really good reason to get a little tripod for my phone, so we can do vid calls or record ourselves trying stuff and then share with the other for help ^^
I have a hemp bracelet a friend made me with a big loop at one end and a big knot at the other. That one is hard to get on by myself too
I found a couple of tutorials, will share them later because switching tabs and copying and coding is a pain on mobile haha
I want to make sure I can put my bracelet on if there's no one else around, and I don't trust that a metal clasp won't fail (not to mention I react to some metal clasps).
This actually gives me another really good reason to get a little tripod for my phone, so we can do vid calls or record ourselves trying stuff and then share with the other for help ^^
I have a hemp bracelet a friend made me with a big loop at one end and a big knot at the other. That one is hard to get on by myself too
@Alchemists Fire: I feel like I probably know what you’re talking about but would need to see a pic first xD I’ve made several different kinds lol
Oh gotcha, I literally just tie mine one with the ends lol I like to braid the strands together and then tie the braids in a loose knot around my arm. I hold one end in the hand on that arm and then use my free hand to pull it tighter. I’ll show you in call or person sometime ^^
Oh gotcha, I literally just tie mine one with the ends lol I like to braid the strands together and then tie the braids in a loose knot around my arm. I hold one end in the hand on that arm and then use my free hand to pull it tighter. I’ll show you in call or person sometime ^^
@Alchemists Fire: I've only done a little bit of jewelry making. Honestly, mostly jewelry modification. I like getting things from thrift stores and reworking them into new pieces. I make a lot of my own bracelets, but those are almost all just beads on elastic. XD
Chainmail for your bjds sounds so cool! I love watching a few youtube channels that make dolls. The hair and clothes and stuff, it's so cool!
That sounds very cozy! I forget which one it is, but I remember reading that either knitting or crochet uses like twice the yarn for the same space. I think it's crochet that's worse, but I might have it backwards. Crochet is pretty easy once you get the hand of it. It's really all just the same thing over and over again. All the other stiches are just a slightly modified single crochet. So once you know how to do a single consistently , you can do anything.
I tried to do a little macrame. I can do like, giant friendship bracelets, where you do cool knots and stuff. But if it has a gap of empty space, I end up with my empty space being all different sizes.
I got a few tiny looms and I've been doing tiny weaving lately. Just like baby tapestries for my walls. It's a nice 1 or 2 day craft so I don't get bored. XD
I feel like cross stitch is pretty easy, as long as you don't care too much about what the back looks like. I recommend getting a tiny cross stitch kit so you can get a basic idea of what to do. I love doing classic game sprites! I'm working on a bunch of sprites from Super Mario 2. But I think I should have made it more like 1 bigger piece instead of a bunch of separate small ones. I don't really know what I'll do with them when it's done..
I want to do the loading screen or maybe cut scene, from some of my old favorite games. I think a Kirby one with clouds could be really pretty.
This is my coloring book: https://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Floral-Mandalas-Adult-Coloring/dp/1071268740
But I would happily get you the files for free. I can also show you what I started with the sacred geometry. I think it's all on my laptop. Which actually I should probably move to my google drive for safe keeping..
Chainmail for your bjds sounds so cool! I love watching a few youtube channels that make dolls. The hair and clothes and stuff, it's so cool!
That sounds very cozy! I forget which one it is, but I remember reading that either knitting or crochet uses like twice the yarn for the same space. I think it's crochet that's worse, but I might have it backwards. Crochet is pretty easy once you get the hand of it. It's really all just the same thing over and over again. All the other stiches are just a slightly modified single crochet. So once you know how to do a single consistently , you can do anything.
I tried to do a little macrame. I can do like, giant friendship bracelets, where you do cool knots and stuff. But if it has a gap of empty space, I end up with my empty space being all different sizes.

I feel like cross stitch is pretty easy, as long as you don't care too much about what the back looks like. I recommend getting a tiny cross stitch kit so you can get a basic idea of what to do. I love doing classic game sprites! I'm working on a bunch of sprites from Super Mario 2. But I think I should have made it more like 1 bigger piece instead of a bunch of separate small ones. I don't really know what I'll do with them when it's done..
I want to do the loading screen or maybe cut scene, from some of my old favorite games. I think a Kirby one with clouds could be really pretty.
This is my coloring book: https://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Floral-Mandalas-Adult-Coloring/dp/1071268740
But I would happily get you the files for free. I can also show you what I started with the sacred geometry. I think it's all on my laptop. Which actually I should probably move to my google drive for safe keeping..
@Ruby: I used to be really into amigurumi! I really like making little chibi cthulhu, because the tentacles are such fun to make. I've been trying to make things that are "practical" the last few years, which has ended up being like 6 blankets... But I'm working on a granny square sweater right now. I think they're so cute looking.
I never wear hats, I have like a thig about hats...? IDK.. But I bet they're fun to make!
I never wear hats, I have like a thig about hats...? IDK.. But I bet they're fun to make!
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.
@Lina: yes!!! I’ve made one of those too! Or I started one anyway, I can’t remember if I finished it or not xD I think one of the first things I ever made was an octopus so same concept lol
I totally understand the practical things lol I hurt my arm crocheting too much and now I’m like, I wanna make this but then what do I do with it lol
When I first started I made so many granny squares xD I should put them all together into something one of these days. I actually made a few granny square hats! Its like 4 around and one on top and then 2 rows of single crochet around the brim to finish it off. But I like the hats I make now much better lol they’re quicker and all one piece. I can make one from start to finish in about an hour. It was a pattern from tiktok for a bucket hat. Its a frog hat but I’ve been making them without the eyes lol I can try to find it if you’re interested. At the very least I have the pattern written down lol
Its all double crochet in joined rounds. It takes up a little more than half a normal sized skein.
Also to pop in to your other convo real quick, yes it is crochet that takes more yarn than knitting haha
And thats so cool that you have a coloring book! Its very pretty~
I totally understand the practical things lol I hurt my arm crocheting too much and now I’m like, I wanna make this but then what do I do with it lol
When I first started I made so many granny squares xD I should put them all together into something one of these days. I actually made a few granny square hats! Its like 4 around and one on top and then 2 rows of single crochet around the brim to finish it off. But I like the hats I make now much better lol they’re quicker and all one piece. I can make one from start to finish in about an hour. It was a pattern from tiktok for a bucket hat. Its a frog hat but I’ve been making them without the eyes lol I can try to find it if you’re interested. At the very least I have the pattern written down lol
Its all double crochet in joined rounds. It takes up a little more than half a normal sized skein.
Also to pop in to your other convo real quick, yes it is crochet that takes more yarn than knitting haha
And thats so cool that you have a coloring book! Its very pretty~
@Ruby: You probably do, lemme grab the links off my phone!
Square Sliding Knot v1, Square Sliding Knot v2
Simple Sliding Knot
Barrel Sliding Knot
I think part of the reason I didn't do the braid thing is some of the styles I was making didn't have enough strands to braid.
I'd love to see how you tie your bracelets!
@Lina: Jewellery modification sounds really fun! Nothing wrong with beads on elastic, there's definitely some talent in choosing the colours, shapes and styles of the beads, deciding the order to string them in, etc.
Tiny dolly chainmaille is really fun, but it can also be fiddly and frustrating. I'm limited in the ring sizes that are available for that scale, and so that limits the number of different patterns I can do. At least I have a few options for colours, so that lets me change things up a bit ♥
I googled, and it says "more yarn is used in crochet than knitting, for a comparable project", but I think it also depends on what knitting stitch is being used. I wouldn't be surprised if the double stockinette I'm doing takes more yarn than a single stockinette.
I think knitting is kind of the same? Everything is either a modified knit or modified purl? IDK, I'm not deep enough into it yet xD
Most of my attempts at macrame have been with yarn so far, cause I find it easier to learn with bigger string. I did one diagonal striped bracelet that reminded me of a bookmark when I was done, but I think it's too thick to actually be used in a book. I'd like to get back into it, because I do wanna try some of those pretty designs with spaces.
Tiny looms sound amazing! Weaving is really fun and relaxing, I'm just lazy with colour changes xD maybe I should build a tiny loom on cardboard and get weaving again, just to keep my hands busy!
I wanna get into cross stitch because I love the idea of IRL pixel art, haha. Doing a retro game screen would be really fun, or a loading scene would be cool! I can totally imagine doing a series of those! I wanna do a bunch of stuff with it, Pokemon sprites, Stardew Valley sprites, probably some retro video game stuff too.
Ohh, mandala colouring book, so pretty! If my mom was actually colouring in all the colouring books she's picked up I'd get it for her! We're in the (slow) process of trying to do a purge, so I'm trying not to bring in anything new at the moment, but I really appreciate the offer!
I'd still love to see the sacred geometry stuff whenever you have a chance =D ♥
Square Sliding Knot v1, Square Sliding Knot v2
Simple Sliding Knot
Barrel Sliding Knot
I think part of the reason I didn't do the braid thing is some of the styles I was making didn't have enough strands to braid.
I'd love to see how you tie your bracelets!
@Lina: Jewellery modification sounds really fun! Nothing wrong with beads on elastic, there's definitely some talent in choosing the colours, shapes and styles of the beads, deciding the order to string them in, etc.
Tiny dolly chainmaille is really fun, but it can also be fiddly and frustrating. I'm limited in the ring sizes that are available for that scale, and so that limits the number of different patterns I can do. At least I have a few options for colours, so that lets me change things up a bit ♥
I googled, and it says "more yarn is used in crochet than knitting, for a comparable project", but I think it also depends on what knitting stitch is being used. I wouldn't be surprised if the double stockinette I'm doing takes more yarn than a single stockinette.
I think knitting is kind of the same? Everything is either a modified knit or modified purl? IDK, I'm not deep enough into it yet xD
Most of my attempts at macrame have been with yarn so far, cause I find it easier to learn with bigger string. I did one diagonal striped bracelet that reminded me of a bookmark when I was done, but I think it's too thick to actually be used in a book. I'd like to get back into it, because I do wanna try some of those pretty designs with spaces.
Tiny looms sound amazing! Weaving is really fun and relaxing, I'm just lazy with colour changes xD maybe I should build a tiny loom on cardboard and get weaving again, just to keep my hands busy!
I wanna get into cross stitch because I love the idea of IRL pixel art, haha. Doing a retro game screen would be really fun, or a loading scene would be cool! I can totally imagine doing a series of those! I wanna do a bunch of stuff with it, Pokemon sprites, Stardew Valley sprites, probably some retro video game stuff too.
Ohh, mandala colouring book, so pretty! If my mom was actually colouring in all the colouring books she's picked up I'd get it for her! We're in the (slow) process of trying to do a purge, so I'm trying not to bring in anything new at the moment, but I really appreciate the offer!
I'd still love to see the sacred geometry stuff whenever you have a chance =D ♥
@Ruby: I made my daughter one of those rubberband bracelets awhile back, and I used to love doing macrame but it has been years since I've done macrame
@Alchemists Fire: they do all sorts, but I dont know what they will do tomorrow. Its been pretty hot and gross out that I dont wanna go outside but I have to.
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