Vanessa just turned to Aedan again before pulling her close. She leaned over to close the distance betwen her mouth and the zombie's ear before starting to whisper, making sure no one else could hear her words. The more she spoke, the more that Azazel could see the grasp that Vanessa had on Aedan. He could literally see how deep the elves claws were digging, and it was not hard to geuess that the effects would likely last awhile after this. If they ever got out.
"Chris." She started as she looked over to the elf, holding Aedan up.
"This doll will do anything and everything that is asked of her from you or I." She stated. "It has been so long since I managed to get anyone this well." She added with a laugh.
"Take her and make sure she's well acquainted with her new lot in life. Oh, and yes. She knows everything that is going on. I didn't block the memories. I like the idea of her being haunted."