She was completely silent as she walked into the library, and remained so as she looked around. She hated it here, wanted to be outside instead. She was never fond of being stuck inside. She had to though, she was stuck there due to having to find some information. What made it worse, was the fact that they were told, explicitly, to not use the internet for it. Had to use physical media - books, magazines, etc.
Letting out a string of curses that no ten year old should ever know, under her breath to not be heard of course, she looked through one of the encyclopedias while sitting on the floor between the shelves. As she was sitting there though, she paused as she heard loud footsteps.
"Huh?" She looked around, not entirely sure what it was that was to come next, but also knowing that she had to actually find out. Her curiosity wouldn't let her rest otherwise, after all.
She closed the book, put it back where she'd found it, grabbed her bag and hoisted it over a shoulder, before heading off toward the door, wondering what she was hearing. Or rather, who. She just knew that there were panicked footsteps., and no, they weren't very quiet.