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Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 08:57:00 )
@koneko: ah maybe altho..... my mom has a bathtub :D

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 13:55:43 )

@koneko: I just finished a bath myself (with a bath bomb of course). It was so nice ; u ;

@Unicorn: Yeah, actually managed to sleep pretty well last night surprisingly ^^;

@Ixora: I've heard of god eater... Is it good? :o
It's a book with words XD There's a couple ink drawings in it, but it's basically just normal book XD I'm fairly certain there's a manga too, but I don't think I actually got around to reading it for some reason?
Lol, yeah I found it :P It's on the charger now XD

Supernatural is basically the only TV series I watch with real actors I mean, not just voice actors XD I've been watching more anime lately. Recently finished K just the first season though, still gotta watch the movie and season 2 and I'm like half way through Noragami season 2?
He would totally let you pet him if you met him XD Chubs is a sweetheart <3 He's just very big... or at least for a lab I think he's big

It's been a while since I've had strawberry ice cream... Last ice cream I had was chocolate chip cookie dough with some hershey hard shell XD
Uh oh XD Guess I better be prepared I'm totally gonna forget though by the next time you spot one, I'm 100% sure of it... XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 14:38:57 )
@SamSpyroxis: the anime is alright, the game I think was better (as per other people - I've never played it)
Yeah, I think I've seen the manga in some book stores around and I might actually have one... somewhere here @.@
I have my phone with me too but I'm too lazy to get up, pick it up, and charge it >.>

Awww. So many good ones out there XD I finished both of those already altho I can't remember what happened in K season 2 @.@ I can't remember what happened in Noragami AT ALL XD
YEEEEESSS PETTING XD Awww. No dog is too big. I will love pet them all XD

I wanna have some ice cream right now. That sounds so good tho.
Depends when you make the next one tho XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 16:14:45 )
@Ixora: I think Bulk Apothecary carries it I know they carry about (6) different shower steamers, and several bath boms as well.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 16:48:06 )
@SamSpyroxis: well that is very good to hear, I waited until 8 to fall asleep last night, and I woke up around 8 am.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/8 23:53:04 )
@Unicorn: idk what Bulk Apothecary is but I'll keep it in mind :D

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 04:13:35 )
@Ixora: it is site name that has citric acid for making bath boms and a bunch of other stuff.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 06:36:55 )
@Unicorn: oh fun. I've been wanting to try making my own soap.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 13:58:28 )
@Ixora: oh I know what you mean there, I've been wanting to make soaps, bath boms and all kinds of stuff, I just haven't been able to yet.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 14:02:19 )

@Unicorn: Sounds like you were tired then o.o

@Ixora: I might look into getting the game if I can find it then XD
I'll have to look into it and see. If I don't have it I definitely want it now XD I think I love DMC a bit too much... But it's probably because it's one of the first console games I ever remember playing. That and Metal Gear Solid, 2 specifically because I know it's the one my uncle played and I temporarily stole it XD
I'm like that too xD Until it's actually like... In the red dying mode XD I need my phone for my alarms, so...

I have no idea yet, but I will once I finish Noragami I think XD I'll probably finish watching that either today or tomorrow since I'm off, tomorrow's more likely 'cause I have a family thing I need to try and make it to today if I'm awake in time It's been a little bit since I finished season 1, but I know my friend and I call the main character hobo god XD He doesn't have his own shrine so he sleeps at other gods shrines instead since he has no where else to go XD
I wanna know how there's dogs that are like the size of a bear I may be exaggerating, but they're freakin' huge! Only seen pics online though, never a super big dog in real life... lol, sounds like we have the same goal then XD

I had ice cream.... Last week I think? XD I mean I could have some now if I wanted 'cause it's in the freezer... but I'm already cold so...
This is true....

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 14:33:34 )
@SamSpyroxis: I was, and I will be all of this week, sadly. how are you doing?

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 14:47:30 )

@Unicorn: Oh no D: That's not good that's how I've been all week x.x
I'm alright, just chillin' out before I take a nap here shortly.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 14:52:30 )
@SamSpyroxis: I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that you can have a great nap.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/9 19:33:04 )
@SamSpyroxis: You totally should. I've been having a lot of fun playing with mine
I have many issues, gender things among them
I also have a ballet obsession and an unhealthy interest in Sonic the Hedgehog games. Take as you will, haha!
@ me, yo!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 04:28:22 )
@SamSpyroxis: yooo sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I find it hard to type out long replies on my phone D:
And if it more to the neverending games to play? XD
LMAO. UNIQLO had some pretty cool MGS shirts a couple of years ago XD
I got a tablet and a watch for alarms too but I don't really need alarms Don't have to wake up early lol

Did you finish Noragami? Yato is pretty much hobo god XD Noragami to me is like a less shoujo version of Kamisama Kiss lol.

There are actually really big dogs! XD I've seen a few irl. The downside of big dogs is... they eat a lot lol omg I keep mistyping dog as 'god'. It's a good goal imo

Despite being so cold today, I had some ice cream :3 It was nice.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 05:24:30 )

@Unicorn: yeah, I did at the time and I did just now too XD

@Onyx Popcorn: I've always had fun with mine :3 Hoping they aren't dried out or anything x.x

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 05:33:45 )

@Ixora: It's cool. Unfortunately I think I may be running into the same issue soon orz my laptop has currently shut down 3 times due to overheating apparently... But it's not even warm? The fans super loud though so I think something might be breaking down on the poor thing....
I have soooo many games to play... And I'm picking up Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition tomorrow XD
Neat :P Honestly kinda surprised my uncle never had any MGS shirts or anything, but I guess he didn't have a job either so...
I need to set alarms for reminding me to get ready for work XD I have a bad habit of not checking the time so I'll get distracted and forget then I'll have like 10 minutes to get myself ready and out the door with a 15 minute drive, so... XD

First season yeah. Didn't get around to watching anything yesterday since I just slept a lot x.x my body is so confused about when to sleep right now I love Yato XD I've never heard of Kamisama Kiss though. Kinda the same basic idea then?

This is true... Especially since my dog is small XD He's the size of a large cat and doesn't really eat much so.... I mean, it's basically the same thing right? XD totally true

Ice creams delicious though XD I kinda want some myself now to be honest, but I'm also lazy so I probably won't get any XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 11:47:27 )
@SamSpyroxis: nah It’s just toomcold and my laptop is so cold so I don’t wannt use it.
Oh no. Did you get it checked?
More games to add to the to play list? XD
that also kinda reminds me of my uncle tho he isn’t into video games XD
Lmao! I’m now so confused with the time. All my gadgets are on EST now except my iPad which won’t change timezones until I update it ; n ;

Nah. Kamisama Kiss is about this high school girl that becomes a goddess. It’s pretty fun tho but idk, the general thing reminds me of Noragami. It’s good but I do think Noragami is better unless you like shoujo.

I think where I went they said the dogs eat like 2 lbs of food a day but is iiiiit tho

That line is so me lol

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 13:10:10 )

@Ixora: I'll still use my laptop if it's freezing XD
Nah, it just started doing this. I'm hoping it's something I can figure out on my own, but if not... My laptop's kinda old anyway, so I'll probably just upgrade instead of repair it XD
All the games XD except sport games 'cause I don't play those unless it's like... snowboarding or tony hawk XD
lol. I kinda have my uncle to thank for being so into games now actually :3 If it wasn't for him I don't think I'd have played nearly as much as I do which some people would say would have been a good thing, but video games...
Oh wow XD I'll bet that is confusing then

Oh I see. I'm not... really sure to be honest XD I just watch stuff that sounds interesting to me, so...

That's a lot of food o.o

"I want ___ but I'm lazy so nah" is basically me in a nut shell XD
Always @ me

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/11 14:06:44 )
@SamSpyroxis: I can’t. When I touch it I get cold ; n ;
Oooh. Hope it works out well. I changed laptops last year too - best change ever lol XD
Eeep. Haven’t been playing much lately. I’m almost done with Borderlands 2 - I’m at the last questline XD and yeah I don’t do sports games either... racing games too lol
That’s nice tho XD my bro got me into the games lol

Lol. Same but I also look at the art >.>

Yeah. I think I’m remembering the number right

R u me tho? Lol

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