They only fall... a-part.
Can it be.. undone?

Azazel just sighed lightly, and smiled to himself, as he looked at the small package in his hand. It may have been small in size, but he knew what was in it. He'd gotten it, himself.
But it wasn't for HIM.
It was for someone else. Someone that he cared for very deeply.
And he knew what to get her, thanks to some timely advice from another, mutual, friend of theirs. He was grateful for it, and he was sure that its recipient would enjoy it.
Or at least, appreciate the gesture.
He made his way up to the front door of their townhouse, and let himself in.
"Aedan?" he called into the dwelling, as he kicked off his shoes and shut the door behind him. "Aedan? Helloooooo?" he called further, checking around the house for a bit, but finding no sign of her.
"Hm. Odd." he muttered. "I was sure she'd be home..." he mumbled further, before he snapped his fingers.
"Ah! She must be in the backyard!" he reasoned, making his way to the back door and opening it to see if she was, indeed, there.
Why can't I just be
The one
For once!?
The one
For once!?