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Forums Hangouts Tea Party For Creepers

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 08:53:37 )
@Lina: awww that's no good at all!!
@unicorn: How was your day?
@Austiderps: AWWWW Those are good days to have!!!
@RoseyWitch: Hello my dear! I'm doing pretty good. How about you??
@ishoji: haha A girl can hope it would go better. LOL

Always Ping Me

Tea Party For Creepers

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 09:12:44 )
@ravaen: xD this is true, well I hope it does go better
it's very interesting though

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 13:10:33 )
Good morning to you all, on this cold morning
I am on my cellphone posting
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — BirdPerson Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 17:59:13 )
@ravaen: Girl just a few more days now, you got this!!!!
But I've been alright, just rebounding from midterms and being sick.... and I really want to draw but no time /cries

We All Float Down Here
Art by me

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:41:29 )
@ravaen: oh hun I think we keep missing each other hahah.
How're you. ?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:48:46 )
@lina: I hope you're feeling better today! But I'm doing fine~

@ravaen: I'm glad you're doing well! I'm fine! Just got up not too long ago haha

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:51:33 )
@roseywitch: hi there ^_^ how's it going? Doesn't look like many people are on right now 3:

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:52:53 )
@austiderps: Hey! It's going well. haha I know!!! Everyone must be doing stuff. How's it going?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:55:05 )
@roseywitch: its going good
At work but ts hella slow so I'm on here trying to pass time ha . I need today to Ben over with I wanna go home and relax already lol . What are you up too today?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:58:12 )
@austiderps: I'm glald!
Hahaha oh man at least it's slow enough for you to be on here. I don't blame you though, work is tedious. But I'm going to be doing some art haha but right now I'm just chilling on the forums.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:05:39 )
@roseywitch: very true ha . I never get to get on cause I'm always busy so It's kind of nice. Just the day lags on and feels like its never going to end lol.

Oh nice what kind of art ?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:10:20 )
@austiderps: Ahhh I see, that is the downside of it not being busy. LOL How many hours until you're off?

Ahm digital painting, I haven't done it in a while so I've started to take it up again.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:13:41 )
@roseywitch: My day just started I got here at 7:30am. Off at 4:30pm :(
So about 6 more hours to go

Oh nice I'd love to see your art sometime

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:19:14 )
@austiderps: Oh man!!! Sheesh that sucks. D: I hope the day goes by quicker than usual.

Ah! I can send a wip right now, it's like close to done. haha I'm a big SU fan OTL

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:21:15 )
@roseywitch: thanks me too:( though I go on break I need 2 hours and have an hour break so I guess really only 5 hours left *_^

And whoa I love the hair !!! Really cool looking !

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:25:29 )
@austiderps: OOooo! That's good then haha an hour beak is nice! At least you've got that to look forward too. XD

Aaa!! Thank you! Hopefully I'l finish it oon

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:27:35 )
@roseywitch: I'm going to savor every single second on my break ha . Knowing that I'll only have a few hours left .

I deff wanna see when it's all finished ^_^_

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:49:33 )
@austiderps: Hahaha good! Do you have any days off soon?

Thank you! I'll be sure to show you when I'm finished!

I'm randomly active bc of anxiety!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:51:52 )
@roseywitch: yeah I'm usually off Mondays And Tuesday's so I sorta just had my weekend . It's never enough though lol

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:01:27 )
@ravaen: I need to do more drawing on the weekends! I have the time, but it's my only days off work so I'm always doing other things.

@ishoji: I can sit still, but then I'm crafting! coloring, crocheting, drawing, building, weaving. I keep my hands busy!
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

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