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Forums Hangouts Tea Party For Creepers

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 02:27:54 )
@ishoji: I would love it if the story line for them got better! LOL
@Unicorn: Hello my dear! It was pretty cold today for me too!!
@Ets: haha I'm using a friends tiny Bamboo tablet. I miss my old one since this one doesn't work well with sai at ALL! OTL But 5 more days!
I hope you get some time to draw soon!!!
@Austiderps: it would seem we are missing each other. LOL *glomps* PIGGY BACK RIDE!!!!
@Roseywitch: very nice! I've been up for awhile. hehe
@Lina: I am trying to draw using a friends tiny Bamboo tablet. OTL I miss my tablet! 5 more days to go!!!

Donator — BirdPerson Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 02:30:06 )
@ravaen: //chants//
You got this girl, but thanks lolol hopefully after this stinking midterm I can spend some time drawing ;.;

We All Float Down Here
Art by me

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 02:38:46 )
@ravaen: mine is a tiny bamboo. I don't know if I can use a big one after so many years small. XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 03:31:00 )
@Ravaen: sorry to hear that, it is rainy and nasty out here today
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 03:59:05 )
@ravaen: hey sweet cheeks :)
I'm off work in like an hour !! Can't wait to get home !

*runs around with you on my back*

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 04:23:38 )
@Lina: Then we be two with tiny bamboo tablet xD


Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 04:50:37 )
@teatales: high five!
Best tablets!!

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 05:16:13 )
@Ets: haha 5 days usually isn't that long...but right now it feels like 5 MONTHS! lol
That would be awesome!!! You need a break!
@Lina: trust me...once you go can NEVER go smaller. *wink wink* HAHA
@Unicorn: We have a bday party to do Saturday so I am hoping it stays nice till after. LOL
@austiderps: hehe Hey handsome! I poofed again. LOL you off work now? hehe
@TeaTales: O_O CUTE USERNAME!! oops...hehe Hello!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 05:27:08 )
@ravaen: it's okay I did too for a min there ha yeah I'm off work now yay! Time to go home and relax.

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 09:12:42 )
@Austiderps: haha yeah but I poof a lot! LOL (Cute avi by the way!)
I'm about to go read a book in bed. ^_^

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 09:44:18 )
@ravaen: oh no worries. I disappear a lot too from time to time ha.

And ty, was going for a Fall themed avi.
Ooo what book? I'm just in bed playing my Switch:)

Voltie — moo Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 20:56:06 )
I love tea. ^_^ I've never drawn with a bamboo tablet, just a wacom pen.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 23:45:16 )
@lina: Hawl yea * high five *
@ravaen: Hello .u./ thank you nothing like tea and a good tale am I right?

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 02:01:41 )
Lina: trust me...once you go can NEVER go smaller. *wink wink* HAHA

/abandons Ravaen forever :vanora_annoyed:

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 20:47:24 )
gOoood Morning guys ^_^ how's everyone doing today?

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 23:31:43 )
@ravaen: /glomps you
I lost my post because I haven't been on here in two days.
I took a "nap" yesterday and ended up sleeping for 13 hours. xD

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 22:41:48 )
@Austiderps: GOOD MORNING! *glomps*
You're welcome! And you did pull off the Fall theme! Oh the original Grimm brother stories. LOL
@Moossey: tea is the best! hehe Hello! And this is my first time using a Bamboo....I like my Wacom for sure! :)
@Teatales: Exactly!! I just had a cuppa and I'm wanting another. LOL
@Lina: NOOOOOOO! Don't abandon me..../cries at the bottom of the cage/
@Yuracye: *glomps back* Cute avi!! hehe
No worries...I get lost all the time. LOL
WOW! I wish I could sleep for that long! OTL

Always Ping Me

Tea Party For Creepers

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 22:43:55 )
@ravaen: oh well thank you ^_^
And oooo that sounds awesome !

I'm at work rn Saveeeee meeee

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 22:44:23 )
@ravaen: Strange I did not get this ping!
/glomps back!

Thanks! Figured I'd make a cute male one. Idk. I get tired of the female ones sometimes. xD It's very rare but it happens. u vu ///
Hehe. At least I'm not alone. <3
I'm surprised I slept for that long tbh. I normally sleep about 8?? /shrugs. Apparently I really needed it.

TH | dA

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 00:02:15 )
Forever!!!! Foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

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