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Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 21:00:27 )
@ishoji: hehe thank you! Candy is a no no for me but I love it so much. haha
@Ets: HAHA I was shocked when I saw in the mail box! And happy...very happy. hehe Oh I've been drawing things for myself and a few customs for others. :)
how you doing??
@Lina: GAH! NOOOOO *escapes from cage and clings to you*
@teatales: wow that is a lot of books you are reading at once! haha I tend to bounce around with my books. I started the Sookie Stackhouse series (again) then started the Thirst series (again), and another series I can't remember the name of....grrr.....oh and some manga online. HAHA

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 21:24:03 )
@ravaen: if you could escape, why were you in the cage so long? Was it all a lie!?!? /tries to walk

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 21:50:48 )
@Lina: have you forgotten that YOU put me in the cage??
Proof! *digs feet into ground more*

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 22:03:29 )
@ravaen: but then you go escaping!? As easily as if you could have escaped all along! Were you ever really trapped at all!? :vanora_cry:

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 22:23:16 )
@Lina: I think Tragicomedy grabbed the key when I pulled them in with me. And just now when you tried to walk away I reached through the cage door bars and it just....opened. OTL

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 23:38:24 )
@ravaen: I still have suspicions, but I'll accept this answer.
/continues to try to get away
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator — BirdPerson Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 23:38:57 )
@ravaen: Girl you should show me what you got done! I wanna see!!!!
But I haven't really gotten to draw anything ;.; been busy with freaking papers //sobs

We All Float Down Here
Art by me

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/19 23:46:47 )
@Lina: IT'S THE TRUTH!! OTL *holds on tighter* You can't leave!!
@Ets: haha Mostly Ferin and Xynthii Refs of my babes at the moment. :) Been getting art too. hehe Lots of Sangwoo and Bum. HEHE
Got my Joker themed babe now too
He isn't JOKER though...just likes the character a lot so he does Cosplay with his Girlfriend, Queenie ^_^

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/20 09:13:00 )
@ravaen: awe why can't you eat candy >: you can't even have a little?

@lina: yes, that means you're always creating nice things xD just be careful and don't overwork your hands

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 04:38:46 )
@ishoji: I can have a little but it will mess me up. lol I have stage 4 endometriosis. I had surgery a bit over a year ago to get it removed but it came back....with vengeance. So I have to change what I eat or it will cause a BUNCH of pain and my belly will swell up. OTL It's not fun at ALL.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 05:01:09 )
@ravaen: awe sorry to hear that :< least you can have a little bit, as long as you know how much is too much ><

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 07:30:48 )
Hey it's what's upp!!!?? Who else is freaking out over the Halloween event ,??:D

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 08:40:31 )
@ishoji: yeah that is true. I am learning where the boundaries are for sure. LOL
@Austiderps: HEY YOU!! *glomps* I just logged on so haven't seen anything as of yet. hehe

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 09:09:13 )
@austiderps: xD the event items look really nice

@ravaen: thats good at least xD well more candy for the kids I guess?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 09:22:20 )
@Ravaen: oh you will soon hun lol
*glomp tackles* missed you!

@ishoji: Yeah they do I love them so far!

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 22:20:33 )
@ishoji: haha nah we don't really give the kids a lot of candy either. Mostly bc my son is ADHD so it just sets him up for getting into trouble. OTL But we let them have some here and there and only on the weekends. LOL

@Austiderps: THEY ARE SO CUTE!! You is looking good as always! The boots are my fave at the moment. hehe *huggles* Missed you too!!!

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 22:25:27 )
@austiderps: same xD were you able to get a set already?

@ravaen: oh ok that’s totally understandable xD I dont let my niece and nephew have too much too because they just get way too hyper and out of control .-. tough to have the grandparents not indulge them though lmao

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 22:28:09 )
@ishoji: haha I got lucky. My mom and dad usually keep the sugar to a minimum. I long as they don't give him a bunch THEN send him home....that's frustrating. LOL But if they have like game night with junk food...he's still with them for a few more nights before he comes home. hehe

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 22:34:39 )
@ravaen: lmao that’s good at least, I mean the kids settle down by the time they head back home but it’s me and my brother who are babysitting that end up dealing with there never ending energy so we’re exhausted lmao

Donator — DemonQueen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/21 22:36:00 )
@ishoji: haha not my son. If he gets ANY sugar in his system...he is bouncing off the walls for HOURS! OTL Even without sugar he has a BUNCH of energy that I wish I could steal bc man I feel so old. OTL

Always Ping Me

Tea Party For Creepers

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