@Night xiv: Hey, that works too. xD
Ugh, I know that feeling. It's hard to feel satisfied making a new avi when you don't have enough items. ^^; But it still works out. I feel like i've said this before with one of your past avis, but this one is giving me witchy vibes! o 3o Or Homestruck...but i don't know the series too well lol.
Most of the items i used are commons are event items tbh. xD You can always count on them to complete an avi!

@Deaa: Yep! I'm gonna try and commit to it this time! So far so good. xD I think I gave myself too much expectations the last time...lol.
@cedes: I don't actually see any links to your weebly. ^^;
And thank you! I'm getting back into the art flow again!