0v7's posts
Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
I'm back from the vet! I got distracted by cooking eheh >w>
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Wildfire: I do! It seems both are pretty much cure-able with time and antibiotics TwT
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
I'm back from the vet!
Our cat Burrberry has a staph infection on his belly, and his torn claw is infected too. The antibiotic they gave us will treat both, it seems. We have to keep an eye on the claw, and give him his antibiotic of course, but other than that he's doing good!
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in Moody's Spoopy free art |Mystery Dice roll
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@MoodyBats: It's alright! I'm at the vet with my cat.
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in Moody's Spoopy free art |Mystery Dice roll
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
I'm so excited for the event, that I can't decide on which threads to actually hang out in lol
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Wildfire: We'll see how I'm feeling in about 5 minutes lol. Still not entirely awake. Hopefully you can get some rest - sleep or not!
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Koah: That's so cool of your local library to do that!! I wish I knew if there was one nearby...
That's a lot of money D: I don't think I've ever spent that much myself on something...
That's a lot of money D: I don't think I've ever spent that much myself on something...
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
I ended up taking a nap. =v=
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Wildfire: Sounds like you've been productive!!
I'm good! just juggling my dailies for avatar sites, ehehehe. I'd cook today but I'm not sure when we're leaving for the vet today - I don't wanna start cooking and then realize we're leaving in the middle of it lol.
I'm good! just juggling my dailies for avatar sites, ehehehe. I'd cook today but I'm not sure when we're leaving for the vet today - I don't wanna start cooking and then realize we're leaving in the middle of it lol.
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Wildfire: Welcome back!!
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in Smoke and Mirrors - card readings!
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Kitalpha Hart: Omg!!! Thank you for the card reading - the "wears very little" cracks me up ehehehe
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
It's surprising to hear that an event explained dia de muertos to kids! Where I live, people haven't even heard of it before... which leads to interesting questions. "Why do you have skull makeup on? It's not Halloween!" and such. I think my aunt, uncle, & cousins went to a trunk or treat... I didn't go, 'cause I don't like being near people and also I don't like candy that much lol.
Yeah, they are. The closest vet to us has been booked for a week in advance for months now. D:
I hope so too, the hardest part I think is getting him in the carrier. We'll find out! The appointment's at 4pm my time, and it's 10am here right now. I'm pretty sure my roommate is forgoing her rent to pay for the vet visit instead, which is preferable honestly.
Yeah, they are. The closest vet to us has been booked for a week in advance for months now. D:
I hope so too, the hardest part I think is getting him in the carrier. We'll find out! The appointment's at 4pm my time, and it's 10am here right now. I'm pretty sure my roommate is forgoing her rent to pay for the vet visit instead, which is preferable honestly.
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35!
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
Thank you!! They took... so long... @u@
I made 15 total - it could've and should've been 16, had I cut them more evenly. I might have one of the leftover bread rolls as a snack...
I made 15 total - it could've and should've been 16, had I cut them more evenly. I might have one of the leftover bread rolls as a snack...
"If you stop staring straight through me."

Posted in ┤▒├ WRRECT ┤▒├ come chat any time! ┤▒├ games, art, prizes, discussion...
Posted 4 years ago
"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
@Koah: I would've had a bit to drink for dia de muertos if I even had thought of the fact that I'm 21 now lol
It's good to get kids out and about, even if it involved social distancing. I for one could use some time outside lol
It's surprising that there aren't more 24 hour car shops! A couple months ago my uncle's car broke down in the city, an hour and a half away, and we had a lot of trouble finding a car shop that was even open on a Sunday.
We're taking a financial hit too - our new cat's got a claw injury and we're taking him to the vet today. My roommate offered to pay for it, which is nice, but also... I'm worried if it'll impact our general funds for groceries and stuff.
It's good to get kids out and about, even if it involved social distancing. I for one could use some time outside lol
It's surprising that there aren't more 24 hour car shops! A couple months ago my uncle's car broke down in the city, an hour and a half away, and we had a lot of trouble finding a car shop that was even open on a Sunday.
We're taking a financial hit too - our new cat's got a claw injury and we're taking him to the vet today. My roommate offered to pay for it, which is nice, but also... I'm worried if it'll impact our general funds for groceries and stuff.
"If you stop staring straight through me."