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Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Right now I've got 699 badges (nice)

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

How much do you have >w>
I've been spending mine in batches, like once a day maybe?

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'd ask - I think after the 16th aka 11:59pm Voltra time on Sunday's the deadline??

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Or, well, the 16th -which I THINK is Sunday?? Covid messed up my time skills

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."


"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'm good!! A lil sleepy, but when am I not >w>

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Potato soup sounds so good... Why is food so good!!
Also hello Kiwi :3

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

That sounds so good :Q
I feel like it'd be good to use in thick soups?? Like squash soup

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I hardly eat dairy cheese - mostly just goat cheese when I do, which, goat cheese isn't actually very cheesy ?? It's tart lol
I think I'll get a small container of nutritional yeast and see how it goes :D

Also hey there!

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I'm definitely gonna have turnip greens with some squash soup this evening :D

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

What does nutritional yeast taste like ?? I've been wondering if I should pick some up, but I've got no idea how to use it >w>

also they were good! I rehydrated them in boiled water for like, 15 minutes - they still had a liiiittle bit of a chew, but not much :D I seasoned them with paprika, salt, and garlic powder n they were good :3 For reference, I got dried sliced shiitake mushrooms so they're pretty strong on their own !!

also, the turnip greens came out well! Roughly the texture of spinach, but not much of a flavor in itself other than the vague taste of "this is boiled leaves" lol
I also added garlic powder, paprika, n salt to em and they were good - boiling them with like, 4 cloves of minced garlic didn't even impart any flavor? ???

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

Post blindly /joking

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

I ended up just having roasted zucchini with rehtdrated mushrooms on the side - the turnip greens are taking forever to cook.

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

:0 I'll have to check out my local store

"They keep their secrets locked inside."