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@Shadami: OOOHH, THANK YOU for the art! Now to remember how I get it to fit in my post. xD It's been ages since I used flobs. Also I feel like we all hate our own art, myself included.

@Wildfire: Yeah, my siblings are the hardest to shop for BECAUSE their interests change so much (I'm the oldest of 5). I'm contemplating shopping online for some of them, but I worry about timeliness of delivery and also porch pirates or failed deliveries. But thank you, and I hope your shopping goes well whenever you get around to it!
Posted in Through the Looking Glass Event FAQ Posted 4 years ago
Just wanted to say thanks for rounding up my pawns. xD That weird number was killing me!

Also thanks so much guys for this event! <3 I had a ton of fun with it!
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
I'm glad you guys were able to get the Amethyst! I'm lucky I won mine from the orbs lol.

This was the first time I bought bundles too. I bought the orb bundle and the crate bundle just now. xD That ohm bonus really came in handy!!
@Wildfire: Aw, I'm sorry. D; That's the worst, when your sleep gets messed up. I wanted to go to Kohl's to see if I can find a jewelry piece for my mom, something similar to what she recently lost. I'm not sure where else we'll go besides back to IKEA to get my son a mattress for his bed that my parents gave us.

I have trouble coming up with gift ideas anymore because people's tastes change. I need to ask my siblings what they like these days. xDD
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
Ha, we aren't allowed to sit, only float. xD That made me giggle.

I love these crate items, so bought the bundle thingy. I was a bit disappointed that the legs didn't come separate from the skirt too, but I do appreciate all the hard work that went into these items. <3
@Wildfire: Aw, did you get enough sleep last night? Glad you're okay otherwise. I'm doing well. Kinda hanging out at the house before we go out and try to do some Christmas shopping.
That's awesome!

Our current place recently switched ownership. I wasn't sure what to expect with the switch, but even though our current owners live out of state (for now, as they plan on moving down here within a year) I really like them.

I notice there are some things the former owner never fixed that he said he would. It's nothing that NEEDS to be fixed immediately, but I wonder how that'll reflect on the new owners once we decide to move out. I'd like my deposit back, y'know?

@Wildfire: How are you today?
I've heard horror stories about landlords and that's really upsetting.

My gripe about the last place I lived--if we said we needed something fixed/looked at, the maintenance dude got to pick and choose the time he came by. Didn't matter if we were available to let him in. He'd call maybe an hour ahead of time, and that was that. I HATE having people over when I'm not home (or at least my fiance needs to be home) because I'm afraid of people stealing our shit.

It's ONE thing if it's an emergency, like flooding or fire, but if it's not? Fuck off until we're home, goddamnit. Excuse my language, but that stuff REALLY is a pet peeve of mine.
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild's B/S/T Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Are you still looking for a Silent Night and Krampus? If so, I can sell you 1 of each for 10k total?
Posted in The Surge: December Crates! Posted 4 years ago
AWESOME JOB to all those involved with bringing these sets to us! Thank you guys so much!! <333
There go my ohms. xD
@Wildfire: No problem. Are there any items you wanted in particular, and did you get them?

@sunny: You're welcome, and everyone has their strengths. Guess we're opposites. xD Also yum, KFC sounds so good right now.
@Wildfire: Yeah I was going back and forth with the idea of the purchase, but honestly it's not a lot to ask for if you only donate that amount once a season. For me anyway, since I can't speak for others.

And that makes sense. I was just going to buy the items that I like with volts, but this makes things easier. I hope you can find the things you're missing with ease!
@0v7: Woot! Yay for easy solutions. Thank you!
@0v7: Oh hey, I see you're buying an Opal, which is just the thing I was thinking about selling/trading. xD Wanna trade that for the Emerald? I thiiink they're about the same value since they're both "common"?