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@Alorrena: You're welcome! I wish we had a dream avi maker here, or the ability to ghost inventories like Gaia. Then I'd volunteer to make avis for people if they wanted. Like I want to make another avi now, but I don't want to change just yet. xP
Posted in Roe v. Wade Posted 3 years ago
It's absolutely terrifying, but I have hope that it won't be forever. We just have to be the change we want, starting with voting.

I read that some other countries are taking note and working on codifying their abortion laws in the best way, meaning trying to keep it a basic human right.
@Alorrena: Thank you so much! <3 I like yours as well. I'm no good at making cutesy avis. xD

@star2000shadow: No problem. :) Thanks for buying!
@Alorrena: Sure thing! Sending a trade, and thanks for buying!
@Yae Meiji: I can sell you 2 of the current crates, which contain the Bite for You? 5k each if you're interested?
@Totalanimefan: You're welcome, and thanks for buying! Enjoy!
@Totalanimefan: Works for me!
@Totalanimefan: If you're looking to get rid of event currency, I'll take some. I got my set, but I'm looking to buy doubles for 4 more items.
@Totalanimefan: For you, it's on the house. <3 You've given me so much over the years, it's the least I can do. Trade coming your way!
@Wildfire: No worries! I've been at work all day, so totally got it lol.

I've been doing okay. How about you?
@NixieFae: No problem at all, and thank you as well! :)
Posted in Just a Phase (Item Design Contest) Posted 3 years ago

Entry 1 inspired by Jacobs Sheep, which are sheep known to have 4 or more horns. <3
Entry 2 inspired by magical creatures, to be honest. It's a corset top with dragon scales on the bustier part and the "fringe" looking parts at the top and bottom are meant to be like sheer wings.
Entry 3 are just simple platform booties. :) I live for platforms, and we need more of them!!
@Wildfire: You got it! Sending a trade shortly! <3
@Shark: Sure thing! Sending a trade shortly!
@Clover: You got it! I'll send a trade shortly!
@NixieFae: Of course! Sending a trade shortly!